Source code for tvb.core.neotraits._h5core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program.  If not, see <>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
from datetime import datetime
import importlib
import typing
import uuid
import numpy
import scipy.sparse

from tvb.basic.logger.builder import get_logger
from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import HasTraits, TupleEnum, Attr, List, NArray, Range, EnumAttr, Final, TVBEnum
from tvb.basic.neotraits.ex import TraitFinalAttributeError
from tvb.core.entities.generic_attributes import GenericAttributes
from tvb.core.neotraits.h5 import EquationScalar, SparseMatrix, ReferenceList
from tvb.core.neotraits.h5 import Uuid, Scalar, Accessor, DataSet, Reference, JsonFinal, Json, JsonRange, Enum
from tvb.core.neotraits.view_model import DataTypeGidAttr
from tvb.core.utils import string2date, date2string
from tvb.datatypes.equations import Equation, EquationsEnum
from import MissingDataSetException
from import StorageInterface

LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class H5File(object): """ A H5 based file format. This class implements reading and writing to a *specific* h5 based file format. A subclass of this defines a new file format. """ KEY_WRITTEN_BY = 'written_by' is_new_file = False def __init__(self, path): # type: (str) -> None self.path = path self.storage_manager = StorageInterface.get_storage_manager(self.path) # would be nice to have an opened state for the chunked api instead of the close_file=False # common scalar headers self.gid = Uuid(HasTraits.gid, self) self.written_by = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name=self.KEY_WRITTEN_BY) self.create_date = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='create_date') self.type = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='type') # Generic attributes descriptors self.generic_attributes = GenericAttributes() self.invalid = Scalar(Attr(bool), self, name='invalid') self.is_nan = Scalar(Attr(bool), self, name='is_nan') self.subject = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='subject') self.state = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='state') self.user_tag_1 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_1') self.user_tag_2 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_2') self.user_tag_3 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_3') self.user_tag_4 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_4') self.user_tag_5 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_5') self.operation_tag = Scalar(Attr(str, required=False), self, name='operation_tag') self.parent_burst = Uuid(Attr(uuid.UUID, required=False), self, name='parent_burst') self.visible = Scalar(Attr(bool), self, name='visible') self.metadata_cache = None # Keep a list with datasets for which we should write metadata before closing the file self.expandable_datasets = [] if not self.storage_manager.is_valid_tvb_file(): self.is_new_file = True
[docs] @classmethod def file_name_base(cls): return cls.__name__.replace("H5", "")
[docs] def read_subtype_attr(self): return None
[docs] def get_class_path(self): return self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def iter_accessors(self): # type: () -> typing.Generator[Accessor] for accessor in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(accessor, Accessor): yield accessor
[docs] def iter_datasets(self): for dataset in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(dataset, DataSet): yield dataset
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): for dataset in self.expandable_datasets: self.storage_manager.set_metadata(dataset.meta.to_dict(), dataset.field_name) self.storage_manager.close_file()
[docs] def store(self, datatype, scalars_only=False, store_references=True): # type: (HasTraits, bool, bool) -> None for accessor in self.iter_accessors(): f_name = accessor.trait_attribute.field_name if f_name is None: # skipp attribute that does not seem to belong to a traited type # accessor is an independent Accessor continue if scalars_only and not isinstance(accessor, Scalar): continue if not store_references and isinstance(accessor, Reference): continue, f_name))
[docs] def load_into(self, datatype): # type: (HasTraits) -> None for accessor in self.iter_accessors(): if isinstance(accessor, (Reference, ReferenceList)): # we do not load references recursively continue f_name = accessor.trait_attribute.field_name if f_name is None: # skipp attribute that does not seem to belong to a traited type continue # handle optional data, that will be missing from the h5 files try: value = accessor.load() except MissingDataSetException: if accessor.trait_attribute.required: raise else: value = None if isinstance(accessor, JsonFinal): current_attr = getattr(datatype, f_name) for k, v in current_attr.items(): current_attr[k] = value[k] else: try: setattr(datatype, f_name, value) except TraitFinalAttributeError: if getattr(datatype, f_name) != value: raise else: 'Cannot overwrite Final attribute: {} on {}, but it already has the expected value'.format( f_name, type(datatype).__name__))
[docs] def store_generic_attributes(self, generic_attributes, create=True): # type: (GenericAttributes, bool) -> None # write_metadata creation time, serializer class name, etc if create: self.generic_attributes.fill_from(generic_attributes) if self.generic_attributes.parent_burst is not None:
[docs] def load_generic_attributes(self): # type: () -> GenericAttributes self.generic_attributes.invalid = self.invalid.load() self.generic_attributes.is_nan = self.is_nan.load() self.generic_attributes.subject = self.subject.load() self.generic_attributes.state = self.state.load() self.generic_attributes.user_tag_1 = self.user_tag_1.load() self.generic_attributes.user_tag_2 = self.user_tag_2.load() self.generic_attributes.user_tag_3 = self.user_tag_3.load() self.generic_attributes.user_tag_4 = self.user_tag_4.load() self.generic_attributes.user_tag_5 = self.user_tag_5.load() self.generic_attributes.visible = self.visible.load() self.generic_attributes.create_date = string2date(str(self.create_date.load())) or None try: self.generic_attributes.operation_tag = self.operation_tag.load() except MissingDataSetException: self.generic_attributes.operation_tag = None try: burst = self.parent_burst.load() self.generic_attributes.parent_burst = burst.hex if burst is not None else None except MissingDataSetException: self.generic_attributes.parent_burst = None return self.generic_attributes
[docs] def gather_references(self, datatype_cls=None): ret = [] for accessor in self.iter_accessors(): trait_attribute = None if datatype_cls: if hasattr(datatype_cls, accessor.field_name): trait_attribute = getattr(datatype_cls, accessor.field_name) if not trait_attribute: trait_attribute = accessor.trait_attribute if isinstance(accessor, Reference): ret.append((trait_attribute, accessor.load())) if isinstance(accessor, ReferenceList): hex_gids = accessor.load() gids = [uuid.UUID(hex_gid) for hex_gid in hex_gids] ret.append((trait_attribute, gids)) return ret
[docs] def determine_datatype_from_file(self): config_type = self.type.load() package, cls_name = config_type.rsplit('.', 1) module = importlib.import_module(package) datatype_cls = getattr(module, cls_name) return datatype_cls
[docs] @staticmethod def determine_type(path): # type: (str) -> typing.Type[HasTraits] type_class_fqn = H5File.get_metadata_param(path, 'type') if type_class_fqn is None: return HasTraits package, cls_name = type_class_fqn.rsplit('.', 1) module = importlib.import_module(package) cls = getattr(module, cls_name) return cls
[docs] @staticmethod def get_metadata_param(path, param): meta = StorageInterface.get_storage_manager(path).get_metadata() return meta.get(param)
[docs] def store_metadata_param(self, key, value): self.storage_manager.set_metadata({key: value})
[docs] @staticmethod def h5_class_from_file(path): # type: (str) -> typing.Type[H5File] h5file_class_fqn = H5File.get_metadata_param(path, H5File.KEY_WRITTEN_BY) if h5file_class_fqn is None: return H5File(path) package, cls_name = h5file_class_fqn.rsplit('.', 1) module = importlib.import_module(package) cls = getattr(module, cls_name) return cls
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(path): # type: (str) -> H5File cls = H5File.h5_class_from_file(path) return cls(path)
def __repr__(self): return '<{}("{}")>'.format(type(self).__name__, self.path)
[docs] class ViewModelH5(H5File): # TODO it will be good to be able to just call with H5File.from_file(h5_path) as f for ViewModelH5 also def __init__(self, path, view_model): super(ViewModelH5, self).__init__(path) self.view_model = type(view_model) attrs = self.view_model.declarative_attrs self._generate_accessors(attrs) def _generate_accessors(self, view_model_fields): for attr_name in view_model_fields: attr = getattr(self.view_model, attr_name) if not issubclass(type(attr), Attr): raise ValueError('expected a Attr, got a {}'.format(type(attr))) if isinstance(attr, DataTypeGidAttr): ref = Uuid(attr, self) elif isinstance(attr, NArray): ref = DataSet(attr, self) elif isinstance(attr, List): if issubclass(attr.element_type, HasTraits): ref = ReferenceList(attr, self) else: ref = Json(attr, self) elif issubclass(type(attr), Attr): if attr.field_type is scipy.sparse.spmatrix: ref = SparseMatrix(attr, self) elif attr.field_type is numpy.random.RandomState: continue elif attr.field_type is uuid.UUID: ref = Uuid(attr, self) elif issubclass(attr.field_type, (Equation, EquationsEnum)): ref = EquationScalar(attr, self) elif attr.field_type is Range: ref = JsonRange(attr, self) elif isinstance(attr, Final): if attr.field_type == dict: ref = JsonFinal(attr, self) elif attr.field_type == list: ref = Json(attr, self) else: ref = Scalar(attr, self) elif issubclass(attr.field_type, (HasTraits, TupleEnum)): ref = Reference(attr, self) elif issubclass(attr.field_type, TVBEnum): ref = Enum(attr, self) else: ref = Scalar(attr, self) else: ref = Accessor(attr, self) setattr(self, attr.field_name, ref)
[docs] def gather_datatypes_references(self): """ Mind that ViewModelH5 stores references towards ViewModel objects (eg. Coupling) as Reference attributes, and references towards existent Datatypes (eg. Connectivity) as Uuid. Thus, the method gather_references will return only references towards other ViewModels, and we need this method to gather also datatypes references. """ ret = [] for accessor in self.iter_accessors(): if isinstance(accessor, Uuid) and not isinstance(accessor, Reference): if accessor.field_name in ('gid', 'parent_burst', 'operation_group_gid'): continue ret.append((accessor.trait_attribute, accessor.load())) return ret