Source code for tvb.simulator.models.stefanescu_jirsa

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package. This package holds all simulators, and
# analysers necessary to run brain-simulations. You can use it stand alone or
# in conjunction with TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
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Models developed by Stefanescu-Jirsa, based on reduced-set analyses of infinite populations.

import numpy
from scipy.integrate import trapz as scipy_integrate_trapz
from scipy.stats import norm as scipy_stats_norm
from .base import Model
from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import NArray, Final, List, Range

[docs] class ReducedSetBase(Model): number_of_modes = 3 nu = 1500 nv = 1500
[docs] def configure(self): super(ReducedSetBase, self).configure() if numpy.mod(self.nv, self.number_of_modes): raise ValueError("nv (%d) must be divisible by the number_of_modes (%d), nu mod n_mode = %d", self.nv, self.number_of_modes, self.nv % self.number_of_modes) if numpy.mod(, self.number_of_modes): raise ValueError("nu (%d) must be divisible by the number_of_modes (%d), nu mod n_mode = %d",, self.number_of_modes, % self.number_of_modes) self.update_derived_parameters()
[docs] class ReducedSetFitzHughNagumo(ReducedSetBase): r""" A reduced representation of a set of Fitz-Hugh Nagumo oscillators, [SJ_2008]_. The models (:math:`\xi`, :math:`\eta`) phase-plane, including a representation of the vector field as well as its nullclines, using default parameters, can be seen below: .. _phase-plane-rFHN_0: .. figure :: img/ReducedSetFitzHughNagumo_01_mode_0_pplane.svg :alt: Reduced set of FitzHughNagumo phase plane (xi, eta), 1st mode. The (:math:`\xi`, :math:`\eta`) phase-plane for the first mode of a reduced set of Fitz-Hugh Nagumo oscillators. .. _phase-plane-rFHN_1: .. figure :: img/ReducedSetFitzHughNagumo_01_mode_1_pplane.svg :alt: Reduced set of FitzHughNagumo phase plane (xi, eta), 2nd mode. The (:math:`\xi`, :math:`\eta`) phase-plane for the second mode of a reduced set of Fitz-Hugh Nagumo oscillators. .. _phase-plane-rFHN_2: .. figure :: img/ReducedSetFitzHughNagumo_01_mode_2_pplane.svg :alt: Reduced set of FitzHughNagumo phase plane (xi, eta), 3rd mode. The (:math:`\xi`, :math:`\eta`) phase-plane for the third mode of a reduced set of Fitz-Hugh Nagumo oscillators. The system's equations for the i-th mode at node q are: .. math:: \dot{\xi}_{i} &= c\left(\xi_i-e_i\frac{\xi_{i}^3}{3} -\eta_{i}\right) + K_{11}\left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} A_{ik}\xi_k-\xi_i\right] - K_{12}\left[\sum_{k =1}^{o} B_{i k}\alpha_k-\xi_i\right] + cIE_i \\ &\, + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} \mathbf{\Gamma}(\xi_{kq}, \xi_{kr}, u_{qr})\right] + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} W_{\zeta}\cdot\xi_{kr} \right] \\ \dot{\eta}_i &= \frac{1}{c}\left(\xi_i-b\eta_i+m_i\right) \\ & \\ \dot{\alpha}_i &= c\left(\alpha_i-f_i\frac{\alpha_i^3}{3}-\beta_i\right) + K_{21}\left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} C_{ik}\xi_i-\alpha_i\right] + cII_i \\ & \, + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} \mathbf{\Gamma}(\xi_{kq}, \xi_{kr}, u_{qr})\right] + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} W_{\zeta}\cdot\xi_{kr}\right] \\ & \\ \dot{\beta}_i &= \frac{1}{c}\left(\alpha_i-b\beta_i+n_i\right) .. automethod:: ReducedSetFitzHughNagumo.update_derived_parameters #NOTE: In the Article this modelis called StefanescuJirsa2D """ # Define traited attributes for this model, these represent possible kwargs. tau = NArray( label=r":math:`\tau`", default=numpy.array([3.0]), domain=Range(lo=1.5, hi=4.5, step=0.01), doc="""doc...(prob something about timescale seperation)""") a = NArray( label=":math:`a`", default=numpy.array([0.45]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""doc...""") b = NArray( label=":math:`b`", default=numpy.array([0.9]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""doc...""") K11 = NArray( label=":math:`K_{11}`", default=numpy.array([0.5]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""Internal coupling, excitatory to excitatory""") K12 = NArray( label=":math:`K_{12}`", default=numpy.array([0.15]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""Internal coupling, inhibitory to excitatory""") K21 = NArray( label=":math:`K_{21}`", default=numpy.array([0.15]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""Internal coupling, excitatory to inhibitory""") sigma = NArray( label=r":math:`\sigma`", default=numpy.array([0.35]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""Standard deviation of Gaussian distribution""") mu = NArray( label=r":math:`\mu`", default=numpy.array([0.0]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""Mean of Gaussian distribution""") # Used for phase-plane axis ranges and to bound random initial() conditions. state_variable_range = Final( label="State Variable ranges [lo, hi]", default={"xi": numpy.array([-4.0, 4.0]), "eta": numpy.array([-3.0, 3.0]), "alpha": numpy.array([-4.0, 4.0]), "beta": numpy.array([-3.0, 3.0])}, doc="""The values for each state-variable should be set to encompass the expected dynamic range of that state-variable for the current parameters, it is used as a mechanism for bounding random inital conditions when the simulation isn't started from an explicit history, it is also provides the default range of phase-plane plots.""") variables_of_interest = List( of=str, label="Variables watched by Monitors", choices=("xi", "eta", "alpha", "beta"), default=("xi", "alpha"), doc=r"""This represents the default state-variables of this Model to be monitored. It can be overridden for each Monitor if desired. The corresponding state-variable indices for this model are :math:`\xi = 0`, :math:`\eta = 1`, :math:`\alpha = 2`, and :math:`\beta= 3`.""") state_variables = tuple('xi eta alpha beta'.split()) _nvar = 4 cvar = numpy.array([0, 2], dtype=numpy.int32) # Derived parameters Aik = None Bik = None Cik = None e_i = None f_i = None IE_i = None II_i = None m_i = None n_i = None
[docs] def dfun(self, state_variables, coupling, local_coupling=0.0): r""" The system's equations for the i-th mode at node q are: .. math:: \dot{\xi}_{i} &= c\left(\xi_i-e_i\frac{\xi_{i}^3}{3} -\eta_{i}\right) + K_{11}\left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} A_{ik}\xi_k-\xi_i\right] - K_{12}\left[\sum_{k =1}^{o} B_{i k}\alpha_k-\xi_i\right] + cIE_i \\ &\, + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} \mathbf{\Gamma}(\xi_{kq}, \xi_{kr}, u_{qr})\right] + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} W_{\zeta}\cdot\xi_{kr} \right] \\ \dot{\eta}_i &= \frac{1}{c}\left(\xi_i-b\eta_i+m_i\right) \\ & \\ \dot{\alpha}_i &= c\left(\alpha_i-f_i\frac{\alpha_i^3}{3}-\beta_i\right) + K_{21}\left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} C_{ik}\xi_i-\alpha_i\right] + cII_i \\ & \, + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} \mathbf{\Gamma}(\xi_{kq}, \xi_{kr}, u_{qr})\right] + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} W_{\zeta}\cdot\xi_{kr}\right] \\ & \\ \dot{\beta}_i &= \frac{1}{c}\left(\alpha_i-b\beta_i+n_i\right) """ xi = state_variables[0, :] eta = state_variables[1, :] alpha = state_variables[2, :] beta = state_variables[3, :] derivative = numpy.empty_like(state_variables) # sum the activity from the modes c_0 = coupling[0, :].sum(axis=1)[:, numpy.newaxis] # TODO: generalize coupling variables to a matrix form # c_1 = coupling[1, :] # this cv represents alpha derivative[0] = (self.tau * (xi - self.e_i * xi ** 3 / 3.0 - eta) + self.K11 * (, self.Aik) - xi) - self.K12 * (, self.Bik) - xi) + self.tau * (self.IE_i + c_0 + local_coupling * xi)) derivative[1] = (xi - self.b * eta + self.m_i) / self.tau derivative[2] = (self.tau * (alpha - self.f_i * alpha ** 3 / 3.0 - beta) + self.K21 * (, self.Cik) - alpha) + self.tau * (self.II_i + c_0 + local_coupling * xi)) derivative[3] = (alpha - self.b * beta + self.n_i) / self.tau return derivative
[docs] def update_derived_parameters(self): """ Calculate coefficients for the Reduced FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillator based neural field model. Specifically, this method implements equations for calculating coefficients found in the supplemental material of [SJ_2008]_. Include equations here... """ newaxis = numpy.newaxis trapz = scipy_integrate_trapz stepu = 1.0 / ( + 2 - 1) stepv = 1.0 / (self.nv + 2 - 1) norm = scipy_stats_norm(, scale=self.sigma) Zu = norm.ppf(numpy.arange(stepu, 1.0, stepu)) Zv = norm.ppf(numpy.arange(stepv, 1.0, stepv)) # Define the modes V = numpy.zeros((self.number_of_modes, self.nv)) U = numpy.zeros((self.number_of_modes, nv_per_mode = self.nv // self.number_of_modes nu_per_mode = // self.number_of_modes for i in range(self.number_of_modes): V[i, i * nv_per_mode:(i + 1) * nv_per_mode] = numpy.ones(nv_per_mode) U[i, i * nu_per_mode:(i + 1) * nu_per_mode] = numpy.ones(nu_per_mode) # Normalise the modes V = V / numpy.tile(numpy.sqrt(trapz(V * V, Zv, axis=1)), (self.nv, 1)).T U = U / numpy.tile(numpy.sqrt(trapz(U * U, Zu, axis=1)), (self.nv, 1)).T # Get Normal PDF's evaluated with sampling Zv and Zu g1 = norm.pdf(Zv) g2 = norm.pdf(Zu) G1 = numpy.tile(g1, (self.number_of_modes, 1)) G2 = numpy.tile(g2, (self.number_of_modes, 1)) cV = numpy.conj(V) cU = numpy.conj(U) intcVdZ = trapz(cV, Zv, axis=1)[:, newaxis] intG1VdZ = trapz(G1 * V, Zv, axis=1)[newaxis, :] intcUdZ = trapz(cU, Zu, axis=1)[:, newaxis] # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # Calculate coefficients self.Aik =, intG1VdZ).T self.Bik =, trapz(G2 * U, Zu, axis=1)[newaxis, :]) self.Cik =, intG1VdZ).T self.e_i = trapz(cV * V ** 3, Zv, axis=1)[newaxis, :] self.f_i = trapz(cU * U ** 3, Zu, axis=1)[newaxis, :] self.IE_i = trapz(Zv * cV, Zv, axis=1)[newaxis, :] self.II_i = trapz(Zu * cU, Zu, axis=1)[newaxis, :] self.m_i = (self.a * intcVdZ).T self.n_i = (self.a * intcUdZ).T
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
[docs] class ReducedSetHindmarshRose(ReducedSetBase): r""" .. [SJ_2008] Stefanescu and Jirsa, PLoS Computational Biology, *A Low Dimensional Description of Globally Coupled Heterogeneous Neural Networks of Excitatory and Inhibitory* 4, 11, 26--36, 2008. The models (:math:`\xi`, :math:`\eta`) phase-plane, including a representation of the vector field as well as its nullclines, using default parameters, can be seen below: .. _phase-plane-rHR_0: .. figure :: img/ReducedSetHindmarshRose_01_mode_0_pplane.svg :alt: Reduced set of FitzHughNagumo phase plane (xi, eta), 1st mode. The (:math:`\xi`, :math:`\eta`) phase-plane for the first mode of a reduced set of Hindmarsh-Rose oscillators. .. _phase-plane-rHR_1: .. figure :: img/ReducedSetHindmarshRose_01_mode_1_pplane.svg :alt: Reduced set of FitzHughNagumo phase plane (xi, eta), 2nd mode. The (:math:`\xi`, :math:`\eta`) phase-plane for the second mode of a reduced set of Hindmarsh-Rose oscillators. .. _phase-plane-rHR_2: .. figure :: img/ReducedSetHindmarshRose_01_mode_2_pplane.svg :alt: Reduced set of FitzHughNagumo phase plane (xi, eta), 3rd mode. The (:math:`\xi`, :math:`\eta`) phase-plane for the third mode of a reduced set of Hindmarsh-Rose oscillators. The dynamic equations were orginally taken from [SJ_2008]_. The equations of the population model for i-th mode at node q are: .. math:: \dot{\xi}_i &= \eta_i-a_i\xi_i^3 + b_i\xi_i^2- \tau_i + K_{11} \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} A_{ik} \xi_k - \xi_i \right] - K_{12} \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} B_{ik} \alpha_k - \xi_i\right] + IE_i \\ &\, + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} \mathbf{\Gamma}(\xi_{kq}, \xi_{kr}, u_{qr})\right] + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} W_{\zeta}\cdot\xi_{kr} \right] \\ & \\ \dot{\eta}_i &= c_i-d_i\xi_i^2 -\tau_i \\ & \\ \dot{\tau}_i &= rs\xi_i - r\tau_i -m_i \\ & \\ \dot{\alpha}_i &= \beta_i - e_i \alpha_i^3 + f_i \alpha_i^2 - \gamma_i + K_{21} \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} C_{ik} \xi_k - \alpha_i \right] + II_i \\ &\, +\left[\sum_{k=1}^{o}\mathbf{\Gamma}(\xi_{kq}, \xi_{kr}, u_{qr})\right] + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o}W_{\zeta}\cdot\xi_{kr}\right] \\ & \\ \dot{\beta}_i &= h_i - p_i \alpha_i^2 - \beta_i \\ \dot{\gamma}_i &= rs \alpha_i - r \gamma_i - n_i .. automethod:: ReducedSetHindmarshRose.update_derived_parameters #NOTE: In the Article this modelis called StefanescuJirsa3D """ # Define traited attributes for this model, these represent possible kwargs. r = NArray( label=":math:`r`", default=numpy.array([0.006]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=0.1, step=0.0005), doc="""Adaptation parameter""") a = NArray( label=":math:`a`", default=numpy.array([1.0]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""Dimensionless parameter as in the Hindmarsh-Rose model""") b = NArray( label=":math:`b`", default=numpy.array([3.0]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=3.0, step=0.01), doc="""Dimensionless parameter as in the Hindmarsh-Rose model""") c = NArray( label=":math:`c`", default=numpy.array([1.0]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""Dimensionless parameter as in the Hindmarsh-Rose model""") d = NArray( label=":math:`d`", default=numpy.array([5.0]), domain=Range(lo=2.5, hi=7.5, step=0.01), doc="""Dimensionless parameter as in the Hindmarsh-Rose model""") s = NArray( label=":math:`s`", default=numpy.array([4.0]), domain=Range(lo=2.0, hi=6.0, step=0.01), doc="""Adaptation paramters, governs feedback""") xo = NArray( label=":math:`x_{o}`", default=numpy.array([-1.6]), domain=Range(lo=-2.4, hi=-0.8, step=0.01), doc="""Leftmost equilibrium point of x""") K11 = NArray( label=":math:`K_{11}`", default=numpy.array([0.5]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""Internal coupling, excitatory to excitatory""") K12 = NArray( label=":math:`K_{12}`", default=numpy.array([0.1]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""Internal coupling, inhibitory to excitatory""") K21 = NArray( label=":math:`K_{21}`", default=numpy.array([0.15]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""Internal coupling, excitatory to inhibitory""") sigma = NArray( label=r":math:`\sigma`", default=numpy.array([0.3]), domain=Range(lo=0.0, hi=1.0, step=0.01), doc="""Standard deviation of Gaussian distribution""") mu = NArray( label=r":math:`\mu`", default=numpy.array([3.3]), domain=Range(lo=1.1, hi=3.3, step=0.01), doc="""Mean of Gaussian distribution""") # Used for phase-plane axis ranges and to bound random initial() conditions. state_variable_range = Final( label="State Variable ranges [lo, hi]", default={"xi": numpy.array([-4.0, 4.0]), "eta": numpy.array([-25.0, 20.0]), "tau": numpy.array([2.0, 10.0]), "alpha": numpy.array([-4.0, 4.0]), "beta": numpy.array([-20.0, 20.0]), "gamma": numpy.array([2.0, 10.0])}, doc="""The values for each state-variable should be set to encompass the expected dynamic range of that state-variable for the current parameters, it is used as a mechanism for bounding random inital conditions when the simulation isn't started from an explicit history, it is also provides the default range of phase-plane plots.""") variables_of_interest = List( of=str, label="Variables watched by Monitors", choices=("xi", "eta", "tau", "alpha", "beta", "gamma"), default=("xi", "eta", "tau"), doc=r"""This represents the default state-variables of this Model to be monitored. It can be overridden for each Monitor if desired. The corresponding state-variable indices for this model are :math:`\xi = 0`, :math:`\eta = 1`, :math:`\tau = 2`, :math:`\alpha = 3`, :math:`\beta = 4`, and :math:`\gamma = 5`""") state_variables = 'xi eta tau alpha beta gamma'.split() _nvar = 6 cvar = numpy.array([0, 3], dtype=numpy.int32) # derived parameters A_ik = None B_ik = None C_ik = None a_i = None b_i = None c_i = None d_i = None e_i = None f_i = None h_i = None p_i = None IE_i = None II_i = None m_i = None n_i = None
[docs] def dfun(self, state_variables, coupling, local_coupling=0.0): r""" The equations of the population model for i-th mode at node q are: .. math:: \dot{\xi}_i &= \eta_i-a_i\xi_i^3 + b_i\xi_i^2- \tau_i + K_{11} \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} A_{ik} \xi_k - \xi_i \right] - K_{12} \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} B_{ik} \alpha_k - \xi_i\right] + IE_i \\ &\, + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} \mathbf{\Gamma}(\xi_{kq}, \xi_{kr}, u_{qr})\right] + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} W_{\zeta}\cdot\xi_{kr} \right] \\ & \\ \dot{\eta}_i &= c_i-d_i\xi_i^2 -\tau_i \\ & \\ \dot{\tau}_i &= rs\xi_i - r\tau_i -m_i \\ & \\ \dot{\alpha}_i &= \beta_i - e_i \alpha_i^3 + f_i \alpha_i^2 - \gamma_i + K_{21} \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o} C_{ik} \xi_k - \alpha_i \right] + II_i \\ &\, +\left[\sum_{k=1}^{o}\mathbf{\Gamma}(\xi_{kq}, \xi_{kr}, u_{qr})\right] + \left[\sum_{k=1}^{o}W_{\zeta}\cdot\xi_{kr}\right] \\ & \\ \dot{\beta}_i &= h_i - p_i \alpha_i^2 - \beta_i \\ \dot{\gamma}_i &= rs \alpha_i - r \gamma_i - n_i """ xi = state_variables[0, :] eta = state_variables[1, :] tau = state_variables[2, :] alpha = state_variables[3, :] beta = state_variables[4, :] gamma = state_variables[5, :] derivative = numpy.empty_like(state_variables) c_0 = coupling[0, :].sum(axis=1)[:, numpy.newaxis] # c_1 = coupling[1, :] derivative[0] = (eta - self.a_i * xi ** 3 + self.b_i * xi ** 2 - tau + self.K11 * (, self.A_ik) - xi) - self.K12 * (, self.B_ik) - xi) + self.IE_i + c_0 + local_coupling * xi) derivative[1] = self.c_i - self.d_i * xi ** 2 - eta derivative[2] = self.r * self.s * xi - self.r * tau - self.m_i derivative[3] = (beta - self.e_i * alpha ** 3 + self.f_i * alpha ** 2 - gamma + self.K21 * (, self.C_ik) - alpha) + self.II_i + c_0 + local_coupling * xi) derivative[4] = self.h_i - self.p_i * alpha ** 2 - beta derivative[5] = self.r * self.s * alpha - self.r * gamma - self.n_i return derivative
[docs] def update_derived_parameters(self, corrected_d_p=True): """ Calculate coefficients for the neural field model based on a Reduced set of Hindmarsh-Rose oscillators. Specifically, this method implements equations for calculating coefficients found in the supplemental material of [SJ_2008]_. Include equations here... """ newaxis = numpy.newaxis trapz = scipy_integrate_trapz stepu = 1.0 / ( + 2 - 1) stepv = 1.0 / (self.nv + 2 - 1) norm = scipy_stats_norm(, scale=self.sigma) Iu = norm.ppf(numpy.arange(stepu, 1.0, stepu)) Iv = norm.ppf(numpy.arange(stepv, 1.0, stepv)) # Define the modes V = numpy.zeros((self.number_of_modes, self.nv)) U = numpy.zeros((self.number_of_modes, nv_per_mode = self.nv // self.number_of_modes nu_per_mode = // self.number_of_modes for i in range(self.number_of_modes): V[i, i * nv_per_mode:(i + 1) * nv_per_mode] = numpy.ones(nv_per_mode) U[i, i * nu_per_mode:(i + 1) * nu_per_mode] = numpy.ones(nu_per_mode) # Normalise the modes V = V / numpy.tile(numpy.sqrt(trapz(V * V, Iv, axis=1)), (self.nv, 1)).T U = U / numpy.tile(numpy.sqrt(trapz(U * U, Iu, axis=1)), (, 1)).T # Get Normal PDF's evaluated with sampling Zv and Zu g1 = norm.pdf(Iv) g2 = norm.pdf(Iu) G1 = numpy.tile(g1, (self.number_of_modes, 1)) G2 = numpy.tile(g2, (self.number_of_modes, 1)) cV = numpy.conj(V) cU = numpy.conj(U) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() intcVdI = trapz(cV, Iv, axis=1)[:, newaxis] intG1VdI = trapz(G1 * V, Iv, axis=1)[newaxis, :] intcUdI = trapz(cU, Iu, axis=1)[:, newaxis] #Calculate coefficients self.A_ik =, intG1VdI).T self.B_ik =, trapz(G2 * U, Iu, axis=1)[newaxis, :]) self.C_ik =, intG1VdI).T self.a_i = self.a * trapz(cV * V ** 3, Iv, axis=1)[newaxis, :] self.e_i = self.a * trapz(cU * U ** 3, Iu, axis=1)[newaxis, :] self.b_i = self.b * trapz(cV * V ** 2, Iv, axis=1)[newaxis, :] self.f_i = self.b * trapz(cU * U ** 2, Iu, axis=1)[newaxis, :] self.c_i = (self.c * intcVdI).T self.h_i = (self.c * intcUdI).T self.IE_i = trapz(Iv * cV, Iv, axis=1)[newaxis, :] self.II_i = trapz(Iu * cU, Iu, axis=1)[newaxis, :] if corrected_d_p: # correction identified by Shrey Dutta & Arpan Bannerjee, confirmed by RS self.d_i = self.d * trapz(cV * V ** 2, Iv, axis=1)[newaxis, :] self.p_i = self.d * trapz(cU * U ** 2, Iu, axis=1)[newaxis, :] else: # typo in the original paper by RS & VJ, kept for comparison purposes. self.d_i = (self.d * intcVdI).T self.p_i = (self.d * intcUdI).T self.m_i = (self.r * self.s * self.xo * intcVdI).T self.n_i = (self.r * self.s * self.xo * intcUdI).T