Source code for tvb.core.entities.transient.structure_entities
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
.. moduleauthor:: Ionel Ortelecan <>
.. moduleauthor:: Lia Domide <>
import json
from tvb.basic.config.utils import EnhancedDictionary
from tvb.basic.profile import TvbProfile
class StructureNode:
This entity represents a node in the Tree of a Project related Structure.
TYPE_FOLDER = "Folder"
TYPE_FILE = "File"
TYPE_INVALID = "Invalid"
PREFIX_ID_NODE = "node_"
PREFIX_ID_LEAF = "leaf_"
SEP = "__"
def __init__(self, nid, node_name, ntype=TYPE_FOLDER, meta=None, children=None):
:param nid: Node Identifier (needs to be UQ)
:param node_name: Node Display Name
:param ntype: Node Type (influences the display mode in UI).
:param meta: DataTypeMetaData instance.
:param children: List of StructureNode entities or None.
""" = nid = node_name
self._type = ntype
self.metadata = meta
self.children = children
def has_children(self):
Return TRUE when current node is with Child nodes.
Return FALSE when current node is a leaf in Tree.
return self.children and len(self.children) > 0
def is_link(self):
Check if meta_data has the transient is_link attribute set.
return (self.metadata is not None
and DataTypeMetaData.KEY_LINK in self.metadata and
self.metadata[DataTypeMetaData.KEY_LINK] > 0)
def is_irelevant(self):
"""Check that current node is marked as not-relevant."""
if (self.metadata is not None and DataTypeMetaData.KEY_RELEVANCY in self.metadata and
not self.metadata[DataTypeMetaData.KEY_RELEVANCY]):
return True
return False
def is_group(self):
Check if meta_data has the transient is_link attribute set.
return (self.metadata is not None
and DataTypeMetaData.KEY_OP_GROUP_ID in self.metadata and
self.metadata[DataTypeMetaData.KEY_OP_GROUP_ID] is not None)
def type(self):
Type of a node it can be FOLDER, FILE or INVALID.
return self._type
def metadata2tree(metadatas, first_level, second_level, project_id, project_name):
Take a list of DataTypeMetaData entities as input.
Create a tree of StructureNode entities, then convert it in JSON to display in UI.
first_level and second_level represents the fields by which
should be structured the tree. Those fields should exists
into the data dict of each DataTypeMetaData object.
levels = {}
for meta in metadatas:
level_one = str(meta[first_level])
level_two = str(meta[second_level])
if level_one not in levels:
levels[level_one] = {level_two: [meta]}
existent_sublevels = levels[level_one]
if level_two not in existent_sublevels:
levels[level_one][level_two] = [meta]
forest = []
for level in sorted(levels):
sublevels = levels[level]
level_children = []
for sublevel in sorted(sublevels):
metas = sublevels[sublevel]
datas = []
for meta in metas:
parent_name = meta[meta.KEY_TITLE] + " "
if meta[meta.KEY_OPERATION_TAG]:
parent_name = parent_name + " - " + meta[meta.KEY_OPERATION_TAG]
parent = StructureNode(meta.gid, parent_name, meta=meta)
if meta.invalid:
parent._type = StructureNode.TYPE_INVALID
parent._type = meta[meta.KEY_NODE_TYPE]
sublevel_id = level.replace(" ", "") + StructureNode.SEP + sublevel.replace(" ", "")
sublevel_name = StructureNode._prepare_node_name(sublevel, second_level)
sublevel_node = StructureNode(sublevel_id, sublevel_name, children=datas)
sublevel_node._type = StructureNode._capitalize_first_letter(second_level)
dir_name = StructureNode._prepare_node_name(level, first_level)
level_node = StructureNode(level, dir_name, children=level_children)
level_node._type = StructureNode._capitalize_first_letter(first_level)
json_children = StructureNode.__convert2json(forest, project_id)
if len(json_children) > 0:
result = '{data: [{ data: {title: "' + project_name + '"'
result += f',icon: "{TvbProfile.current.web.DEPLOY_CONTEXT}/static/style/nodes/nodeRoot.png"}},'
result += 'state:"open", attr:{id:"' + StructureNode.PREFIX_ID_PROJECT
result += '"}, children: [' + json_children + '] } ] }'
result = '{data: [{ data: {title: "' + project_name + '"'
result += f',icon: "{TvbProfile.current.web.DEPLOY_CONTEXT}/static/style/nodes/nodeRoot.png"}}'
result += ',attr:{id:"' + StructureNode.PREFIX_ID_PROJECT + '"}}]}'
return result
def _prepare_node_name(name, level_filter):
Process name. In case filter corresponds to STATE, then return display value for it.
if level_filter == DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE:
return DataTypeMetaData.STATES[name]
return name
def _capitalize_first_letter(word):
:returns: same string, but with first letter capitalized.
return word[0].upper() + word[1:]
def __convert2json(nodes_list, project_id):
Local method, for converting an internal Tree structure (of StructureNode entities)
into a JSON object, ready for display into UI with JSTree.
result = ""
place_comma = False
for node in nodes_list:
json_node = '{data: {title:"' + ( if len( < 100 else[:95] + "...")
json_node += '",icon: "{}/static/style/nodes/node'.format(TvbProfile.current.web.DEPLOY_CONTEXT)
if node.is_group:
json_node += 'Group.png"},'
json_node += node.type + '.png"},'
if node.metadata is None and node.has_children:
json_node += ' state:"open", '
json_node += 'attr:{id:"' + StructureNode.PREFIX_ID_NODE + + '", separator: ">>", '
json_node += 'projectId:"' + str(project_id) + '"'
if node.metadata is not None:
meta_str = json.dumps(node.metadata)
meta_str = meta_str.replace('{', '').replace('}', '')
json_node += ',' + meta_str
json_node += ', style: "'
if node.is_irelevant:
json_node += 'background-color: #666;'
if node.is_link:
json_node += 'font-style: italic;'
json_node += '" }'
if node.has_children:
json_node += ', children:[' + StructureNode.__convert2json(node.children, project_id) + ']'
json_node += '}'
if place_comma:
result += ','
place_comma = True
result += json_node
return result
class DataTypeMetaData(dict):
This object will be populated from meta-data stored on a particular DataType/Operation.
It should contain enough information, to restore a DataType entity, without DB previous data required.
KEY_GID = "Gid"
KEY_STATE = "Data_State"
STATES = {'RAW_DATA': 'Raw Data',
'INTERMEDIATE': 'Intermediate',
'FINAL': 'Final'}
KEY_SUBJECT = "Data_Subject"
KEY_BURST = "Burst_Reference"
KEY_TAG_1 = "User_Tag_1_Perpetuated"
KEY_TAG_2 = "User_Tag_2"
KEY_TAG_3 = "User_Tag_3"
KEY_TAG_4 = "User_Tag_4"
KEY_TAG_5 = "User_Tag_5"
KEY_MODULE = "Module"
KEY_AUTHOR = "Source_Author"
KEY_OPERATION_TYPE = "Source_Operation_Category"
KEY_DATE = "create_date"
KEY_OPERATION_TAG = "user_group"
KEY_OP_GROUP_ID = "groupId"
KEY_RELEVANCY = "Relevant"
KEY_TITLE = "title"
# Transient attributes
KEY_NODE_TYPE = "DataType"
KEY_DATATYPE_ID = "Datatypeid"
KEY_INVALID = "datatype_invalid"
KEY_COUNT = "count"
KEY_LINK = "link"
KEY_CREATE_DATA_MONTH = "createDataMonth"
KEY_CREATE_DATA_DAY = "createDataDay"
# operation details
KEY_OPERATION_GROUP_NAME = "op_group_name"
KEY_OPERATION_ALGORITHM = "Operation_Algorithm"
KEY_FK_OPERATION_GROUP = 'fk_operation_group'
def __init__(self, data=None, invalid=False):
self.invalid = invalid
if data is not None:
def gid(self):
:returns: current Global Identifier or None.
if self.KEY_GID in list(self):
return self[self.KEY_GID]
return None
def subject(self):
Return the name of the Subject if defined, or Default "John Doe".
if self.KEY_SUBJECT not in list(self):
return self[self.KEY_SUBJECT]
def create_date(self):
Return the create date of this entity, if stored, or None otherwise.
if self.KEY_DATE in list(self):
return self[self.KEY_DATE]
return None
def group(self):
Return the group tag in which the operation was launched
if self.KEY_OPERATION_TAG in list(self):
return self[self.KEY_OPERATION_TAG]
return None
def mark_invalid(self):
Mark current meta-data as invalid.
e.g. Because of a missing associated file.
self.invalid = True
def merge_data(self, new_data):
Update current state, from an external dictionary.
if new_data is None:
for val in new_data:
# Ignore transient entities
if val != self.KEY_COUNT and val != self.KEY_OP_GROUP_ID:
self[val] = new_data[val]
def get_filterable_meta(cls):
Contains all the attributes by which the user can structure the tree of DataTypes.
All the returned attributes should exists into the 'data' field of its
corresponding DataTypeMetaData object.
return [
{cls.KEY_NODE_TYPE: "Data Type"},
{cls.KEY_SUBJECT: "Subject"},
{cls.KEY_STATE: "State"},
{cls.KEY_OPERATION_TAG: "Operation group name"},
{cls.KEY_GID: "Unique Global Identifier"},
{cls.KEY_DATATYPE_ID: "Entity id"},
{cls.KEY_CREATE_DATA_DAY: "Create data day"},
{cls.KEY_CREATE_DATA_MONTH: "Create data month"},
{cls.KEY_OPERATION_ALGORITHM: "Operation algorithm"},
{cls.KEY_BURST: "Simulation name"},
{cls.KEY_TAG_1: "DataType Tag 1"},
{cls.KEY_TAG_2: "DataType Tag 2"},
{cls.KEY_TAG_3: "DataType Tag 3"},
{cls.KEY_TAG_4: "DataType Tag 4"},
{cls.KEY_TAG_5: "DataType Tag 5"}