Source code for tvb.adapters.creators.connectivity_creator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and 
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program.  If not, see <>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:

.. moduleauthor:: Mihai Andrei <>

import numpy
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.db.connectivity import ConnectivityIndex
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.db.region_mapping import RegionMappingIndex
from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import Attr, NArray
from tvb.core.adapters.abcadapter import ABCAdapterForm, ABCAdapter
from import dao
from tvb.core.neocom import h5
from tvb.core.neotraits.forms import ArrayField, BoolField, TraitDataTypeSelectField
from tvb.core.neotraits.view_model import ViewModel, DataTypeGidAttr
from tvb.datatypes.connectivity import Connectivity
from tvb.datatypes.region_mapping import RegionMapping

[docs] class ConnectivityCreatorModel(ViewModel): original_connectivity = DataTypeGidAttr( linked_datatype=Connectivity, default=None, label="Parent connectivity", required=True ) new_weights = NArray( default=None, label="Weights json array", required=True, doc="""""") new_tracts = NArray( default=None, label="Tracts json array", required=True, doc="""""") interest_area_indexes = NArray( dtype=numpy.int_, default=None, label="Indices of selected nodes as json array", required=True, doc="""""") is_branch = Attr( field_type=bool, label="Is it a branch", required=False, doc="""""")
[docs] class ConnectivityCreatorForm(ABCAdapterForm): def __init__(self): super(ConnectivityCreatorForm, self).__init__() self.original_connectivity = TraitDataTypeSelectField(ConnectivityCreatorModel.original_connectivity, name='original_connectivity', conditions=self.get_filters()) self.new_weights = ArrayField(ConnectivityCreatorModel.new_weights) self.new_tracts = ArrayField(ConnectivityCreatorModel.new_tracts) self.interest_area_indexes = ArrayField(ConnectivityCreatorModel.interest_area_indexes) self.is_branch = BoolField(ConnectivityCreatorModel.is_branch)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_view_model(): return ConnectivityCreatorModel
[docs] @staticmethod def get_required_datatype(): return ConnectivityIndex
[docs] @staticmethod def get_filters(): return None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_input_name(): return 'original_connectivity'
[docs] class ConnectivityCreator(ABCAdapter): """ This adapter creates a Connectivity. """
[docs] def get_form_class(self): return ConnectivityCreatorForm
[docs] def get_output(self): return [ConnectivityIndex, RegionMappingIndex]
[docs] def get_required_disk_size(self, view_model): n = len(view_model.new_weights) if view_model.is_branch else len(view_model.interest_area_indexes) matrices_nr_elems = 2 * n * n arrays_nr_elems = (1 + 3 + 1 + 3) * n # areas, centres, hemispheres, orientations matrices_estimate = (matrices_nr_elems + arrays_nr_elems) * numpy.array(0).itemsize labels_guesstimate = n * numpy.array(['some label']).nbytes return (matrices_estimate + labels_guesstimate) / 1024
[docs] def get_required_memory_size(self, view_model): return -1 # does not consume significant additional memory beyond the parameters
def _store_related_region_mappings(self, original_conn_gid, new_connectivity_ht): result = [] linked_region_mappings = dao.get_generic_entity(RegionMappingIndex, original_conn_gid, 'fk_connectivity_gid') for mapping in linked_region_mappings: original_rm = h5.load_from_index(mapping) surface = self.load_traited_by_gid(mapping.fk_surface_gid) new_rm = RegionMapping() new_rm.connectivity = new_connectivity_ht new_rm.surface = surface new_rm.array_data = original_rm.array_data result_rm_index = self.store_complete(new_rm) result.append(result_rm_index) return result
[docs] def launch(self, view_model): """ Method to be called when user submits changes on the Connectivity matrix in the Visualizer. """ original_conn_ht = self.load_traited_by_gid(view_model.original_connectivity) assert isinstance(original_conn_ht, Connectivity) if not view_model.is_branch: new_conn_ht = self._cut_connectivity(original_conn_ht, view_model.new_weights, view_model.interest_area_indexes, view_model.new_tracts) return [self.store_complete(new_conn_ht)] else: result = [] new_conn_ht = self._branch_connectivity(original_conn_ht, view_model.new_weights, view_model.interest_area_indexes, view_model.new_tracts) new_conn_index = self.store_complete(new_conn_ht) result.append(new_conn_index) result.extend(self._store_related_region_mappings(view_model.original_connectivity.hex, new_conn_ht)) return result
@staticmethod def _reorder_arrays(original_conn, new_weights, interest_areas, new_tracts=None): """ Returns ordered versions of the parameters according to the hemisphere permutation. """ permutation = original_conn.hemisphere_order_indices inverse_permutation = numpy.argsort(permutation) # trick to invert a permutation represented as an array interest_areas = inverse_permutation[interest_areas] # see :meth"`ordered_weights` for why [p:][:p] new_weights = new_weights[inverse_permutation, :][:, inverse_permutation] if new_tracts is not None: new_tracts = new_tracts[inverse_permutation, :][:, inverse_permutation] return new_weights, interest_areas, new_tracts def _branch_connectivity(self, original_conn, new_weights, interest_areas, new_tracts=None): # type: (Connectivity, numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array) -> Connectivity """ Generate new Connectivity based on a previous one, by changing weights (e.g. simulate lesion). The returned connectivity has the same number of nodes. The edges of unselected nodes will have weight 0. :param original_conn: Original Connectivity, to copy from :param new_weights: weights matrix for the new connectivity :param interest_areas: ndarray of the selected node id's :param new_tracts: tracts matrix for the new connectivity """ new_weights, interest_areas, new_tracts = self._reorder_arrays(original_conn, new_weights, interest_areas, new_tracts) if new_tracts is None: new_tracts = original_conn.tract_lengths for i in range(len(original_conn.weights)): for j in range(len(original_conn.weights)): if i not in interest_areas or j not in interest_areas: new_weights[i][j] = 0 final_conn = Connectivity() final_conn.parent_connectivity = original_conn.gid.hex final_conn.saved_selection = interest_areas.tolist() final_conn.weights = new_weights final_conn.centres = original_conn.centres final_conn.region_labels = original_conn.region_labels final_conn.orientations = original_conn.orientations final_conn.cortical = original_conn.cortical final_conn.hemispheres = original_conn.hemispheres final_conn.areas = original_conn.areas final_conn.tract_lengths = new_tracts final_conn.configure() return final_conn def _cut_connectivity(self, original_conn, new_weights, interest_areas, new_tracts=None): # type: (Connectivity, numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array) -> Connectivity """ Generate new Connectivity object based on current one, by removing nodes (e.g. simulate lesion). Only the selected nodes will get used in the result. The order of the indices in interest_areas matters. If indices are not sorted then the nodes will be permuted accordingly. :param original_conn: Original Connectivity(HasTraits), to cut nodes from :param new_weights: weights matrix for the new connectivity :param interest_areas: ndarray with the selected node id's. :param new_tracts: tracts matrix for the new connectivity """ new_weights, interest_areas, new_tracts = self._reorder_arrays(original_conn, new_weights, interest_areas, new_tracts) if new_tracts is None: new_tracts = original_conn.tract_lengths[interest_areas, :][:, interest_areas] else: new_tracts = new_tracts[interest_areas, :][:, interest_areas] new_weights = new_weights[interest_areas, :][:, interest_areas] final_conn = Connectivity() final_conn.parent_connectivity = None final_conn.weights = new_weights final_conn.centres = original_conn.centres[interest_areas, :] final_conn.region_labels = original_conn.region_labels[interest_areas] if original_conn.orientations is not None and len(original_conn.orientations): final_conn.orientations = original_conn.orientations[interest_areas, :] if original_conn.cortical is not None and len(original_conn.cortical): final_conn.cortical = original_conn.cortical[interest_areas] if original_conn.hemispheres is not None and len(original_conn.hemispheres): final_conn.hemispheres = original_conn.hemispheres[interest_areas] if original_conn.areas is not None and len(original_conn.areas): final_conn.areas = original_conn.areas[interest_areas] final_conn.tract_lengths = new_tracts final_conn.saved_selection = [] final_conn.configure() return final_conn