# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and
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# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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Utility functions for using siibra to extract Structural and Functional connectivities
.. moduleauthor:: Romina Baila <romina.baila@codemart.ro>
import numpy as np
import siibra
from enum import Enum
from tvb.basic.logger.builder import get_logger
from tvb.datatypes import connectivity
from tvb.datatypes.graph import ConnectivityMeasure
LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)
# Concepts names
# atlases
HUMAN_ATLAS = 'Multilevel Human Atlas' # DEFAULT, only this atlas has Struct. Conn.
# parcellations
JULICH_3_0 = 'Julich-Brain Cytoarchitectonic Atlas (v3.0.3)' # DEFAULT
JULICH_2_9 = 'Julich-Brain Cytoarchitectonic Atlas (v2.9)'
parcellations = [JULICH_3_0, JULICH_2_9]
# cohorts
class Component2Modality(Enum):
WEIGHTS = siibra.features.connectivity.StreamlineCounts
TRACTS = siibra.features.connectivity.StreamlineLengths
FUNCTIONAL_CONNECTIVITY = siibra.features.connectivity.FunctionalConnectivity
# ########################################## SIIBRA CREATOR INITIALIZATION #############################################
def get_cohorts_for_sc(parcellation_name):
Given a parcellation name, return the name of all the cohorts related to it and containing data about
Structural Connectivities.
parcellation = siibra.parcellations[parcellation_name]
features = siibra.features.get(parcellation, siibra.features.connectivity.StreamlineCounts)
return [f.cohort.upper() for f in features]
# ######################################## SIIBRA PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION #############################################
def check_atlas_parcellation_compatible(atlas, parcellation):
""" Given an atlas and a parcellation, verify that the atlas contains the parcellation, i.e. they are compatible """
return parcellation in list(atlas.parcellations)
def get_atlases_for_parcellation(parcelation):
""" Given a parcelation, return all the atlases that contain it """
atlases = siibra.atlases
atlases = [a for a in atlases if parcelation in list(a.parcellations)]
return atlases
def get_parcellations_for_atlas(atlas):
""" Given an atlas, return a list of all the parcellations inside it, which contain Structural conns. """
parcellations_available = [p for p in list(atlas.parcellations) if p.name in parcellations]
return parcellations_available
def parse_subject_ids(subject_ids, cohort):
Given a string representing subject ids or a range of subject ids; return the list containing all the included ids
parsed_ids_as_str = []
individual_splits = subject_ids.split(';')
zfill_value = 3 if cohort == HCP_COHORT else 4 # used in case of ranges
for s in individual_splits:
# if a range was specified
if '-' in s:
start, end = s.split('-')
start_int = int(start)
end_int = int(end) + 1 # so that the last element in range is also included
ids_list_from_range = list(range(start_int, end_int))
parsed_ids_as_str.extend([str(id).zfill(zfill_value) for id in ids_list_from_range])
parsed_ids_as_str = sorted(set(parsed_ids_as_str))
return parsed_ids_as_str
def init_siibra_params(atlas_name, parcellation_name, cohort_name, subject_ids):
Initialize siibra parameters (if some were not given) and check the compatibility of the provided parameters.
:param: atlas_name - name of atlas as str
:param: parcellation_name - name of parcellation as str
:param: cohort_name - name of cohort as str
:param: subject_ids - list of unparsed subject ids given as str
:return: (atlas, parcellation, cohort_name, subject_ids) - tuple containing a siibra atlas object,
a siibra parcellation object and a cohort name, all compatible with each other, and a list of parsed ids
# check that the atlas and the parcellation exist within siibra
atlas = siibra.atlases[atlas_name] if atlas_name else None
parcellation = siibra.parcellations[parcellation_name] if parcellation_name else None
# check compatibility of atlas and parcellation
if atlas and parcellation:
compatible = check_atlas_parcellation_compatible(atlas, parcellation)
if not compatible:
raise ValueError(f'Atlas \'{atlas.name}\' does not contain parcellation \'{parcellation.name}\'. '
f'Please choose a different atlas and/or parcellation.')
if atlas and not parcellation:
LOGGER.warning(f'No parcellation was provided, so a default one will be selected.')
parcellations = get_parcellations_for_atlas(atlas)
no_parcellations = len(parcellations)
if no_parcellations < 1:
raise AttributeError(f'No default parcellation was found for atlas {atlas.name}!')
elif no_parcellations > 1:
f'Multiple parcellations were found for atlas {atlas.name}. An arbitrary one will be selected.')
# select the newest parcellation version
parcellation = [p for p in parcellations if p.is_newest_version][0]
if not atlas and parcellation:
LOGGER.warning('A parcellation was provided without an atlas, so a default atlas will be selected.')
atlases = get_atlases_for_parcellation(parcellation)
no_atlases = len(atlases)
if no_atlases < 1:
raise AttributeError(f'No default atlas containing parcellation {parcellation.name} was found!')
elif no_atlases > 1:
f'Multiple atlases containing parcellation {parcellation_name} were found. '
f'An arbitrary one will be selected')
atlas = atlases[0]
if not atlas and not parcellation:
LOGGER.warning(f'No atlas and no parcellation were provided, so default ones will be selected.')
atlas = siibra.atlases[HUMAN_ATLAS]
parcellation = siibra.parcellations[JULICH_3_0]
LOGGER.info(f'Using atlas {atlas.name} and parcellation {parcellation.name}')
if cohort_name:
# check the compatibility of cohort and parcellation
cohort_options = get_cohorts_for_sc(parcellation.name)
if cohort_name not in cohort_options:
raise ValueError(f'The cohort \"{cohort_name}\" is not available for parcellation \"{parcellation.name}\"! '
f'Please choose one of the following cohorts: {cohort_options} or change '
f'the parcellation.')
cohort_name = HCP_COHORT # compatible with all parcellations
# check subject ids
if not subject_ids:
raise ValueError(f'Please provide at least one subject ID!')
subject_ids = parse_subject_ids(subject_ids, cohort_name)
return atlas, parcellation, cohort_name, subject_ids
# ############################################# CONNECTIVITY METHODS ###################################################
def get_hemispheres_for_regions(region_names):
Given a list of region names, compute the hemispheres to which they belon to. 0 means the region belongs to the left
hemisphere, 1 means it belongs to the right hemisphere (according to TVB convention).
:param: region_names - list of str containing the names of the regions
:return: hemi - list of ints indicating the hemisphere for each region in `region_names`
LOGGER.info(f'Computing hemispheres for regions')
hemi = []
for name in region_names:
if 'right' in name:
return hemi
def get_regions_positions(regions):
Given a list of siibra regions, compute the positions of their centroids.
:param: regions - list of siibra Regions
:return: positions - list of tuples; each tuple represents the position of a region and contains
3 floating point coordinates
LOGGER.info(f'Computing positions for regions')
positions = []
for r in regions:
space = r.supported_spaces[0] # choose first space that is available for that region
centroid = r.spatial_props(space=space).components[0].centroid
return positions
# ###################################### STRUCTURAL CONNECTIVITY METHODS ###############################################
def get_connectivity_matrix(parcellation, cohort, subjects, component):
# type: (siibra.core.parcellation.Parcellation, str, list, Component2Modality) -> {}
Retrieve the structural connectivity components (weights/tracts) for all the subjects provided, for the specified
parcellation and cohort. The matrices are returned inside a dictionary, where the keys are the subject ids and the
values represent the connectivity matrix.
:param: parcellation - siibra Parcellation object for which we compute the connectivity matrices
:param: cohort - name of cohort for which we compute the connectivity matrices
:param: subjects - list containing the subject ids as strings
:param: component - enum value specifying the connectivity component we want, weights or tracts
return: conn_matrices - dict where key is the subject id and value is the conn. matrix
modality = component.value
features = siibra.features.get(parcellation, modality)
conn_for_cohort = None # conn. obj. (StreamlineCounts/StreamlineLengths) for specified cohort
conn_matrices = {} # dict containing connectivity matrices for the specified users
# select the connectivities for the specific cohort
for f in features:
if f.cohort == cohort:
conn_for_cohort = f
if conn_for_cohort is None:
raise AttributeError(f"NO {modality} was found for cohort {cohort}")
# for 1000BRAINS cohort, if the user did not specify a suffix (_1, _2), get all the possible ids for that subject
if cohort == THOUSAND_BRAINS_COHORT and subjects is not None:
all_subjects = sorted([conn.subject for conn in conn_for_cohort.elements])
subjects = [s for s in all_subjects if any(x in s for x in subjects)]
# get the conn. matrices for each specified subject
for s in subjects:
conn = [c for c in conn_for_cohort if c.subject == s][0]
matrix = conn.data
conn_matrices[s] = matrix
LOGGER.info(f'{component.name} for subject {s} retrieved successfully.')
return conn_matrices
def create_tvb_structural_connectivity(weights_matrix, tracts_matrix, region_names, hemispheres, positions):
# type: (pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, list, list, list) -> tvb.datatypes.connectivity.Connectivity
Create and configure a TVB Connectivity, based on its components obtained from siibra.
:param: weights_matrix - pandas.DataFrame matrix for weights; obtained from siibra
:param: tracts_matrix - pandas.DataFrame matrix for tracts; obtained from siibra
:param: region_names - list of str containing the names of the regions for which the connectivity is computed
:param: hemispheres - list of ints, corresponding to the hemisphere that each region from `region_names belongs to
:param: positions - list of tuples, corresponding to region coordinates for each region from `region_names`
:return: conn - a tvb.datatypes.connectivity.Connectivity object
conn = connectivity.Connectivity()
conn.weights = weights_matrix.to_numpy()
conn.tract_lengths = tracts_matrix.to_numpy()
conn.region_labels = np.array(region_names)
conn.hemispheres = np.array(hemispheres, dtype=np.bool_)
conn.centres = np.array(positions)
return conn
def get_structural_connectivities_from_kg(atlas=None, parcellation=None, cohort=None, subject_ids=None):
Return a dictionary of TVB Structural Connectivities using data from siibra and the KG, based on the specified
atlas, parcelation and cohort, and for the specified subjects
:param: atlas - str specifying the atlas name
:param: parcellation - str specifying the parcellation name
:param: cohort - str specifying the cohort name
:param: subject_ids - unparsed str specifying the subject ids for which the connectivities will be retrived
:return: connectivities - dict containing tvb structural Connectivities as values and the subject ids as keys
atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids = init_siibra_params(atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids)
connectivities = {}
weights = get_connectivity_matrix(parcellation, cohort, subject_ids, Component2Modality.WEIGHTS)
tracts = get_connectivity_matrix(parcellation, cohort, subject_ids, Component2Modality.TRACTS)
# regions are the same for all weights and tract lengths matrices, so they can be computed only once
regions = list(weights.values())[0].index.values
region_names = [r.name for r in regions]
hemi = get_hemispheres_for_regions(region_names)
positions = get_regions_positions(regions)
LOGGER.info(f'Computing TVB Connectivities')
for subject, matrix in weights.items():
weights_matrix = matrix
tracts_matrix = tracts[subject]
tvb_conn = create_tvb_structural_connectivity(weights_matrix, tracts_matrix, region_names, hemi, positions)
# structural connectivities stored as dict, where key is subject id, as we need it when computing connectivity
# measures
connectivities[subject] = tvb_conn
return connectivities
# #################################### FUNCTIONAL CONNECTIVITY METHODS #################################################
def get_functional_connectivity_matrix(parcellation, cohort, subject):
Get all the functional connectivities for the specified parcellation, cohort and just ONE specific subject;
In v1.0a5 of siibra, for HCP cohort there are 5 groups of functional connectivities; each group contains
1 Functional connectivity for each subject addressed in the research
:param: parcellation - siibra Parcellation object
:param: cohort - str specifying the cohort name
:param: subject - str specifying exactly one subject id
:return: (fcs_list, fcs_names_list) - tuple containing 2 lists; `fcs_list` contains pandas.Dataframe matrices and
`fcs_names_list` contains the name for each matrix from the previous list, obtained from the file they are stored
in the KG
modality = Component2Modality.FUNCTIONAL_CONNECTIVITY.value
features = siibra.features.get(parcellation, modality)
fcs_list = [] # the FC matrices
fcs_names_list = [] # the name of the files containing the FC matrices in fcs_list
for f in features:
if f.cohort == cohort:
f_conn = [c for c in f.elements if c.subject == subject][0]
fc_matrix = f_conn.data
return fcs_list, fcs_names_list
def create_tvb_connectivity_measure(siibra_fc, structural_connectivity, siibra_fc_name):
Given a FunctionalConnectivity from siibra TVB Structural Connectivity (both for the same subject),
return a TVB ConnectivityMeasure containing those 2 connectivities
:param: siibra_fc - pandas.Dataframe matrix from siibra containing a functional connectivity
:param: structural_connectivity - a TVB structural connectivity
:param: siibra_fc_name - the name of the siibra functional connectivity object
:return: conn_measure - tvb.datatypes.graph.ConnectivityMeasure representing a functional connectivity
fc_matrix = siibra_fc.to_numpy()
conn_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(array_data=fc_matrix, connectivity=structural_connectivity)
conn_measure.title = siibra_fc_name
return conn_measure
def get_connectivity_measures_from_kg(atlas=None, parcellation=None, cohort=None, subject_ids=None,
Return a dictionary of TVB Connectivity Measures using data from siibra and the KG, based on the specified
atlas, parcelation and cohort, and for the specified subjects
:param: atlas - str specifying the atlas name
:param: parcellation - str specifying the parcellation name
:param: cohort - str specifying the cohort name
:param: subject_ids - unparsed str specifying the subject ids for which the connectivities will be retrieved
:param: structural_connectivities - dict of TVB Structural Connectivities computed for the subjects from
`subject_ids`, where subject ids are keys and the structural connectivities are values
:return: conn_measures - dict containing TVB Connectivity Measures as values and the subject ids as keys
atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids = init_siibra_params(atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids)
conn_measures = {}
# for 1000BRAINS cohort, if the user did not specify a suffix (_1, _2), get all the possible ids for that subject
if cohort == THOUSAND_BRAINS_COHORT and any('_' not in s for s in subject_ids):
f = [f for f in siibra.features.get(parcellation, siibra.features.connectivity.FunctionalConnectivity)
if f.cohort == THOUSAND_BRAINS_COHORT][0] # there is only one FC group for this 1000BRAINS
subjects_for_cohort = [f_conn.subject for f_conn in f]
subject_ids = [s for s in sorted(subjects_for_cohort) if any(x in s for x in subject_ids)]
for s in subject_ids:
conn_measures[s] = []
sc = structural_connectivities[s]
fcs, fcs_names = get_functional_connectivity_matrix(parcellation, cohort, s)
# create a tvb conn measure from a siibra fc and append it in the final dict for the specified subject
for i in range(len(fcs)):
conn_measure = create_tvb_connectivity_measure(fcs[i], sc, fcs_names[i])
return conn_measures
# ################################################# FINAL API ##########################################################
def get_connectivities_from_kg(atlas=None, parcellation=None, cohort=HCP_COHORT,
subject_ids=None, compute_fc=False):
Compute the TVB Structural Connectivities and optionally Functional Connectivities for the selected subjects
:param: atlas - str specifying the atlas name
:param: parcellation - str specifying the parcellation name
:param: cohort - str specifying the cohort name
:param: subject_ids - unparsed str specifying the subject ids for which the connectivities will be retrieved
:param: compute_fc - boolean value indicating if for the specified subjects the functional connectivities should
also be retrieved
:return: (sc_dict, conn_measures_dict) - tuple containing 2 dictionaries: one with structural connectivities and
one for functional connectivities; for each dictionary, the keys are the subject ids and the values are the
conn_measures_dict = {}
sc_dict = get_structural_connectivities_from_kg(atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids)
if compute_fc:
conn_measures_dict = get_connectivity_measures_from_kg(atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids, sc_dict)
return sc_dict, conn_measures_dict