Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and 
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program.  If not, see <>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:

DAO operations related to Algorithms and User Operations are defined here.
.. moduleauthor:: Lia Domide <>
.. moduleauthor:: Bogdan Neacsa <>

from sqlalchemy import and_
from sqlalchemy import func as func
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import case as case_, desc
from tvb.core.entities.model.model_datatype import DataType
from tvb.core.entities.model.model_operation import *
from tvb.core.entities.model.model_operation import STATUS_ERROR
from import RootDAO, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE

[docs] class OperationDAO(RootDAO): """ OPERATION RELATED METHODS """
[docs] def get_operation_by_id(self, operation_id): """Retrieve OPERATION entity for a given Identifier.""" operation = self.session.query(Operation).filter_by(id=operation_id).one() # Load lazy fields: operation.user operation.project operation.operation_group operation.algorithm return operation
[docs] def try_get_operation_by_id(self, operation_id): """ Try to call self.get_operation_by_id, but when operation was not found, instead of failing, return None. This could be called from situations like: stopping & removing op. A check for None is compulsory after this call! """ try: return self.get_operation_by_id(operation_id) except SQLAlchemyError: self.logger.exception("Operation not found for ID %s, we will return None" % operation_id) return None
[docs] def get_operation_by_gid(self, operation_gid): """Retrieve OPERATION entity for a given gid.""" try: operation = self.session.query(Operation).filter_by(gid=operation_gid).one() operation.user operation.project operation.operation_group operation.algorithm.algorithm_category return operation except SQLAlchemyError: self.logger.exception("When fetching gid %s" % operation_gid) return None
[docs] def get_operation_lazy_by_gid(self, operation_gid): """Retrieve OPERATION entity for a given gid.""" try: return self.session.query(Operation).filter_by(gid=operation_gid).one() except SQLAlchemyError: self.logger.exception("When fetching gid %s" % operation_gid) return None
[docs] def get_all_operations_for_uploaders(self, project_id): """ Returns all finished upload operations. """ try: result = self.session.query(Operation).join(Algorithm).join(AlgorithmCategory).filter( AlgorithmCategory.rawinput == True).filter( Operation.fk_launched_in == project_id).filter( Operation.status == STATUS_FINISHED).all() return result except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return None
[docs] def get_operations(self, status=None, algorithm_classname="SimulatorAdapter"): if status is None: status = [STATUS_PENDING, STATUS_STARTED] try: result = self.session.query(Operation).join(Algorithm) \ .filter(Algorithm.classname == algorithm_classname) \ .filter(Operation.status.in_(status)).all() return result except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return None
[docs] def get_operations_for_hpc_job(self): status = [STATUS_PENDING, STATUS_STARTED] algorithm_classname = "SimulatorAdapter" queue_full = False try: result = self.session.query(Operation).join(Algorithm) \ .filter(Algorithm.classname == algorithm_classname) \ .filter(Operation.status.in_(status)) \ .filter(Operation.queue_full == queue_full).all() return result except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return None
[docs] def is_upload_operation(self, operation_gid): """ Returns True only if the operation with the given gid is an upload operation. """ try: result = self.session.query(Operation).join(Algorithm).join(AlgorithmCategory ).filter(AlgorithmCategory.rawinput == True ).filter(Operation.gid == operation_gid).count() return result > 0 except SQLAlchemyError: return False
[docs] def count_resulted_datatypes(self, operation_id): """ Returns the number of resulted datatypes from the specified operation. """ try: result = self.session.query(DataType).filter_by(fk_from_operation=operation_id).count() return result except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return None
[docs] def get_operation_process_for_operation(self, operation_id): """ Get the OperationProcessIdentifier for this operation id. """ try: result = self.session.query(OperationProcessIdentifier ).filter(OperationProcessIdentifier.fk_from_operation == operation_id ).one() except NoResultFound: self.logger.debug("No operation process found for operation id=%s." % (str(operation_id),)) result = None except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) result = None return result
[docs] def get_operations_with_error_in_project(self, project_id): """ Retrieve OPERATION with errors entities for a given project. """ result = None try: query = self.session.query(Operation).filter_by(fk_launched_in=project_id).filter( Operation.status == STATUS_ERROR) result = query.all() except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return result
[docs] def get_operations_in_group(self, operation_group_id, is_count=False, only_first_operation=False, only_gids=False): """ Retrieve OPERATION entities for a given group. """ result = None try: query = self.session.query(Operation) if only_gids: query = self.session.query(Operation.gid) query = query.filter_by(fk_operation_group=operation_group_id) if is_count: result = query.count() elif only_first_operation: result = query.first() else: result = query.all() except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return result
[docs] def compute_disk_size_for_started_ops(self, user_id): """ Get all the disk space that should be reserved for the started operations of this user. """ try: expected_hdd_size = self.session.query(func.sum(Operation.estimated_disk_size) ).filter(Operation.fk_launched_by == user_id ).filter(Operation.status == STATUS_STARTED).scalar() except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) expected_hdd_size = 0 return expected_hdd_size or 0
[docs] def get_filtered_operations(self, project_id, filter_chain, page_start=0, page_size=DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, is_count=False): """ :param project_id: current project ID :param filter_chain: instance of FilterChain :param is_count: when True, return a number, otherwise the list of operation entities :return a list of filtered operation in current project, page by page, or the total count for them. """ try: select_clause = self.session.query(func.min( if not is_count: # Do not add select columns in case of COUNT, as they will be ignored anyway select_clause = self.session.query(func.min(, func.max(, func.count(, func.max(Operation.fk_operation_group), func.min(Operation.fk_from_algo), func.max(Operation.fk_launched_by), func.min(Operation.create_date), func.min(Operation.start_date), func.max(Operation.completion_date), func.min(Operation.status), func.max(Operation.additional_info), func.min(case_((Operation.visible, 1), else_=0)), func.min(Operation.user_group), func.min(Operation.gid)) query = select_clause.join(Algorithm).join( AlgorithmCategory).filter(Operation.fk_launched_in == project_id) if filter_chain is not None: filter_string = filter_chain.get_sql_filter_equivalent() query = query.filter(eval(filter_string)) query = query.group_by(case_((Operation.fk_operation_group > 0, - Operation.fk_operation_group), if is_count: return query.count() return query.order_by(desc(func.max( except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return 0 if is_count else None
[docs] def get_results_for_operation(self, operation_id): """ Retrieve DataTypes entities, resulted after executing an operation. """ try: query = self.session.query(DataType ).filter_by(fk_from_operation=operation_id ).filter(and_(DataType.type != self.EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_GROUP, DataType.type != self.EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_SIMULATION)) query = query.order_by( result = query.all() for dt in result: dt.display_name return result except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return None
[docs] def set_operation_and_group_visibility(self, entity_gid, is_visible, is_operation_group=False): """ Sets the operation visibility. If 'is_operation_group' is True than this method will change the visibility for all the operation from the OperationGroup with the GID field equal to 'entity_gid'. """ try: query = self.session.query(Operation) if is_operation_group: group = self.get_operationgroup_by_gid(entity_gid) query = query.filter(Operation.fk_operation_group == else: query = query.filter(Operation.gid == entity_gid) query.update({"visible": is_visible}) self.session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep)
[docs] def get_operationgroup_by_gid(self, gid): """Retrieve by GID""" try: result = self.session.query(OperationGroup).filter_by(gid=gid).one() return result except SQLAlchemyError: return None
[docs] def get_operationgroup_by_id(self, op_group_id): """Retrieve by ID""" try: result = self.session.query(OperationGroup).filter_by(id=op_group_id).one() return result except SQLAlchemyError: return None
[docs] def get_operation_numbers(self, proj_id): """ Count total number of operations started for current project. """ stats = self.session.query(Operation.status, func.count( ).filter_by(fk_launched_in=proj_id ).group_by(Operation.status).all() stats = dict(stats) finished = stats.get(STATUS_FINISHED, 0) started = stats.get(STATUS_STARTED, 0) failed = stats.get(STATUS_ERROR, 0) canceled = stats.get(STATUS_CANCELED, 0) pending = stats.get(STATUS_PENDING, 0) return finished, started, failed, canceled, pending
[docs] def get_algorithm_categories(self): """Retrieve all existent categories of Algorithms.""" try: categories = self.session.query(AlgorithmCategory).distinct().order_by( AlgorithmCategory.displayname).all() except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) categories = [] return categories
[docs] def get_uploader_categories(self): """Retrieve categories with raw_input = true""" try: result = self.session.query(AlgorithmCategory).filter_by(rawinput=True).all() except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) result = [] return result
[docs] def get_raw_categories(self): """Retrieve categories with raw_input = true""" try: result = self.session.query(AlgorithmCategory).filter_by(defaultdatastate='RAW_DATA').all() except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) result = [] return result
[docs] def get_visualisers_categories(self): """Retrieve categories with display = true""" try: result = self.session.query(AlgorithmCategory).filter_by(display=True).all() except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) result = [] return result
[docs] def get_launchable_categories(self, elimin_viewers=False): """Retrieve algorithm categories which can be launched on right-click (optionally filter visualizers)""" try: result = self.session.query(AlgorithmCategory).filter_by(launchable=True) if elimin_viewers: result = result.filter_by(display=False) result = result.all() except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) result = [] return result
[docs] def get_category_by_id(self, categ_id): """Retrieve category with given id""" try: result = self.session.query(AlgorithmCategory).filter_by(id=categ_id).one() except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) result = None return result
[docs] def filter_category(self, displayname, rawinput, display, launchable, order_nr): """Retrieve category with given id""" try: result = self.session.query(AlgorithmCategory ).filter_by(displayname=displayname ).filter_by(rawinput=rawinput).filter_by(display=display ).filter_by(launchable=launchable).filter_by(order_nr=order_nr).one() return result except NoResultFound: return None
[docs] def get_all_algorithms(self): try: result = self.session.query(Algorithm).distinct().all() return result except SQLAlchemyError as ex: self.logger.exception(ex) return None
[docs] def get_algorithm_by_id(self, algorithm_id): try: result = self.session.query(Algorithm).filter_by(id=algorithm_id).one() result.algorithm_category return result except SQLAlchemyError as ex: self.logger.exception(ex) return None
[docs] def get_algorithm_by_module(self, module_name, class_name): try: result = self.session.query(Algorithm).filter_by(module=module_name, classname=class_name).one() result.algorithm_category return result except SQLAlchemyError: return None
[docs] def get_applicable_adapters(self, compatible_class_names, launch_categ): """ Retrieve a list of algorithms in a given list of categories with a given dataType classes as required input. """ try: return self.session.query(Algorithm ).filter_by(removed=False ).filter(Algorithm.fk_category.in_(launch_categ) ).filter(Algorithm.required_datatype.in_(compatible_class_names) ).order_by(Algorithm.fk_category ).order_by(Algorithm.group_name).all() except SQLAlchemyError: self.logger.exception("Could not retrieve applicable Adapters ...") return []
[docs] def get_adapters_from_categories(self, categories): """ Retrieve a list of stored adapters in the given categories. """ try: return self.session.query(Algorithm ).filter_by(removed=False ).filter(Algorithm.fk_category.in_(categories) ).order_by(Algorithm.group_name ).order_by(Algorithm.displayname).all() except SQLAlchemyError: self.logger.exception("Could not retrieve Adapters ...") return []
[docs] def load_figure(self, figure_id): """ Load a figure with all it's lazy load fields to have all required info available. """ try: figure = self.session.query(ResultFigure).filter_by(id=figure_id).one() figure.project return figure except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return None
[docs] def get_previews(self, project_id, user_id=None, selected_session_name='all_sessions'): """ This method returns a tuple of 2 elements. The first element represents a dictionary of form {'$session_name': [list_of_figures]}. This dictionary contains data only for the selected self.session. If the selected session is 'all_sessions' than it will contain data for all the sessions. The second element of the returned tuple is a dictionary of form {'$session_name': $no_of_figures_in_this_session, ...}. This dictionary contains information about all the sessions. selected_session_name - represents the name of the session for which you want to obtain the stored figures. """ try: previews_info = self._get_previews_info(project_id, user_id) if selected_session_name == 'all_sessions': session_names = list(previews_info) session_names.sort() else: session_names = [selected_session_name] result = {} for session_name in session_names: figures_list = self.session.query(ResultFigure ).filter_by(fk_in_project=project_id ).filter_by(session_name=session_name) if user_id is not None: figures_list = figures_list.filter_by(fk_for_user=user_id) figures_list = figures_list.order_by(desc( # Force loading of project and operation - needed to compute image path for figure in figures_list: figure.project result[session_name] = figures_list return result, previews_info except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return {}, {}
def _get_previews_info(self, project_id, user_id): """ Returns a dictionary of form: {$session_name: $no_of_images_in_this_session, ...}. """ try: result = {} session_items = self.session.query(ResultFigure.session_name, func.count(ResultFigure.session_name) ).filter_by(fk_in_project=project_id) if user_id is not None: session_items = session_items.filter_by(fk_for_user=user_id) session_items = session_items.group_by(ResultFigure.session_name ).order_by(ResultFigure.session_name).all() for item in session_items: result[item[0]] = item[1] return result except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return {}
[docs] def get_figure_count(self, project_id, user_id): """ Used to generate sequential image names. """ try: session_items = self.session.query(ResultFigure).filter_by(fk_in_project=project_id) if user_id is not None: session_items = session_items.filter_by(fk_for_user=user_id) return session_items.count() except SQLAlchemyError as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) return {}