# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
# https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/neuroscience-publications
Here, user related tasks are described.
Basic authentication processes are described here,
but also user related annotation (checked-logged).
.. moduleauthor:: Lia Domide <lia.domide@codemart.ro>
import json
import os
import ssl
import time
import cherrypy
import formencode
import tvb.interfaces.web
from urllib.request import urlopen
from formencode import validators
from tvb.basic.profile import TvbProfile
from tvb.core.entities.file.files_update_manager import FilesUpdateManager
from tvb.core.services.authorization import AuthorizationManager
from tvb.core.services.exceptions import UsernameException
from tvb.core.services.texture_to_json import color_texture_to_list
from tvb.core.services.user_service import KEY_AUTH_TOKEN, USERS_PAGE_SIZE
from tvb.core.services.user_service import UserService, KEY_PASSWORD, KEY_EMAIL, KEY_USERNAME, KEY_COMMENT
from tvb.core.utils import format_bytes_human, hash_password
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers import common
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.base_controller import BaseController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.decorators import check_user, expose_json, check_admin
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.decorators import handle_error, using_template, settings, jsonify
from tvb.interfaces.web.entities.context_simulator import SimulatorContext
from tvb.interfaces.web.structure import WebStructure
from tvb.storage.storage_interface import StorageInterface
KEY_SERVER_VERSION = "versionInfo"
KEY_CURRENT_VERSION_FULL = "currentVersionLongText"
KEY_STORAGE_IN_UPDATE = "isStorageInUpdate"
class UserController(BaseController):
This class takes care of the user authentication and/or register.
def __init__(self):
self.version_info = None
def index(self, **data):
Login page (with or without messages).
template_specification = dict(mainContent="user/login", title="Login", data=data)
if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
keycloak_login = TvbProfile.current.KEYCLOAK_LOGIN_ENABLED
form = LoginForm() if not keycloak_login else KeycloakLoginForm()
data = form.to_python(data)
if keycloak_login:
auth_token = data[KEY_AUTH_TOKEN]
kc_user_info = AuthorizationManager(
user = self.user_service.get_external_db_user(kc_user_info)
setattr(user, KEY_AUTH_TOKEN, auth_token)
username = data[KEY_USERNAME]
password = data[KEY_PASSWORD]
user = self.user_service.check_login(username, password)
if user is not None:
common.add2session(common.KEY_USER, user)
common.set_info_message('Welcome ' + user.display_name)
self.logger.debug("User " + user.username + " has just logged in!")
if user.selected_project is not None:
prj = user.selected_project
prj = self.project_service.find_project(prj)
elif not keycloak_login:
common.set_error_message('Wrong username/password, or user not yet validated...')
self.logger.debug("Wrong username " + username + " !!!")
'Your account is not validated. Please contact us at support@thevirtualbrain.org for more details')
self.logger.debug("Invalidated account")
template_specification[common.KEY_ERRORS] = {'invalid_user': True}
except formencode.Invalid as excep:
template_specification[common.KEY_ERRORS] = excep.unpack_errors()
return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)
def profile(self, logout=False, save=False, **data):
Display current user's profile page.
On POST: logout, or save password/email.
if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' and logout:
template_specification = dict(mainContent="user/profile", title="User Profile")
user = common.get_logged_user()
if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' and save:
form = EditUserForm()
data = form.to_python(data)
if data.get(KEY_PASSWORD):
user.password = hash_password(data[KEY_PASSWORD])
if data.get(KEY_EMAIL):
user.email = data[KEY_EMAIL]
old_password = None
if data.get('old_password'):
old_password = hash_password(data['old_password'])
self.user_service.edit_user(user, old_password)
if old_password:
common.set_info_message("Changes Submitted!")
common.set_info_message("Submitted! No password changed.")
except formencode.Invalid as excep:
template_specification[common.KEY_ERRORS] = excep.unpack_errors()
except UsernameException as excep:
user = common.get_logged_user()
common.add2session(common.KEY_USER, self.user_service.get_user_by_id(user.id))
common.set_error_message("Could not save changes. Probably wrong old password!!")
template_specification['user_used_disk_human'] = format_bytes_human(
return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)
def check_sso(self):
return {}
def logout(self):
Logging out user and clean session
user = common.remove_from_session(common.KEY_USER)
if user is not None:
self.logger.debug("User " + user.username + " is just logging out!")
current_project = common.get_current_project()
storage_interface = StorageInterface()
if current_project is not None and storage_interface.encryption_enabled():
common.set_info_message("Thank you for using The Virtual Brain!")
def keycloak_web_config(self):
file_path = TvbProfile.current.KEYCLOAK_WEB_CONFIG
with open(file_path) as f:
return json.load(f)
def switch_online_help(self):
Switch flag that displays online helps
user = common.get_logged_user()
# Change OnlineHelp Active flag and save user
def get_viewer_color_scheme(self):
user = common.get_logged_user()
return user.get_viewers_color_scheme()
def set_viewer_color_scheme(self, color_scheme_name):
user = common.get_logged_user()
def get_color_schemes_json(self):
cherrypy.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=86400' # cache for a day
pth = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tvb.interfaces.web.__file__), 'static', 'coloring', 'color_schemes.png')
return color_texture_to_list(pth, 256, 8)
def register(self, cancel=False, **data):
This register form send an e-mail to the user and to the site admin.
template_specification = dict(mainContent="user/register", title="Register", data=data)
redirect = False
if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
if cancel:
okmessage = self._create_user(**data)
redirect = True
except formencode.Invalid as excep:
template_specification[common.KEY_ERRORS] = excep.unpack_errors()
redirect = False
except Exception as excep1:
self.logger.error("Could not create user:" + data["username"])
common.set_error_message("We are very sorry, but we could not create your user. Most probably is "
"because it was impossible to sent emails. Please try again later...")
redirect = False
if redirect:
# Redirect to login page, with some success message to display
# Stay on the same page
return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)
def create_new(self, cancel=False, **data):
Create new user with data submitted from UI.
if cancel:
template_specification = dict(mainContent="user/create_new", title="Create New", data=data)
redirect = False
if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
data[KEY_COMMENT] = "Created by administrator."
# User is created by administrator, should be validated automatically, and credentials
# should be sent to user by email.
email_msg = """A TVB account was just created for you by an administrator.
\n Your credentials are username=%s, password=%s.
\n You can log in here: %s.
""" % (data[KEY_USERNAME], data[KEY_PASSWORD], TvbProfile.current.web.BASE_URL)
self._create_user(email_msg=email_msg, validated=True, **data)
common.set_info_message("New user created successfully.")
redirect = True
except formencode.Invalid as excep:
template_specification[common.KEY_ERRORS] = excep.unpack_errors()
except Exception as excep:
common.set_error_message("We are very sorry, but we could not create your user. Most probably is "
"because it was impossible to send emails. Please try again later...")
if redirect:
return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)
def usermanagement(self, cancel=False, page=1, do_persist=False, **data):
Display a table used for user management.
if cancel:
page = int(page)
if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' and do_persist:
not_deleted = 0
for key in data:
user_id = int(key.split('_')[1])
if 'delete_' in key:
if ("role_" in key) and not (("delete_" + str(user_id)) in data):
valid = ("validate_" + str(user_id)) in data
user = self.user_service.get_user_by_id(user_id)
user.role = data[key] if data[key] != "None" else None
user.validated = valid
not_deleted += 1
# The entire current page was deleted, go to previous page
if not_deleted == 0 and page > 1:
page -= 1
admin_ = common.get_logged_user().username
except_usernames = [admin_]
if TvbProfile.current.KEYCLOAK_LOGIN_ENABLED:
user_list, pages_no = self.user_service.retrieve_users_except(except_usernames, page, USERS_PAGE_SIZE)
allRoles = [None]
template_specification = dict(mainContent="user/user_management", title="Users management", page_number=page,
total_pages=pages_no, userList=user_list, allRoles=allRoles,
return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)
def recoverpassword(self, cancel=False, **data):
This form should reset a password for a given userName/email and send a
notification message to that email.
template_specification = dict(mainContent="user/recover_password", title="Recover password", data=data)
redirect = False
if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
if cancel:
form = RecoveryForm()
data = form.to_python(data)
okmessage = self.user_service.reset_password(**data)
redirect = True
except formencode.Invalid as excep:
template_specification[common.KEY_ERRORS] = excep.unpack_errors()
redirect = False
except UsernameException as excep1:
self.logger.exception("Could not reset password!")
redirect = False
if redirect:
# Redirect to login page, with some success message to display
# Stay on the same page
return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)
def is_storage_ready(self):
Check if all storage updates are done
while TvbProfile.current.version.DATA_CHECKED_TO_VERSION < TvbProfile.current.version.DATA_VERSION:
return dict(message=FilesUpdateManager.MESSAGE, status=FilesUpdateManager.STATUS)
def validate(self, name):
A link to this page will be sent to the administrator to validate
the registration of each user.
success = self.user_service.validate_user(name)
if not success:
common.set_error_message("Problem validating user:" + name + "!! Please check logs.")
self.logger.error("Problem validating user " + name)
common.set_info_message("User Validated successfully and notification email sent!")
def base_url(self, **data):
if not TvbProfile.current.web.BASE_URL:
url = data['url']
if TvbProfile.current.web.DEPLOY_CONTEXT:
url += TvbProfile.current.web.DEPLOY_CONTEXT
self.logger.info("Set base url to {}".format(url))
TvbProfile.current.web.BASE_URL = url
def _create_user(self, email_msg=None, validated=False, **data):
Just create a user given the data input. Do form validation beforehand.
form = RegisterForm()
data = form.to_python(data)
data[KEY_PASSWORD] = hash_password(data[KEY_PASSWORD])
data['password2'] = hash_password(data['password2'])
return self.user_service.create_user(email_msg=email_msg, validated=validated, **data)
def fill_default_attributes(self, template_dictionary):
Fill into 'template_dictionary' data that we want to have ready in UI.
template_dictionary = self._populate_version(template_dictionary)
BaseController.fill_default_attributes(self, template_dictionary)
template_dictionary[common.KEY_INCLUDE_TOOLTIP] = True
template_dictionary[common.KEY_WRAP_CONTENT_IN_MAIN_DIV] = False
template_dictionary[common.KEY_CURRENT_TAB] = 'nav-user'
template_dictionary[common.KEY_SECTION] = WebStructure.SECTION_USER
template_dictionary[KEY_STORAGE_IN_UPDATE] = (TvbProfile.current.version.DATA_CHECKED_TO_VERSION <
return template_dictionary
def _populate_version(self, template_dictionary):
Fill in template information about current version available online.
content = ""
if self.version_info is None:
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS)
content = urlopen(TvbProfile.current.web.URL_TVB_VERSION, timeout=7, context=context).read()
self.version_info = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8'))
pos = TvbProfile.current.web.URL_TVB_VERSION.find('/tvb')
self.version_info['url'] = TvbProfile.current.web.URL_TVB_VERSION[:pos]
self.logger.debug("Read version: " + json.dumps(self.version_info))
except Exception as excep:
self.logger.warning("Could not read current version from remote server!")
self.version_info = {}
template_dictionary[KEY_SERVER_VERSION] = self.version_info
template_dictionary[KEY_CURRENT_VERSION_FULL] = TvbProfile.current.version.CURRENT_VERSION
return template_dictionary
class UniqueUsername(formencode.FancyValidator):
Custom validator to check that a given user-name is unique.
def _convert_to_python(self, value, state):
""" Fancy validate for Unique user-name """
if not UserService().is_username_valid(value):
raise formencode.Invalid('Please choose another user-name, this one is already in use!', value, state)
return value