# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package. This package holds all simulators, and
# analysers necessary to run brain-simulations. You can use it stand alone or
# in conjunction with TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
# https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/neuroscience-publications
The Equation datatypes.
.. moduleauthor:: Stuart A. Knock <Stuart@tvb.invalid>
import numpy
from scipy.special import gamma as sp_gamma
from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import HasTraits, Attr, Final, TupleEnum, SubformEnum
from tvb.simulator.backend.ref import RefBase
# In how many points should the equation be evaluated for the plot. Increasing this will
# give smoother results at the cost of some performance
class EquationsEnum(SubformEnum):
Superclass of all enums that have equations as values
# class Equation(basic.MapAsJson, core.Type):
# todo: handle the MapAsJson functionality
class Equation(HasTraits):
"""Base class for Equation data types."""
equation = Attr(
label="Equation as a string",
doc=""" the equation as it should be interpreted by numexpr""")
# todo: transform these parameters into plain declarative attrs
parameters = Attr(
label="Parameters in a dictionary.",
default=lambda: {},
doc="""Should be a list of the parameters and their meaning, Traits
should be able to take defaults and sensible ranges from any
traited information that was provided.""")
def summary_info(self):
Gather scientifically interesting summary information from an instance
of this datatype.
return {
"Equation type": self.__class__.__name__,
"equation": self.equation,
"parameters": self.parameters
def evaluate(self, var):
Generate a discrete representation of the equation for the space
represented by ``var``.
The argument ``var`` can represent a distance, or effective distance,
for each node in a simulation. Or a time, or in principle any arbitrary
`` space ``. ``var`` can be a single number, a numpy.ndarray or a
?scipy.sparse_matrix? TODO: think this last one is true, need to check
as we need it for LocalConnectivity...
ns = {'var': var}
return RefBase.evaluate(self.equation, ns)
def get_series_data(self, min_range=0, max_range=100, step=None):
NOTE: The symbol from the equation which varies should be named: var
Returns the series data needed for plotting this equation.
if step is None:
step = float(max_range - min_range) / DEFAULT_PLOT_GRANULARITY
var = numpy.arange(min_range, max_range+step, step)
var = var[numpy.newaxis, :]
y = self.evaluate(var)
result = list(zip(var.flat, y.flat))
return result, False
class TemporalApplicableEquation(Equation):
Abstract class introduced just for filtering what equations to be displayed in UI,
for setting the temporal component in Stimulus on region and surface.
class FiniteSupportEquation(TemporalApplicableEquation):
Equations that decay to zero as the variable moves away from zero. It is
necessary to restrict spatial equation evaluated on a surface to this
class, are . The main purpose of this class is to facilitate filtering in the UI,
for patters on surface (stimuli surface and localConnectivity).
class SpatialApplicableEquation(Equation):
Abstract class introduced just for filtering what equations to be displayed in UI,
for setting model parameters on the Surface level.
class DiscreteEquation(FiniteSupportEquation):
A special case for 'discrete' spaces, such as the regions, where each point
in the space is effectively just assigned a value.
equation = Attr(
label="Discrete Equation",
# locked=True,
doc="""The equation defines a function of :math:`x`""")
class Linear(TemporalApplicableEquation):
A linear equation.
equation = Final(
label="Linear Equation",
default="a * var + b",
# locked=True,
doc=""":math:`result = a * x + b`""")
parameters = Attr(
label="Linear Parameters",
default=lambda: {"a": 1.0, "b": 0.0})
class RescaleInterval(Equation):
Direct rescaling of an interval from [oldMin..oldMax] into [newMin..newMax]
equation = Final(
label="Rescale Equation",
default="(var - oldMin) * (newMax - newMin) / (oldMax - oldMin) + newMin",
doc=""":math:`result = (x - oldMin) * (newMax - newMin) / (oldMax - oldMin) + newMin`""")
parameters = Attr(
label="Rescale Interval Parameters",
default=lambda: {"newMin": 0.0, "newMax": 1.0, "oldMin": 0.0, "oldMax": 1.0})
class Absolute(Equation):
Absolute value
equation = Final(
label="Absolute Equation",
doc=""":math:`result = abs(x)`""")
class Identity(Equation):
Identity value
equation = Final(
label="Identity Equation",
doc=""":math:`result = x`""")
class Logarithm(Equation):
Logarithm Equation
equation = Final(
label="Logarithm Equation",
doc=""":math:`result = log(x)`""")
class Gaussian(SpatialApplicableEquation, FiniteSupportEquation):
A Gaussian equation.
offset: parameter to extend the behaviour of this function
when spatializing model parameters.
equation = Final(
label="Gaussian Equation",
default="(amp * exp(-((var-midpoint)**2 / (2.0 * sigma**2))))+offset",
doc=""":math:`(amp \\exp\\left(-\\left(\\left(x-midpoint\\right)^2 /
\\left(2.0 \\sigma^2\\right)\\right)\\right)) + offset`""")
parameters = Attr(
label="Gaussian Parameters",
default=lambda: {"amp": 1.0, "sigma": 1.0, "midpoint": 0.0, "offset": 0.0})
class DoubleGaussian(FiniteSupportEquation):
A Mexican-hat function approximated by the difference of Gaussians functions.
equation = Final(
label="Double Gaussian Equation",
default="""(amp_1 * exp(-((var-midpoint_1)**2 / (2.0 * sigma_1**2)))) - """
"""(amp_2 * exp(-((var-midpoint_2)**2 / (2.0 * sigma_2**2))))""",
doc=""":math:`amp_1 \\exp\\left(-\\left((x-midpoint_1)^2 / \\left(2.0
\\sigma_1^2\\right)\\right)\\right) -
amp_2 \\exp\\left(-\\left((x-midpoint_2)^2 / \\left(2.0
parameters = Attr(
label="Double Gaussian Parameters",
default=lambda: {"amp_1": 0.5, "sigma_1": 20.0, "midpoint_1": 0.0,
"amp_2": 1.0, "sigma_2": 10.0, "midpoint_2": 0.0})
class Sigmoid(SpatialApplicableEquation, FiniteSupportEquation):
A Sigmoid equation.
offset: parameter to extend the behaviour of this function
when spatializing model parameters.
equation = Final(
label="Sigmoid Equation",
default="(amp / (1.0 + exp(-1.8137993642342178 * (radius-var)/sigma))) + offset",
doc=""":math:`(amp / (1.0 + \\exp(-\\pi/\\sqrt(3.0)
(radius-x)/\\sigma))) + offset`""")
parameters = Attr(
label="Sigmoid Parameters",
default=lambda: {"amp": 1.0, "radius": 5.0, "sigma": 1.0, "offset": 0.0})
class GeneralizedSigmoid(TemporalApplicableEquation):
A General Sigmoid equation.
equation = Final(
label="Generalized Sigmoid Equation",
default="low + (high - low) / (1.0 + exp(-1.8137993642342178 * (var-midpoint)/sigma))",
doc=""":math:`low + (high - low) / (1.0 + \\exp(-\\pi/\\sqrt(3.0)
parameters = Attr(
label="Sigmoid Parameters",
default=lambda: {"low": 0.0, "high": 1.0, "midpoint": 1.0, "sigma": 0.3})
class Sinusoid(TemporalApplicableEquation):
A Sinusoid equation.
equation = Final(
label="Sinusoid Equation",
default="amp * sin(6.283185307179586 * frequency * var)",
doc=""":math:`amp \\sin(2.0 \\pi frequency x)` """)
parameters = Attr(
label="Sinusoid Parameters",
default=lambda: {"amp": 1.0, "frequency": 0.01})
class Cosine(TemporalApplicableEquation):
A Cosine equation.
equation = Final(
label="Cosine Equation",
default="amp * cos(6.283185307179586 * frequency * var)",
doc=""":math:`amp \\cos(2.0 \\pi frequency x)` """)
parameters = Attr(
label="Cosine Parameters",
default=lambda: {"amp": 1.0, "frequency": 0.01})
class Alpha(TemporalApplicableEquation):
An Alpha function belonging to the Exponential function family.
equation = Final(
label="Alpha Equation",
default="""where((var-onset) > 0, (alpha * beta) / (beta - alpha) * (exp(-alpha * (var-onset)) """
""" - exp(-beta * (var-onset))), 0.0 * var)""",
doc=""":math:`(\\alpha * \\beta) / (\\beta - \\alpha) *
(\\exp(-\\alpha * (x-onset)) - \\exp(-\\beta * (x-onset)))` for :math:`(x-onset) > 0`""")
parameters = Attr(
label="Alpha Parameters",
default=lambda: {"onset": 0.5, "alpha": 13.0, "beta": 42.0})
class PulseTrain(TemporalApplicableEquation):
A pulse train , offset with respect to the time axis.
* :math:`\\tau` : pulse width or pulse duration
* :math:`T` : pulse repetition period
* onset : time of the first pulse
* amp : amplitude of the pulse
equation = Final(
label="Pulse Train",
default="where((var>onset)&(((var-onset) % T) < tau), amp, 0)",
doc=""":math:`\\left\\{{\\begin{array}{rl}amp,&{\\text{if }} ((var-onset) \\mod T) < \\tau \\space and \\space
var > onset\\\\0, &{\\text{otherwise }}\\end{array}}\\right.`""")
# onset is in milliseconds
# T and tau are in milliseconds as well
parameters = Attr(
default=lambda: {"T": 42.0, "tau": 13.0, "amp": 1.0, "onset": 30.0},
label="Pulse Train Parameters")
class HRFKernelEquation(Equation):
"""Base class for hemodynamic response functions."""
class Gamma(HRFKernelEquation):
A Gamma function for the bold monitor. It belongs to the family of Exponential functions.
* :math:`\\tau` : Exponential time constant of the gamma function [seconds].
* :math:`n` : The phase delay of the gamma function.
* :math: `factorial` : (n-1)!. numexpr does not support factorial yet.
* :math: `a` : Amplitude factor after normalization.
.. [B_1996] Geoffrey M. Boynton, Stephen A. Engel, Gary H. Glover and David
J. Heeger (1996). Linear Systems Analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance
Imaging in Human V1. J Neurosci 16: 4207-4221
.. note:: might be filtered from the equations used in Stimulus and Local Connectivity.
# TODO: Introduce a time delay in the equation (shifts the hrf onset)
# """:math:`h(t) = \frac{(\frac{t-\delta}{\tau})^{(n-1)} e^{-(\frac{t-\delta}{\tau})}}{\tau(n-1)!}"""
# delta = 2.05 seconds -- Additional delay in seconds from the onset of the
# time-series to the beginning of the gamma hrf.
# delay cannot be negative or greater than the hrf duration.
equation = Final(
label="Gamma Equation",
default="((var / tau) ** (n - 1) * exp(-(var / tau)) )/ (tau * factorial)",
doc=""":math:`h(var) = \\frac{(\\frac{var}{\\tau})^{(n-1)}\\exp{-(\\frac{var}{\\tau})}}{\\tau(n-1)!}`.""")
parameters = Attr(
label="Gamma Parameters",
default=lambda: {"tau": 1.08, "n": 3.0, "factorial": 2.0, "a": 0.1})
def evaluate(self, var):
Generate a discrete representation of the equation for the space
represented by ``var``.
.. note: numexpr doesn't support factorial yet
# compute the factorial
n = int(self.parameters["n"])
product = 1
for i in range(n - 1):
product *= i + 1
self.parameters["factorial"] = product
_pattern = super().evaluate(var)
_pattern /= max(_pattern)
_pattern *= self.parameters["a"]
return _pattern
class DoubleExponential(HRFKernelEquation):
A difference of two exponential functions to define a kernel for the bold monitor.
**Parameters** :
* :math:`\\tau_1`: Time constant of the second exponential function [s]
* :math:`\\tau_2`: Time constant of the first exponential function [s].
* :math:`f_1` : Frequency of the first sine function [Hz].
* :math:`f_2` : Frequency of the second sine function [Hz].
* :math:`amp_1`: Amplitude of the first exponential function.
* :math:`amp_2`: Amplitude of the second exponential function.
* :math:`a` : Amplitude factor after normalization.
.. [P_2000] Alex Polonsky, Randolph Blake, Jochen Braun and David J. Heeger
(2000). Neuronal activity in human primary visual cortex correlates with
perception during binocular rivalry. Nature Neuroscience 3: 1153-1159
equation = Final(
label="Double Exponential Equation",
default="((amp_1 * exp(-var/tau_1) * sin(2.*pi*f_1*var)) - (amp_2 * exp(-var/ tau_2) * sin(2.*pi*f_2*var)))",
doc=""":math:`h(var) = amp_1\\exp(\\frac{-var}{\tau_1})
\\sin(2\\cdot\\pi f_1 \\cdot var) - amp_2\\cdot \\exp(-\\frac{var}
{\\tau_2})*\\sin(2\\pi f_2 var)`.""")
parameters = Attr(
label="Double Exponential Parameters",
default=lambda: {"tau_1": 7.22, "f_1": 0.03, "amp_1": 0.1,
"tau_2": 7.4, "f_2": 0.12, "amp_2": 0.1,
"a": 0.1, "pi": numpy.pi})
def evaluate(self, var):
Generate a discrete representation of the equation for the space
represented by ``var``.
_pattern = super().evaluate(var)
_pattern /= max(_pattern)
_pattern *= self.parameters["a"]
return _pattern
class FirstOrderVolterra(HRFKernelEquation):
Integral form of the first Volterra kernel of the three used in the
Ballon Windekessel model for computing the Bold signal.
This function describes a damped Oscillator.
**Parameters** :
* :math:`\\tau_s`: Dimensionless? exponential decay parameter.
* :math:`\\tau_f`: Dimensionless? oscillatory parameter.
* :math:`k_1` : First Volterra kernel coefficient.
* :math:`V_0` : Resting blood volume fraction.
**References** :
.. [F_2000] Friston, K., Mechelli, A., Turner, R., and Price, C., *Nonlinear
Responses in fMRI: The Balloon Model, Volterra Kernels, and Other
Hemodynamics*, NeuroImage, 12, 466 - 477, 2000.
equation = Final(
label="First Order Volterra Kernel",
default="""1/3. * exp(-0.5*(var / tau_s)) * (sin(sqrt(1./tau_f - 1./(4.*tau_s**2)) * var)) / """
"""(sqrt(1./tau_f - 1./(4.*tau_s**2)))""",
doc=""":math:`G(t - t^{\\prime}) =
e^{\\frac{1}{2} \\left(\\frac{t - t^{\\prime}}{\\tau_s} \\right)}
\\frac{\\sin\\left((t - t^{\\prime})
\\sqrt{\\frac{1}{\\tau_f} - \\frac{1}{4 \\tau_s^2}}\\right)}
{\\sqrt{\\frac{1}{\\tau_f} - \\frac{1}{4 \\tau_s^2}}}
\\; \\; \\; \\; \\; \\; for \\; \\; \\; t \\geq t^{\\prime}
= 0 \\; \\; \\; \\; \\; \\; for \\; \\; \\; t < t^{\\prime}`.""")
parameters = Attr(
label="Mixture of Gammas Parameters",
default=lambda: {"tau_s": 0.8, "tau_f": 0.4, "k_1": 5.6, "V_0": 0.02})
class MixtureOfGammas(HRFKernelEquation):
A mixture of two gamma distributions to create a kernel similar to the one used in SPM.
>> import scipy.stats as sp_stats
>> import numpy
>> t = numpy.linspace(1,20,100)
>> a1, a2 = 6., 10.
>> lambda = 1.
>> c = 0.5
>> hrf = sp_stats.gamma.pdf(t, a1, lambda) - c * sp_stats.gamma.pdf(t, a2, lambda)
gamma.pdf(x, a, theta) = (lambda*x)**(a-1) * exp(-lambda*x) / gamma(a)
a : shape parameter
theta: 1 / lambda : scale parameter
.. [G_1999] Glover, G. *Deconvolution of Impulse Response in Event-Related BOLD fMRI*.
NeuroImage 9, 416-429, 1999.
* :math:`a_{1}` : shape parameter first gamma pdf.
* :math:`a_{2}` : shape parameter second gamma pdf.
* :math:`\\lambda` : scale parameter first gamma pdf.
Default values are based on [G_1999]_:
* :math:`a_{1} - 1 = n_{1} = 5.0`
* :math:`a_{2} - 1 = n_{2} = 12.0`
* :math:`c \\equiv a_{2} = 0.4`
Alternative values :math:`a_{2}=10` and :math:`c=0.5`
NOTE: gamma_a_1 and gamma_a_2 are placeholders, the true values are
computed before evaluating the expression, because numexpr does not
support certain functions.
NOTE: [G_1999]_ used a different analytical function that can be approximated
by this difference of gamma pdfs
equation = Final(
label="Mixture of Gammas",
default="(l * var)**(a_1-1) * exp(-l*var) / gamma_a_1 - c * (l*var)**(a_2-1) * exp(-l*var) / gamma_a_2",
doc=""":math:`\\frac{\\lambda \\,t^{a_{1} - 1} \\,\\, \\exp^{-\\lambda \\,t}}{\\Gamma(a_{1})}
- 0.5 \\frac{\\lambda \\,t^{a_{2} - 1} \\,\\, \\exp^{-\\lambda \\,t}}{\\Gamma(a_{2})}`.""")
parameters = Attr(
label="Double Exponential Parameters",
default=lambda: {"a_1": 6.0, "a_2": 13.0, "l": 1.0, "c": 0.4, "gamma_a_1": 1.0, "gamma_a_2": 1.0})
def evaluate(self, var):
Generate a discrete representation of the equation for the space
represented by ``var``.
.. note: numexpr doesn't support gamma function
# get gamma functions
self.parameters["gamma_a_1"] = sp_gamma(self.parameters["a_1"])
self.parameters["gamma_a_2"] = sp_gamma(self.parameters["a_2"])
return super().evaluate(var)