# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package. This package holds all simulators, and
# analysers necessary to run brain-simulations. You can use it stand alone or
# in conjunction with TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
# https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/neuroscience-publications
Simulator history implementations.
.. moduleauthor:: Mihai Andrei <mihai.andrei@codemart.ro>
.. moduleauthor:: Marmaduke Woodman <marmaduke.woodman@univ-amu.fr>
import numpy
from tvb.simulator.common import get_logger
from .descriptors import StaticAttr, Dim, NDArray
from .backend.ref import ReferenceBackend
LOG = get_logger(__name__)
class BaseHistory(StaticAttr):
"Abstract base class for history implementations."
n_time, n_node, n_cvar, n_mode = Dim(), Dim(), Dim(), Dim()
weights = NDArray((n_node, n_node), 'f') # type: numpy.ndarray
delays = NDArray((n_node, n_node), 'f') # type: numpy.ndarray
cvars = NDArray((n_cvar, ), 'i') # type: numpy.ndarray
def nbytes(self):
arrays = 'weights delays cvars'.split()
return sum([getattr(self, ary).nbytes for ary in arrays])
def __init__(self, weights, delays, cvars, n_mode):
self.n_time, self.n_cvar, self.n_node, self.n_mode = delays.max() + 1, len(cvars), delays.shape[0], n_mode
self.weights = weights
self.delays = delays
self.cvars = cvars
def initialize(self, init):
raise NotImplemented
def update(self, step, new_state):
raise NotImplemented
def query(self, step, out=None):
raise NotImplemented
def from_simulator(cls, sim, initial_conditions=None):
Set initial conditions for the simulation using either the provided
initial_conditions or, if none are provided, the model's initial()
method. This method is called durin the Simulator's __init__().
Any initial_conditions that are provided as an argument are expected
to have dimensions 1, 2, and 3 with shapse corresponding to the number
of state_variables, nodes and modes, respectively. If the provided
inital_conditions are shorter in time (dim=0) than the required history
the model's initial() method is called to make up the difference.
backend = ReferenceBackend
initial_conditions = initial_conditions or sim.initial_conditions
if initial_conditions is None:
n_time, n_svar, n_node, n_mode = sim.good_history_shape
sim.log.info('Preparing initial history of shape %r using model.initial()', sim.good_history_shape)
if sim.surface is not None:
n_node = sim.number_of_nodes
history = sim.model.initial_for_simulator(sim.integrator, (n_time, n_svar, n_node, n_mode))
initial_conditions = history[n_time - 1]
# ICs provided
# history should be [timepoints, state_variables, nodes, modes]
sim.log.info('Using provided initial history of shape %r', initial_conditions.shape)
n_time, n_svar, n_node, n_mode = ic_shape = initial_conditions.shape
nr = sim.connectivity.number_of_regions
if sim.surface is not None and n_node == nr:
initial_conditions = initial_conditions[:, :, sim.surface.region_mapping]
return sim._configure_history(initial_conditions)
elif sim.surface is None and ic_shape[1:] != sim.good_history_shape[1:]:
raise ValueError("Incorrect history sample shape %s, expected %s"
% (ic_shape[1:], sim.good_history_shape[1:]))
if ic_shape[0] >= sim.connectivity.horizon:
sim.log.debug("Using last %d time-steps for history.", sim.connectivity.horizon)
history = initial_conditions[-sim.connectivity.horizon:, :, :, :].copy()
sim.log.debug('Padding initial conditions with model.initial')
history = sim.model.initial_for_simulator(sim.integrator, sim.good_history_shape)
shift = sim.current_step % sim.connectivity.horizon
history = numpy.roll(history, -shift, axis=0)
if sim.surface is not None:
n_reg = sim.connectivity.number_of_regions
(nt, ns, _, nm), ax = history.shape, (2, 0, 1, 3)
region_initial_conditions = numpy.zeros((nt, ns, n_reg, nm))
backend.add_at(region_initial_conditions.transpose(ax), sim.surface.region_mapping, initial_conditions.transpose(ax))
region_initial_conditions /= numpy.bincount(sim.surface.region_mapping).reshape((-1, 1))
history[:region_initial_conditions.shape[0], :, :, :] = region_initial_conditions
history[:ic_shape[0], :, :, :] = initial_conditions
history = numpy.roll(history, shift, axis=0)
sim.current_step += ic_shape[0] - 1
# Make sure that history values are bounded
for it in range(history.shape[0]):
sim.log.info('Final initial history shape is %r', history.shape)
# create initial state
if sim.surface:
# ensure 4D
# TODO refactor to backend
initial_conditions = initial_conditions.reshape((-1, ) + initial_conditions.shape[-3:])
sim.current_state = initial_conditions[-1].copy()
sim.current_state = history[sim.current_step % sim.connectivity.horizon].copy()
sim.log.info('initial state has shape %r' % (sim.current_state.shape, ))
# create history buffer
if sim.surface is not None and history.shape[2] > sim.connectivity.number_of_regions:
n_reg = sim.connectivity.number_of_regions
(nt, ns, _, nm), ax = history.shape, (2, 0, 1, 3)
region_history = numpy.zeros((nt, ns, n_reg, nm))
backend.add_at(region_history.transpose(ax), sim.surface.region_mapping, history.transpose(ax))
region_history /= numpy.bincount(sim.surface.region_mapping).reshape((-1, 1))
history = region_history
# init history instance
inst = cls(sim.connectivity.weights, sim.connectivity.idelays,
sim.model.cvar, sim.model.number_of_modes)
return inst
class DenseHistory(BaseHistory):
"TVB's traditional history implementation."
# extended shape arrays for indexing
_es = 'n_node', 'n_cvar', 'n_node'
es_icvar = NDArray(_es, 'i')
es_idelays = NDArray(_es, 'i')
es_weights = NDArray(_es + ('n_mode', ), 'f')
es_node_ids = NDArray(_es, 'i')
buffer = NDArray(('n_time', 'n_cvar', 'n_node', 'n_mode'), 'f', read_only=False)
current_state = NDArray(('n_cvar', 'n_node', 'n_mode'), 'f', read_only=False)
delayed_state = NDArray(('n_node', 'n_cvar', 'n_node', 'n_mode'), 'f', read_only=False)
def nbytes(self):
arrays = 'icvar idelays weights node_ids'.split()
nbytes = sum([getattr(self, 'es_' + ary).nbytes for ary in arrays])
nbytes += self.buffer.nbytes
nbytes += BaseHistory.nbytes.fget(self)
return nbytes
def __init__(self, weights, delays, cvars, n_mode):
super(DenseHistory, self).__init__(weights, delays, cvars, n_mode)
# initialize indexing arrays
na = numpy.newaxis
self.es_icvar = numpy.r_[:len(self.cvars)][na, :, na]
self.es_idelays = self.delays[:, na, :].astype('i')
self.es_weights = self.weights[:, na, :, na]
self.es_node_ids = numpy.r_[:self.n_node][na, na, :]
def initialize(self, init):
if init.shape[1] > len(self.cvars):
init = init[:, self.cvars] # simulator still thinks history is (time, svar, ..)
self.buffer = init
def query(self, step, out=None):
time_idx = (step - 1 - self.es_idelays + self.n_time) % self.n_time
self.delayed_state = self.buffer[time_idx, self.es_icvar, self.es_node_ids]
self.current_state = self.buffer[(step - 1) % self.n_time]
return self.current_state, self.delayed_state
def update(self, step, new_state):
self.buffer[step % self.n_time] = new_state[self.cvars]
class SparseHistory(DenseHistory):
"History implementation which stores data only for non-zero weights."
n_nnzw = Dim()
n_nnzr = Dim()
time_stride = Dim()
nnz_mask = NDArray(('n_node', 'n_node'), numpy.bool_)
const_indices = NDArray(('n_cvar', n_nnzw, 'n_mode'), 'i')
nnz_idelays = NDArray((n_nnzw,), 'i')
nnz_row_el_idx = NDArray((n_nnzw, ), 'i')
nnz_col_el_idx = NDArray((n_nnzw, ), 'i')
nnz_weights = NDArray((n_nnzw, ), 'f')
nnz_row_idx = NDArray((n_nnzr, ), 'i')
def __init__(self, weights, delays, cvars, n_mode):
super(SparseHistory, self).__init__(weights, delays, cvars, n_mode)
self.time_stride = self.n_cvar * self.n_node * self.n_mode
self.nnz_mask = weights_nonzero = weights != 0.0 # type: numpy.ndarray
self.n_nnzw = nnz = weights_nonzero.sum()
self.nnz_weights = weights[self.nnz_mask]
self.nnz_row_el_idx, self.nnz_col_el_idx = numpy.argwhere(self.nnz_mask).T
nnz_row_idx = numpy.unique(self.nnz_row_el_idx)
self.n_nnzr = len(nnz_row_idx)
self.nnz_row_idx = nnz_row_idx
self.nnz_idelays = delays[weights_nonzero].astype('i')
# build const indices
n, m = self.n_node, self.n_mode
icvars_ = numpy.r_[:len(cvars)].reshape((-1, 1, 1)) * n * m
nodes_ = numpy.tile(numpy.r_[:n], (n, 1))[self.nnz_mask, numpy.newaxis] * m
modes_ = numpy.r_[:m]
self.const_indices = icvars_ + nodes_ + modes_
self.delayed_state[:] = 0.0
LOG.info('history has n_time=%d n_cvar=%d n_node=%d n_nmode=%d, requires %.2f MB',
self.n_time, self.n_cvar, self.n_node, self.n_mode, self.nbytes*2**-20)
LOG.debug('sparse flat time_stride=%d', self.time_stride)
LOG.info('sparse history has n_nnzw=%d, i.e. %.2f %% sparse', self.n_nnzw,
self.n_nnzw * 100.0 / self.n_node**2)
def query(self, step, out=None):
current, delayed = self.query_sparse(step)
self.delayed_state.transpose((1, 0, 2, 3))[:, self.nnz_mask] = delayed
return current, self.delayed_state
def query_sparse(self, step):
time_indices = ((step - 1 - self.nnz_idelays + self.n_time) % self.n_time) # type: numpy.ndarray
time_indices = time_indices.reshape((-1, 1)) * self.time_stride # type: numpy.ndarray
delayed_state = self.buffer.take(time_indices + self.const_indices)
current_state = self.buffer[(step - 1) % self.n_time]
return current_state, delayed_state
def nbytes(self):
arrays = 'nnz_mask const_indices nnz_idelays nnz_row_el_idx nnz_col_el_idx nnz_weights nnz_row_idx'.split()
nbytes = sum([getattr(self, ary).nbytes for ary in arrays])
nbytes += DenseHistory.nbytes.fget(self)
return nbytes
# implement in order NumPy, Numba & OpenCL versions
# simulator.history becomes impl instance
# state must also transpose for performance reasons
# bench history impl like other components
# trace history accesses
# cfun must also now expect to operate on (nnz, ncvar, nmode)