GUI Demos

The links in this section showcase TVB’s web interface.



Exploring a Model phase space.


Launch a simulation.

Data Management


View the data types in a project


Operations executed in the project



Time series view


3D brain activity view


Dual Brain Activity Visualizer


Volume Visualizer


Connectivity Matrix Editor

Python Demos

These tutorials are written as IPython Notebooks and they use the scripting interface of TVB. They can be run interactively if you have TVB’s scientific library and ipython installed.

The first set of “basic” tutorials are listed roughly in the order they should be read, and cover the basic functionality of TVB’s simulator package using very simple examples.


Analyze Region Corrcoef


Compare Connectivity Normalization


Display Source Sensor Geometry


Exploring Longer Time Series


Exploring The Bold Monitor


Exploring A Surface Mesh


Generate Surrogate Connectivity


Integrators Presentation


Integrators Comparison


Generate a new model using DSL


Simulate Bold Continuation


Simulate Reduced Wong Wang


Simulate Region Bold Stimulus


Simulate Region Jansen Rit


Simulate Region Stimulus


Simulate Surface Seeg Eeg Meg


Using Your Own Connectivity


Applying multiple Stimuli


Exploring Epileptor 2D


Exploring Resting State in Epilepsy


Exploring the Epileptor 3D


Simulate SEEG for Epileptor with Observation Noise

Interact with TVB Framework


Interacting With The Framework


Generate TimeSeries for import in Web GUI


Encrypt Files before upload in TVB Web GUI


Launch BIDS derivatives importer


Integrating with SIIBRA

Interact with TVB REST Client API


Interacting with TVBClient API by launching simulation and analyzer methods


Interacting with TVBClient API importers



Interacting With The Framework and Allen


Simulate for Mouse


These are the first demos of the experimental use of TVB from the MATLAB environment, and they will be expanded in the future.


Reduced Wong-Wang model


Two Epileptor simulation