# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
# https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/neuroscience-publications
Service layer, for executing computational steps in the application.
Code related to launching/duplicating operations is placed here.
.. moduleauthor:: Lia Domide <lia.domide@codemart.ro>
.. moduleauthor:: Bogdan Neacsa <bogdan.neacsa@codemart.ro>
import os
from inspect import getmro
from tvb.basic.logger.builder import get_logger
from tvb.core.adapters.abcadapter import ABCAdapter
from tvb.core.adapters.abcadapter import ABCAdapterForm
from tvb.core.adapters.abcuploader import ABCUploaderForm
from tvb.core.entities.filters.chain import FilterChain, InvalidFilterChainInput
from tvb.core.entities.model.model_datatype import *
from tvb.core.entities.model.model_operation import AlgorithmTransientGroup
from tvb.core.entities.model.model_project import User
from tvb.core.entities.storage import dao
from tvb.core.neotraits.forms import TraitDataTypeSelectField, TraitUploadField, TEMPORARY_PREFIX, UserSessionStrField
from tvb.core.services.exceptions import OperationException
from tvb.core.utils import date2string
from tvb.storage.storage_interface import StorageInterface
class AlgorithmService(object):
Service Layer for Algorithms manipulation (e.g. find all Uploaders, Filter algo by category, etc)
def __init__(self):
self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__module__)
self.storage_interface = StorageInterface()
def get_category_by_id(identifier):
""" Pass to DAO the retrieve of category by ID operation."""
return dao.get_category_by_id(identifier)
def get_raw_categories():
""":returns: AlgorithmCategory list of entities that have results in RAW state (Creators/Uploaders)"""
return dao.get_raw_categories()
def get_visualisers_category():
"""Retrieve all Algorithm categories, with display capability"""
result = dao.get_visualisers_categories()
if not result:
raise ValueError("View Category not found!!!")
return result[0]
def get_algorithm_by_identifier(ident):
Retrieve Algorithm entity by ID.
Return None, if ID is not found in DB.
return dao.get_algorithm_by_id(ident)
def get_operation_numbers(proj_id):
""" Count total number of operations started for current project. """
return dao.get_operation_numbers(proj_id)
def _prepare_dt_display_name(self, dt_index, dt):
# dt is a result of the get_values_of_datatype function
db_dt = dao.get_generic_entity(dt_index, dt[2], "gid")
display_name = db_dt[0].display_name
display_name += ' - ' + (dt[3] or "None ") # Subject
if dt[5]:
display_name += ' - From: ' + str(dt[5])
display_name += date2string(dt[4])
if dt[6]:
display_name += ' - ' + str(dt[6])
display_name += ' - ID:' + str(dt[0])
return display_name
def fill_selectfield_with_datatypes(self, field, project_id, extra_conditions=None):
# type: (TraitDataTypeSelectField, int, list) -> None
filtering_conditions = FilterChain()
if field.conditions is not None:
filtering_conditions.operator_between_fields = field.conditions.operator_between_fields
filtering_conditions += field.conditions
filtering_conditions += extra_conditions
datatypes, _ = dao.get_values_of_datatype(project_id, field.datatype_index, filtering_conditions)
datatype_options = []
for datatype in datatypes:
display_name = self._prepare_dt_display_name(field.datatype_index, datatype)
datatype_options.append((datatype, display_name))
field.datatype_options = datatype_options
def _fill_form_with_datatypes(self, form, project_id, user, extra_conditions=None):
for form_field in form.trait_fields:
if isinstance(form_field, TraitDataTypeSelectField):
self.fill_selectfield_with_datatypes(form_field, project_id, extra_conditions)
elif isinstance(form_field, UserSessionStrField):
# set the value of input field on load from user session, if exists
# e.g. EBRAINS token
pref = user.get_preference(form_field.key)
form_field.unvalidated_data = pref
return form
def _prepare_upload_post_data(self, form, post_data, project_id):
for form_field in form.trait_fields:
if isinstance(form_field, TraitUploadField) and form_field.name in post_data:
field = post_data[form_field.name]
file_name = None
if hasattr(field, 'file') and field.file is not None:
project = dao.get_project_by_id(project_id)
temporary_storage = self.storage_interface.get_temp_folder(project.name)
uq_name = date2string(datetime.now(), True) + '_' + str(0)
file_name = TEMPORARY_PREFIX + uq_name + '_' + field.filename
file_name = os.path.join(temporary_storage, file_name)
with open(file_name, 'wb') as file_obj:
except Exception as excep:
# TODO: is this handled properly?
excep.message = 'Could not continue: Invalid input files'
raise excep
post_data[form_field.name] = file_name
def prepare_adapter(self, stored_adapter):
adapter_module = stored_adapter.module
adapter_name = stored_adapter.classname
# Prepare Adapter Interface, by populating with existent data,
# in case of a parameter of type DataType.
adapter_instance = ABCAdapter.build_adapter(stored_adapter)
return adapter_instance
except Exception:
self.logger.exception('Not found:' + adapter_name + ' in:' + adapter_module)
raise OperationException("Could not prepare " + adapter_name)
def get_algorithm_by_module_and_class(module, classname):
Get the db entry from the algorithm table for the given module and
return dao.get_algorithm_by_module(module, classname)
def create_link(data_id, project_id):
For a list of dataType IDs and a project id create all the required links.
link = Links(data_id, project_id)
def remove_link(dt_id, project_id):
Remove the link from the datatype given by dt_id to project given by project_id.
link = dao.get_link(dt_id, project_id)
if link is not None:
dao.remove_entity(Links, link.id)
def get_upload_algorithms():
:return: List of StoredAdapter entities
categories = dao.get_uploader_categories()
categories_ids = [categ.id for categ in categories]
return dao.get_adapters_from_categories(categories_ids)
def get_analyze_groups():
:return: list of AlgorithmTransientGroup entities
categories = dao.get_launchable_categories(elimin_viewers=True)
categories_ids = [categ.id for categ in categories]
stored_adapters = dao.get_adapters_from_categories(categories_ids)
groups_list = []
for adapter in stored_adapters:
# For empty groups, this time, we fill the actual adapter
group = AlgorithmTransientGroup(adapter.group_name or adapter.displayname,
adapter.group_description or adapter.description)
group = AlgorithmService._find_group(groups_list, group)
return categories[0], groups_list
def _find_group(groups_list, new_group):
for i in range(len(groups_list) - 1, -1, -1):
current_group = groups_list[i]
if current_group.name == new_group.name and current_group.description == new_group.description:
return current_group
# Not found in list
return new_group
def get_visualizers_for_group(self, dt_group_gid):
categories = dao.get_visualisers_categories()
return self._get_launchable_algorithms(dt_group_gid, categories)[1]
def get_launchable_algorithms(self, datatype_gid):
:param datatype_gid: Filter only algorithms compatible with this GUID
:return: dict(category_name: List AlgorithmTransientGroup)
categories = dao.get_launchable_categories()
datatype_instance, filtered_adapters, has_operations_warning = self._get_launchable_algorithms(datatype_gid,
categories_dict = dict()
for c in categories:
categories_dict[c.id] = c.displayname
return self._group_adapters_by_category(filtered_adapters, categories_dict), has_operations_warning
def _get_launchable_algorithms(self, datatype_gid, categories):
datatype_instance = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(datatype_gid)
return self.get_launchable_algorithms_for_datatype(datatype_instance, categories)
def get_launchable_algorithms_for_datatype(self, datatype, categories):
data_class = datatype.__class__
all_compatible_classes = [data_class.__name__]
for one_class in getmro(data_class):
# from tvb.basic.traits.types_mapped import MappedType
if issubclass(one_class, DataType) and one_class.__name__ not in all_compatible_classes:
self.logger.debug("Searching in categories: " + str(categories) + " for classes " + str(all_compatible_classes))
categories_ids = [categ.id for categ in categories]
launchable_adapters = dao.get_applicable_adapters(all_compatible_classes, categories_ids)
filtered_adapters = []
has_operations_warning = False
for stored_adapter in launchable_adapters:
filter_chain = FilterChain.from_json(stored_adapter.datatype_filter)
if not filter_chain or filter_chain.get_python_filter_equivalent(datatype):
except (TypeError, InvalidFilterChainInput):
self.logger.exception("Could not evaluate filter on " + str(stored_adapter))
has_operations_warning = True
return datatype, filtered_adapters, has_operations_warning
def _group_adapters_by_category(self, stored_adapters, categories):
:param stored_adapters: list StoredAdapter
:return: dict(category_name: List AlgorithmTransientGroup), empty groups all in the same AlgorithmTransientGroup
categories_dict = dict()
for adapter in stored_adapters:
category_name = categories.get(adapter.fk_category)
if category_name in categories_dict:
groups_list = categories_dict.get(category_name)
groups_list = []
categories_dict[category_name] = groups_list
group = AlgorithmTransientGroup(adapter.group_name, adapter.group_description)
group = self._find_group(groups_list, group)
return categories_dict
def get_generic_entity(entity_type, filter_value, select_field):
return dao.get_generic_entity(entity_type, filter_value, select_field)
######## Methods below are for MeasurePoint selections ###################
def get_selections_for_project(project_id, datatype_gid):
Retrieved from DB saved selections for current project. If a certain selection
doesn't have all the labels between the labels of the given connectivity than
this selection will not be returned.
:returns: List of ConnectivitySelection entities.
return dao.get_selections_for_project(project_id, datatype_gid)
def save_measure_points_selection(ui_name, selected_nodes, datatype_gid, project_id):
Store in DB a ConnectivitySelection.
select_entities = dao.get_selections_for_project(project_id, datatype_gid, ui_name)
if select_entities:
# when the name of the new selection is within the available selections then update that selection:
select_entity = select_entities[0]
select_entity.selected_nodes = selected_nodes
select_entity = MeasurePointsSelection(ui_name, selected_nodes, datatype_gid, project_id)
########## Bellow are PSE Filters specific methods ##################
def get_stored_pse_filters(datatype_group_gid):
return dao.get_stored_pse_filters(datatype_group_gid)
def save_pse_filter(ui_name, datatype_group_gid, threshold_value, applied_on):
Store in DB a PSE filter.
select_entities = dao.get_stored_pse_filters(datatype_group_gid, ui_name)
if select_entities:
# when the UI name is already in DB, update the existing entity
select_entity = select_entities[0]
select_entity.threshold_value = threshold_value
select_entity.applied_on = applied_on # this is the type, as in applied on size or color
select_entity = StoredPSEFilter(ui_name, datatype_group_gid, threshold_value, applied_on)