# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
# https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/neuroscience-publications
.. moduleauthor:: Calin Pavel <calin.pavel@codemart.ro>
.. moduleauthor:: Lia Domide <lia.domide@codemart.ro>
import os
import shutil
from threading import Lock
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED, BadZipfile
from tvb.basic.logger.builder import get_logger
from tvb.basic.profile import TvbProfile
from tvb.storage.h5.decorators import synchronized
from tvb.storage.h5.file.exceptions import FileStructureException
from tvb.storage.h5.file.xml_metadata_handlers import XMLWriter, XMLReader
class FilesHelper(object):
This class manages all Structure related operations, using File storage.
It will handle creating meaning-full entities and retrieving existent ones.
def __init__(self):
self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__module__)
# PROJECT RELATED methods ##################################
def check_created(self, path):
Check that the given folder exists, otherwise create it, with the entire tree of parent folders.
This method is synchronized, for parallel access from events, to avoid conflicts.
# if this is meant to be used concurrently it might be better to catch OSError 17 then checking exists
if not os.path.exists(path):
self.logger.debug("Creating folder:" + str(path))
os.makedirs(path, mode=TvbProfile.current.ACCESS_MODE_TVB_FILES)
os.chmod(path, TvbProfile.current.ACCESS_MODE_TVB_FILES)
except OSError:
raise FileStructureException("Could not create Folder" + str(path))
def get_projects_folder():
base_path = TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE
if TvbProfile.current.web.ENCRYPT_STORAGE and TvbProfile.current.web.CAN_ENCRYPT_STORAGE \
and TvbProfile.current.web.DECRYPT_PATH:
base_path = TvbProfile.current.web.DECRYPT_PATH
return os.path.join(base_path, FilesHelper.PROJECTS_FOLDER)
def get_project_folder(self, project_name, *sub_folders):
Retrieve the root path for the given project.
If root folder is not created yet, will create it.
complete_path = os.path.join(self.get_projects_folder(), project_name)
if sub_folders is not None:
complete_path = os.path.join(complete_path, *sub_folders)
if not os.path.exists(complete_path):
return complete_path
def get_project_folder_from_h5(h5_file):
op_folder = os.path.dirname(h5_file)
return os.path.dirname(op_folder)
def rename_project_structure(self, project_name, new_name):
""" Rename Project folder or THROW FileStructureException. """
path = self.get_project_folder(project_name)
folder = os.path.split(path)[0]
new_full_name = os.path.join(folder, new_name)
if os.path.exists(new_full_name):
raise IOError("Path exists %s " % new_full_name)
os.rename(path, new_full_name)
return path, new_full_name
except Exception:
self.logger.exception("Could not rename node!")
raise FileStructureException("Could not rename to %s" % new_name)
# OPERATION related METHODS Start Here #########################
def remove_operation_data(self, project_name, operation_id):
Remove H5 storage fully.
complete_path = self.get_project_folder(project_name, str(operation_id))
self.logger.debug("Removing: " + str(complete_path))
self.remove_folder(complete_path, False)
except FileStructureException:
self.logger.exception("Could not remove files")
raise FileStructureException("Could not remove files for OP" + str(operation_id))
# DATA-TYPES METHODS Start Here #####################
def move_datatype(self, new_project_name, new_op_id, full_path):
Move H5 storage into a new location
folder = self.get_project_folder(new_project_name, str(new_op_id))
full_new_file = os.path.join(folder, os.path.split(full_path)[1])
os.rename(full_path, full_new_file)
except Exception:
self.logger.exception("Could not move file")
raise FileStructureException("Could not move " + full_path)
# IMAGES METHODS Start Here #######################
def get_images_folder(self, project_name, images_folder):
Computes the name/path of the folder where to store images.
project_folder = self.get_project_folder(project_name)
images_folder = os.path.join(project_folder, images_folder)
return images_folder
def _compute_image_metadata_file(self, figure, images_folder):
Computes full path of image meta data XML file.
name = figure.file_path.split('.')[0]
images_folder = self.get_images_folder(figure.project.name, images_folder)
return os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, images_folder, name + XMLWriter.FILE_EXTENSION)
def get_allen_mouse_cache_folder(self, project_name):
project_folder = self.get_project_folder(project_name)
folder = os.path.join(project_folder, self.ALLEN_MOUSE_CONNECTIVITY_CACHE_FOLDER)
return folder
# GENERIC METHODS Start Here #######################
def copy_file(source, dest, dest_postfix, buffer_size):
Copy a file from source to dest. source and dest can either be strings or
any object with a read or write method, like StringIO for example.
should_close_source = False
should_close_dest = False
if not hasattr(source, 'read'):
source = open(source, 'rb')
should_close_source = True
if not hasattr(dest, 'write'):
if dest_postfix is not None:
dest = os.path.join(dest, dest_postfix)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)):
dest = open(dest, 'wb')
should_close_dest = True
shutil.copyfileobj(source, dest, length=buffer_size)
if should_close_source:
if should_close_dest:
def remove_files(file_list, ignore_exception=False):
:param file_list: list of file paths to be removed.
:param ignore_exception: When True and one of the specified files could not be removed, an exception is raised.
for file_ in file_list:
if os.path.exists(file_):
if os.path.isfile(file_):
if os.path.isdir(file_):
except Exception:
logger = get_logger(__name__)
logger.exception("Could not remove " + str(file_))
if not ignore_exception:
def remove_folder(folder_path, ignore_errors):
Given a folder path, try to remove that folder from disk.
:param folder_path: Folder to be removed
:param ignore_errors: When False throw FileStructureException if folder_path is invalid.
if os.path.isdir(folder_path):
shutil.rmtree(folder_path, ignore_errors)
if not ignore_errors:
raise FileStructureException("Given path does not exists, or is not a folder " + str(folder_path))
def compute_size_on_disk(file_path):
Given a file's path, return size occupied on disk by that file.
Size should be a number, representing size in KB.
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
return int(os.path.getsize(file_path) / 1024)
return 0
def compute_recursive_h5_disk_usage(start_path):
Computes the disk usage of all h5 files under the given directory.
:param start_path:
:return: A tuple of size in kiB
total_size = 0
n_files = 0
for dir_path, _, file_names in os.walk(start_path):
for f in file_names:
if f.endswith('.h5'):
fp = os.path.join(dir_path, f)
total_size += os.path.getsize(fp)
n_files += 1
return int(round(total_size / 1024.))
class TvbZip(ZipFile):
def __init__(self, dest_path, mode):
ZipFile.__init__(self, dest_path, mode, ZIP_DEFLATED, True)
except Exception as excep:
raise FileStructureException("Could not open the given ZIP file..." + str(excep))
self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__module__)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback):
def write_zip_folder(self, folder, exclude, need_parent_folder=False):
write folder contents in archive
:param folder: root folder in archive. Defaults to "" the archive root
:param exclude: a list of file or folder names that will be recursively excluded
:param need_parent_folder: if it is True, the parent_folder will be added as well to the zip file name
parent_folder = folder
if need_parent_folder:
parent_folder, _ = os.path.split(folder)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
for ex in exclude:
ex = str(ex)
if ex in dirs:
if ex in files:
for file_n in files:
abs_file_n = os.path.join(root, file_n)
zip_file_n = abs_file_n[len(parent_folder) + len(os.sep):]
self.write(abs_file_n, zip_file_n)
def write_zip_folders(self, folders, exclude):
This method creates a ZIP file with all folders provided as parameters
:param folders: array with the FULL names/path of the folders to add into ZIP
:param exclude: a list of file or folder names that will be recursively excluded
for folder in set(folders):
self.write_zip_folder(folder, exclude, True)
def unpack_zip(self, folder_path):
""" Simple method to unpack ZIP archive in a given folder. """
def to_be_excluded(name):
excluded_paths = ["__MACOSX/", ".DS_Store"]
for excluded in excluded_paths:
if name.startswith(excluded) or name.find('/' + excluded) >= 0:
return True
return False
result = []
for filename in self.namelist():
if not to_be_excluded(filename):
result.append(self.extract(filename, folder_path))
return result
except BadZipfile as excep:
self.logger.exception("Could not process zip file")
raise FileStructureException("Invalid ZIP file..." + str(excep))
except Exception as excep:
self.logger.exception("Could not process zip file")
raise FileStructureException("Could not unpack the given ZIP file..." + str(excep))