# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
# https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/neuroscience-publications
import abc
import json
import typing
import uuid
import numpy
import scipy.sparse
from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import HasTraits, Attr, NArray, Range, TVBEnum
from tvb.datatypes import equations
from tvb.storage.h5.file.exceptions import MissingDataSetException
class Accessor(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __init__(self, trait_attribute, h5file, name=None):
# type: (Attr, H5File, str) -> None
:param trait_attribute: A traited attribute
:param h5file: The parent H5file that contains this Accessor
:param name: The name of the dataset or attribute in the h5 file.
It defaults to the name of the associated traited attribute.
If the traited attribute is not a member of a HasTraits then
it has no name and you have to provide this parameter
self.owner = h5file
self.trait_attribute = trait_attribute
if name is None:
name = trait_attribute.field_name
self.field_name = name
if self.field_name is None:
raise ValueError('Independent Accessor {} needs a name'.format(self))
def load(self):
def store(self, val):
def __repr__(self):
cls = type(self)
return '<{}.{}({}, name="{}")>'.format(
cls.__module__, cls.__name__, self.trait_attribute, self.field_name
class Scalar(Accessor):
A scalar in a h5 file that corresponds to a traited attribute.
Serialized as a global h5 attribute
def store(self, val):
# type: (typing.Union[str, int, float]) -> None
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
val = self.trait_attribute._validate_set(None, val)
if val is not None:
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: val})
def load(self):
# type: () -> typing.Union[str, int, float]
# assuming here that the h5 will return the type we stored.
# if paranoid do self.trait_attribute.field_type(value)
if self.owner.metadata_cache is None:
self.owner.metadata_cache = self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()
if self.field_name in self.owner.metadata_cache:
return self.owner.metadata_cache[self.field_name]
raise MissingDataSetException(self.field_name)
class Uuid(Scalar):
def store(self, val):
# type: (uuid.UUID) -> None
if val is None and not self.trait_attribute.required:
# this is an optional reference and it is missing
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
if not isinstance(val, uuid.UUID):
raise TypeError("expected uuid.UUID got {}".format(type(val)))
# urn is a standard encoding, that is obvious an uuid
# str(gid) is more ambiguous
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: val.urn})
def load(self):
# type: () -> uuid.UUID
# TODO: handle inexistent field?
metadata = self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()
if self.field_name in metadata:
return uuid.UUID(metadata[self.field_name])
return None
class Enum(Scalar):
def store(self, val):
if val is not None:
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: val.value})
def load(self):
metadata = self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()
if self.field_name in metadata:
return TVBEnum.string_to_enum(list(self.trait_attribute.field_type), str(metadata[self.field_name]))
class DataSet(Accessor):
A dataset in a h5 file that corresponds to a traited NArray.
def __init__(self, trait_attribute, h5file, name=None, expand_dimension=-1):
# type: (NArray, H5File, str, int) -> None
:param trait_attribute: A traited attribute
:param h5file: The parent H5file that contains this Accessor
:param name: The name of the dataset in the h5 file.
It defaults to the name of the associated traited attribute.
If the traited attribute is not a member of a HasTraits then
it has no name and you have to provide this parameter
:param expand_dimension: An int designating a dimension of the array that may grow.
super(DataSet, self).__init__(trait_attribute, h5file, name)
self.expand_dimension = expand_dimension
# Cache metadata for expandable DataSets to avoid multiple reads/writes at append time
self.meta = None
def append(self, data, close_file=True, grow_dimension=None):
# type: (numpy.ndarray, bool, int) -> None
Method to be called when it is necessary to write slices of data for a large dataset, eg. TimeSeries.
Metdata for such datasets is written only at file close time, see H5File.close method.
if not grow_dimension:
grow_dimension = self.expand_dimension
# update the cached array min max metadata values
new_meta = DataSetMetaData.from_array(numpy.array(data))
if self.meta:
# this must be a new file, nothing to merge, set the new meta
self.meta = new_meta
def store(self, data):
# type: (numpy.ndarray) -> None
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
data = self.trait_attribute._validate_set(None, data)
if data is None:
self.owner.storage_manager.store_data(data, self.field_name)
# cache some array information
def load(self):
# type: () -> numpy.ndarray
if not self.trait_attribute.required:
return self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(self.field_name, ignore_errors=True)
return self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(self.field_name)
def __getitem__(self, data_slice):
# type: (typing.Tuple[slice, ...]) -> numpy.ndarray
return self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(self.field_name, data_slice=data_slice)
def shape(self):
# type: () -> typing.Tuple[int]
return self.owner.storage_manager.get_data_shape(self.field_name)
class EquationScalar(Accessor):
An attribute in a h5 file that corresponds to a traited Equation.
KEY_TYPE = 'type'
KEY_PARAMETERS = 'parameters'
def __init__(self, trait_attribute, h5file, name=None):
# type: (Attr, H5File, str) -> None
:param trait_attribute: A traited Equation attribute
:param h5file: The parent H5file that contains this Accessor
:param name: The name of the dataset in the h5 file.
It defaults to the name of the associated traited attribute.
If the traited attribute is not a member of a HasTraits then
it has no name and you have to provide this parameter
super(EquationScalar, self).__init__(trait_attribute, h5file, name)
def store(self, data):
# type: (Equation) -> None
data = self.trait_attribute._validate_set(None, data)
eq_meta_dict = {self.KEY_TYPE: str(type(data).__name__),
self.KEY_PARAMETERS: data.parameters}
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: json.dumps(eq_meta_dict)})
def load(self):
# type: () -> Equation
eq_meta_dict = json.loads(self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()[self.field_name])
if eq_meta_dict is None:
return eq_meta_dict
eq_type = eq_meta_dict[self.KEY_TYPE]
eq_class = getattr(equations, eq_type)
eq_instance = eq_class()
parameters_dict = eq_meta_dict[self.KEY_PARAMETERS]
eq_instance.parameters = parameters_dict
return eq_instance
class Reference(Uuid):
A reference to another h5 file
Corresponds to a contained datatype
def store(self, val):
# type: (HasTraits) -> None
The reference is stored as a gid in the metadata.
:param val: a datatype or a uuid.UUID gid
if val is None and not self.trait_attribute.required:
# this is an optional reference and it is missing
if isinstance(val, HasTraits):
val = val.gid
if not isinstance(val, uuid.UUID):
raise TypeError("expected uuid.UUId or HasTraits, got {}".format(type(val)))
super(Reference, self).store(val)
class SparseMatrix(Accessor):
Stores and loads a scipy.sparse csc or csr matrix in h5.
constructors = {'csr': scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, 'csc': scipy.sparse.csc_matrix}
def store(self, mtx):
# type: (scipy.sparse.spmatrix) -> None
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
mtx = self.trait_attribute._validate_set(None, mtx)
if mtx is None:
if mtx.format not in self.constructors:
raise ValueError('sparse format {} not supported'.format(mtx.format))
if not isinstance(mtx, scipy.sparse.spmatrix):
raise TypeError("expected scipy.sparse.spmatrix, got {}".format(type(mtx)))
def load(self):
meta = self.get_metadata()
if meta.format not in self.constructors:
raise ValueError('sparse format {} not supported'.format(meta.format))
constructor = self.constructors[meta.format]
data = self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(
indptr = self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(
indices = self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(
mtx = constructor((data, indices, indptr), shape=meta.shape, dtype=meta.dtype)
return mtx
class Json(Scalar):
A python json like data structure accessor
This works with simple Attr(list) Attr(dict) List(of=...)
def __init__(self, trait_attribute, h5file, name=None, json_encoder=None, json_decoder=None):
super(Json, self).__init__(trait_attribute, h5file, name)
self.json_encoder = json_encoder
self.json_decoder = json_decoder
def store(self, val):
stores a json in the h5 metadata
val = json.dumps(val, cls=self.json_encoder)
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: val})
def load(self):
val = self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()[self.field_name]
if self.json_decoder:
return self.json_decoder().decode(val)
return json.loads(val)
class JsonRange(Scalar):
Stores and loads a Range in the form of a json in h5.
def store(self, val):
val = json.dumps(val.__dict__)
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: val})
def load(self):
val = self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()[self.field_name]
loaded_val = json.loads(val)
range_items = list(loaded_val.values())
return Range(range_items[0], range_items[1], range_items[2])
class ReferenceList(Json):
def store(self, val):
gids = [dt.gid.hex for dt in val]
super(ReferenceList, self).store(gids)
class JsonFinal(Json):
A python json like data structure accessor meant to be used with Final(dict)
class StateVariablesEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, numpy.ndarray):
o = o.tolist()
return o
class StateVariablesDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
def __init__(self):
json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self.dict_array)
def dict_array(self, dictionary):
dict_array = {}
for k, v in dictionary.items():
dict_array.update({k: numpy.array(v)})
return dict_array
def __init__(self, trait_attribute, h5file, name=None):
super(JsonFinal, self).__init__(trait_attribute, h5file, name, self.StateVariablesEncoder,