Source code for tvb.datatypes.sensors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package. This package holds all simulators, and
# analysers necessary to run brain-simulations. You can use it stand alone or
# in conjunction with TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program.  If not, see <>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:

The Sensors dataType.

.. moduleauthor:: Stuart A. Knock <>
.. moduleauthor:: Lia Domide <>
.. moduleauthor:: Marmaduke Woodman <>


import bz2
import re
import numpy
from io import StringIO

from tvb.basic.readers import FileReader, try_get_absolute_path
from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import HasTraits, Attr, NArray, Int, TVBEnum, Final

[docs] class SensorTypesEnum(TVBEnum): TYPE_EEG = "EEG" TYPE_MEG = "MEG" TYPE_INTERNAL = "Internal"
[docs] class Sensors(HasTraits): """ Base Sensors class. All sensors have locations. Some will have orientations, e.g. MEG. """ sensors_type = Attr(str, required=False) labels = NArray(dtype='U128', label="Sensor labels") locations = NArray(label="Sensor locations") has_orientation = Attr(field_type=bool, default=False) orientations = NArray(required=False) number_of_sensors = Int(field_type=int, label="Number of sensors", doc="""The number of sensors described by these Sensors.""") # introduced to accommodate real sensors sets which have sensors # that should be zero during simulation i.e. ECG (heart), EOG, # reference gradiometers, etc. usable = NArray(dtype=bool, required=False, label="Usable sensors", doc="The sensors in set which are used for signal data.")
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, source_file="eeg_brainstorm_65.txt"): result = cls() source_full_path = try_get_absolute_path("tvb_data.sensors", source_file) reader = FileReader(source_full_path) result.labels = reader.read_array(dtype=numpy.str_, use_cols=(0,)) result.locations = reader.read_array(use_cols=(1, 2, 3)) return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_bytes_stream(cls, bytes_stream, content_type='.txt'): """Construct Sensors from source_file.""" result = Sensors() if content_type == '.txt.bz2': decompressor = bz2.BZ2Decompressor() bytes_stream = decompressor.decompress(bytes_stream) content_str = StringIO(bytes_stream.decode()) result.labels = numpy.loadtxt(content_str, dtype=numpy.str_, skiprows=0, usecols=(0,)) result.locations = numpy.loadtxt(content_str, dtype=numpy.float64, skiprows=0, usecols=(1, 2, 3)) return result
[docs] def configure(self): """ Invoke the compute methods for computable attributes that haven't been set during initialization. """ super(Sensors, self).configure() self.number_of_sensors = int(self.labels.shape[0])
[docs] def summary_info(self): """ Gather scientifically interesting summary information from an instance of this datatype. """ return { "Sensor type": self.sensors_type, "Number of Sensors": self.number_of_sensors }
[docs] def sensors_to_surface(self, surface_to_map): """ Map EEG sensors onto the head surface (skin-air). EEG sensor locations are typically only given on a unit sphere, that is, they are effectively only identified by their orientation with respect to a coordinate system. This method is used to map these unit vector sensor "locations" to a specific location on the surface of the skin. Assumes coordinate systems are aligned, i.e. common x,y,z and origin. """ # Normalize sensor and vertex locations to unit vectors norm_sensors = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(self.locations ** 2, axis=1)) unit_sensors = self.locations / norm_sensors[:, numpy.newaxis] norm_verts = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(surface_to_map.vertices ** 2, axis=1)) unit_vertices = surface_to_map.vertices / norm_verts[:, numpy.newaxis] sensor_locations = numpy.zeros((self.number_of_sensors, 3)) for k in range(self.number_of_sensors): # Find the surface vertex most closely aligned with current sensor. current_sensor = unit_sensors[k] alignment =, unit_vertices.T) one_ring = [] while not one_ring: closest_vertex = alignment.argmax() # Get the set of triangles in the neighbourhood of that vertex. # NOTE: Intersection doesn't always fall within the 1-ring, so, all # triangles contained in the 2-ring are considered. one_ring = surface_to_map.vertex_neighbours[closest_vertex] if not one_ring: alignment[closest_vertex] = min(alignment) local_tri = [surface_to_map.vertex_triangles[v] for v in one_ring] local_tri = list(set([tri for subar in local_tri for tri in subar])) # Calculate a parametrized plane line intersection [t,u,v] for the # set of local triangles, which are considered as defining a plane. tuv = numpy.zeros((len(local_tri), 3)) for i, tri in enumerate(local_tri): edge_01 = (surface_to_map.vertices[surface_to_map.triangles[tri, 0]] - surface_to_map.vertices[surface_to_map.triangles[tri, 1]]) edge_02 = (surface_to_map.vertices[surface_to_map.triangles[tri, 0]] - surface_to_map.vertices[surface_to_map.triangles[tri, 2]]) see_mat = numpy.vstack((current_sensor, edge_01, edge_02)) tuv[i] = numpy.linalg.solve(see_mat.T, surface_to_map.vertices[surface_to_map.triangles[tri, 0].T]) # Find which line-plane intersection falls within its triangle # by imposing the condition that u, v, & u+v are contained in [0 1] local_triangle_index = ((0 <= tuv[:, 1]) * (tuv[:, 1] < 1) * (0 <= tuv[:, 2]) * (tuv[:, 2] < 1) * (0 <= (tuv[:, 1] + tuv[:, 2])) * ((tuv[:, 1] + tuv[:, 2]) < 2)).nonzero()[0] if len(local_triangle_index) == 1: # Scale sensor unit vector by t so that it lies on the surface. sensor_locations[k] = current_sensor * tuv[local_triangle_index[0], 0] elif len(local_triangle_index) < 1: # No triangle was found in proximity. Draw the sensor somehow in the surface extension area self.log.warning("Could not find a proper position on the given surface for sensor %d:%s. " "with direction %s" % (k, self.labels[k], str(self.locations[k]))) distances = (abs(tuv[:, 1] + tuv[:, 2])) local_triangle_index = distances.argmin() # Scale sensor unit vector by t so that it lies on the surface. sensor_locations[k] = current_sensor * tuv[local_triangle_index, 0] else: # More than one triangle was found in proximity. Pick the first. # Scale sensor unit vector by t so that it lies on the surface. sensor_locations[k] = current_sensor * tuv[local_triangle_index[0], 0] return sensor_locations
[docs] class SensorsEEG(Sensors): """ EEG sensor locations are represented as unit vectors, these need to be combined with a head(outer-skin) surface to obtain actual sensor locations :: position | / \\ / \\ file columns: labels, x, y, z """ sensors_type = Final(field_type=str, default=SensorTypesEnum.TYPE_EEG.value) has_orientation = Attr(bool, default=False)
[docs] class SensorsMEG(Sensors): r""" These are actually just SQUIDS. Axial or planar gradiometers are achieved by calculating lead fields for two sets of sensors and then subtracting... :: position orientation | | / \ / \ / \ / \ file columns: labels, x, y, z, dx, dy, dz """ sensors_type = Final(field_type=str, default=SensorTypesEnum.TYPE_MEG.value) orientations = NArray(label="Sensor orientations", doc="An array representing the orientation of the MEG SQUIDs") has_orientation = Attr(field_type=bool, default=True)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, source_file="meg_151.txt.bz2"): result = super(SensorsMEG, cls).from_file(source_file) source_full_path = try_get_absolute_path("tvb_data.sensors", source_file) reader = FileReader(source_full_path) result.orientations = reader.read_array(use_cols=(4, 5, 6)) return result
[docs] class SensorsInternal(Sensors): """ Sensors inside the brain... """ sensors_type = Final(field_type=str, default=SensorTypesEnum.TYPE_INTERNAL.value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, source_file="seeg_39.txt.bz2"): return super(SensorsInternal, cls).from_file(source_file)
@staticmethod def _split_string_text_numbers(labels): items = [] for i, s in enumerate(labels): match = re.findall(r'(\d+|\D+)', s) if match: items.append((match[0], i)) else: items.append((s, i)) return numpy.array(items)
[docs] @staticmethod def group_sensors_to_electrodes(labels): sensor_names = SensorsInternal._split_string_text_numbers(labels) electrode_labels = numpy.unique(sensor_names[:, 0]) electrode_groups = [] for electrode in electrode_labels: tuples = [(idx, labels[idx]) for idx in numpy.where(sensor_names[:, 0] == electrode)[0]] electrode_groups.append((electrode, tuples)) return electrode_groups
@property def grouped_electrodes(self): return SensorsInternal.group_sensors_to_electrodes(self.labels)
[docs] def make_sensors(sensors_type): """ Build a Sensors instance, based on an input type :param sensors_type: one of the supported subtypes :return: Instance of the corresponding sensors class, or None """ if sensors_type == SensorTypesEnum.TYPE_EEG.value: return SensorsEEG() elif sensors_type == SensorTypesEnum.TYPE_MEG.value: return SensorsMEG() elif sensors_type == SensorTypesEnum.TYPE_INTERNAL.value: return SensorsInternal() return None