# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
# https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/neuroscience-publications
The adapters in this module create new connectivities from the Allen Institute
data using their SDK.
.. moduleauthor:: Francesca Melozzi <france.melozzi@gmail.com>
.. moduleauthor:: Marmaduke Woodman <marmaduke.woodman@univ-amu.fr>
import os.path
import numpy
import numpy as np
from allensdk.core.mouse_connectivity_cache import MouseConnectivityCache
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.db.connectivity import ConnectivityIndex
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.db.region_mapping import RegionVolumeMappingIndex
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.db.structural import StructuralMRIIndex
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.db.volume import VolumeIndex
from tvb.basic.logger.builder import get_logger
from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import Float, Int, EnumAttr, TVBEnum
from tvb.core.adapters.abcadapter import ABCAdapterForm, ABCAdapter
from tvb.core.entities.storage import dao
from tvb.core.neotraits.forms import SelectField, FloatField
from tvb.core.neotraits.view_model import ViewModel
from tvb.datatypes.connectivity import Connectivity
from tvb.datatypes.region_mapping import RegionVolumeMapping
from tvb.datatypes.structural import StructuralMRI
from tvb.datatypes.volumes import Volume
LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)
class ResolutionOptionsEnum(TVBEnum):
FIFTY = 50
class WeightsOptionsEnum(TVBEnum):
class AllenConnectModel(ViewModel):
resolution = EnumAttr(
label="Spatial resolution (micron)",
weighting = EnumAttr(
label="Definition of the weights of the connectivity :",
1: download injection density <br/>
2: download projection density <br/>
3: download projection energy <br/>
inj_f_thresh = Float(
label="Injected percentage of voxels in the inj site",
doc="""To build the volume and the connectivity select only the areas that have a volume
greater than (micron^3): """)
vol_thresh = Float(
label="Min volume",
doc="""To build the connectivity select only the experiment where the percentage of infected voxels
in the injection structure is greater than: """)
class AllenConnectomeBuilder(ABCAdapter):
"""Handler for uploading a mouse connectivity from Allen dataset using AllenSDK."""
_ui_name = "Allen connectivity builder"
_ui_description = "Import mouse connectivity from Allen database (tracer experiments)"
def get_output(self):
return [ConnectivityIndex, VolumeIndex, RegionVolumeMappingIndex, StructuralMRIIndex]
def launch(self, view_model):
resolution = view_model.resolution.value
weighting = view_model.weighting.value
inj_f_thresh = view_model.inj_f_thresh / 100.
vol_thresh = view_model.vol_thresh
project = dao.get_project_by_id(self.current_project_id)
manifest_file = self.storage_interface.get_allen_mouse_cache_folder(project.name)
manifest_file = os.path.join(manifest_file, 'mouse_connectivity_manifest.json')
cache = MouseConnectivityCache(resolution=resolution, manifest_file=manifest_file)
# the method creates a dictionary with information about which experiments need to be downloaded
ist2e = dictionary_builder(cache, False)
# the method downloads experiments necessary to build the connectivity
projmaps = download_an_construct_matrix(cache, weighting, ist2e, False)
# the method cleans the file projmaps in 4 steps
projmaps = pms_cleaner(projmaps)
# download from the AllenSDK the annotation volume, the template volume
vol, annot_info = cache.get_annotation_volume()
template, template_info = cache.get_template_volume()
# rotate template in the TVB 3D reference:
template = rotate_reference(template)
# grab the StructureTree instance
structure_tree = cache.get_structure_tree()
# the method includes in the parcellation only brain regions whose volume is greater than vol_thresh
projmaps = areas_volume_threshold(cache, projmaps, vol_thresh, resolution)
# the method exclude from the experimental dataset
# those exps where the injected fraction of pixel in the injection site is lower than than the inj_f_thr
projmaps = infected_threshold(cache, projmaps, inj_f_thresh)
# the method creates file order and keyword that will be the link between the SC order and the
# id key in the Allen database
[order, key_ord] = create_file_order(projmaps, structure_tree)
# the method builds the Structural Connectivity (SC) matrix
structural_conn = construct_structural_conn(projmaps, order, key_ord)
# the method returns the coordinate of the centres and the name of the brain areas in the selected parcellation
[centres, names] = construct_centres(cache, order, key_ord)
# the method returns the tract lengths between the brain areas in the selected parcellation
tract_lengths = construct_tract_lengths(centres)
# the method associated the parent and the grandparents to the child in the selected parcellation with
# the biggest volume
[unique_parents, unique_grandparents] = parents_and_grandparents_finder(cache, order, key_ord, structure_tree)
# the method returns a volume indexed between 0 and N-1, with N=tot brain areas in the parcellation.
# -1=background and areas that are not in the parcellation
vol_parcel = mouse_brain_visualizer(vol, order, key_ord, unique_parents, unique_grandparents,
structure_tree, projmaps)
# results: Connectivity, Volume & RegionVolumeMapping
# Connectivity
result_connectivity = Connectivity()
result_connectivity.centres = centres
result_connectivity.region_labels = numpy.array(names)
result_connectivity.weights = structural_conn
result_connectivity.tract_lengths = tract_lengths
# Volume
result_volume = Volume()
result_volume.origin = numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
result_volume.voxel_size = numpy.array([resolution, resolution, resolution])
# result_volume.voxel_unit= micron
# Region Volume Mapping
result_rvm = RegionVolumeMapping()
result_rvm.volume = result_volume
result_rvm.array_data = vol_parcel
result_rvm.connectivity = result_connectivity
result_rvm.title = "Volume mouse brain "
result_rvm.dimensions_labels = ["X", "Y", "Z"]
# Volume template
result_template = StructuralMRI()
result_template.array_data = template
result_template.weighting = 'T1'
result_template.volume = result_volume
connectivity_index = self.store_complete(result_connectivity)
volume_index = self.store_complete(result_volume)
rvm_index = self.store_complete(result_rvm)
template_index = self.store_complete(result_template)
return [connectivity_index, volume_index, rvm_index, template_index]
def get_required_memory_size(self, view_model):
return -1
def get_required_disk_size(self, view_model):
return -1
# the method creates a dictionary with information about which experiments need to be downloaded
def dictionary_builder(tvb_mcc, transgenic_line):
# open up a list of all of the experiments
all_experiments = tvb_mcc.get_experiments(dataframe=True, cre=transgenic_line)
# build dict of injection structure id to experiment list
ist2e = {}
for eid in all_experiments.index:
isti = all_experiments.loc[eid]['primary_injection_structure']
if isti not in ist2e:
ist2e[isti] = []
return ist2e
# the method downloads experiments necessary to build the connectivity
def download_an_construct_matrix(tvb_mcc, weighting, ist2e, transgenic_line):
projmaps = {}
if weighting == 3: # download projection energy
for isti, elist in ist2e.items():
projmaps[isti] = tvb_mcc.get_projection_matrix(
projection_structure_ids=list(ist2e), # summary_structure_ids,
LOGGER.info('injection site id', isti, ' has ', len(elist), ' experiments with pm shape ',
else: # download projection density:
for isti, elist in ist2e.items():
projmaps[isti] = tvb_mcc.get_projection_matrix(
projection_structure_ids=list(ist2e), # summary_structure_ids,
LOGGER.info('injection site id', isti, ' has ', len(elist), ' experiments with pm shape ',
if weighting == 1: # download injection density
injdensity = {}
all_experiments = tvb_mcc.get_experiments(dataframe=True, cre=transgenic_line)
for exp_id in all_experiments['id']:
inj_d = tvb_mcc.get_injection_density(exp_id, file_name=None)
# all the experiments have only an injection sites (only 3 coordinates),
# thus it is possible to sum the injection matrix
injdensity[exp_id] = (np.sum(inj_d[0]) / np.count_nonzero(inj_d[0]))
LOGGER.info('Experiment id', exp_id, ', the total injection density is ', injdensity[exp_id])
# in this case projmaps will contain PD/ID
for inj_id in range(len(list(projmaps.values()))):
index = 0
for exp_id in list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['rows']:
list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['matrix'][index] = list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['matrix'][
index] / \
index += 1
return projmaps
# the method cleans the file projmaps in 4 steps
def pms_cleaner(projmaps):
def get_structure_id_set(pm):
return set([c['structure_id'] for c in pm['columns']])
sis0 = get_structure_id_set(projmaps[502])
# 1) All the target sites are the same for all the injection sites? If not remove those injection sites
for inj_id in list(projmaps):
sis_i = get_structure_id_set(projmaps[inj_id])
if len(sis0.difference(sis_i)) != 0:
projmaps.pop(inj_id, None)
# 2) All the injection sites are also target sites? If not remove those injection sites
for inj_id in projmaps:
if inj_id not in sis0:
del projmaps[inj_id]
# 3) All the target sites are also injection sites? if not remove those targets from the columns and from the matrix
if len(sis0) != len(list(projmaps)):
for inj_id in range(len(list(projmaps.values()))):
targ_id = -1
while len(list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['columns']) != (3 * len(list(projmaps))):
# there is -3 since for each id-target I have 3 regions since I have 3 hemisphere to consider
targ_id += 1
if list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['columns'][targ_id]['structure_id'] not in list(projmaps):
del list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['columns'][targ_id]
list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['matrix'] = np.delete(list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['matrix'],
targ_id, 1)
targ_id = -1
# 4) Exclude the areas that have NaN values (in all the experiments)
nan_id = {}
for inj_id in projmaps.keys():
mat = projmaps[inj_id]['matrix']
for targ_id in range(mat.shape[1]):
if all([np.isnan(mat[exp, targ_id]) for exp in range(mat.shape[0])]):
if inj_id not in list(nan_id):
nan_id[inj_id] = []
while bool(nan_id):
remove = []
nan_inj_max = 0
while list(nan_id)[0] != nan_inj_max:
len_max = 0
for inj_id in list(nan_id):
if len(nan_id[inj_id]) > len_max:
nan_inj_max = inj_id
len_max = len(nan_id[inj_id])
if list(nan_id)[0] != nan_inj_max:
if len(remove) == 0:
for inj_id in nan_id:
for target_id in nan_id[inj_id]:
if target_id not in remove:
for rem in remove:
if rem in list(projmaps):
# Remove Nan areas from targe list (columns+matrix)
for inj_id in range(len(list(projmaps))):
targ_id = -1
previous_size = len(list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['columns'])
while len(list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['columns']) != (previous_size - 3): # 3 hemispheres
targ_id += 1
column = list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['columns'][targ_id]
if column['structure_id'] == rem:
del list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['columns'][targ_id]
list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['matrix'] = np.delete(list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['matrix'],
targ_id, 1)
targ_id = -1
# evaluate if there are still Nan values in the matrices
nan_id = {}
for inj_id in projmaps:
mat = projmaps[inj_id]['matrix']
for targ_id in range(mat.shape[1]):
if all([np.isnan(mat[exp, targ_id]) for exp in range(mat.shape[0])]):
if inj_id not in list(nan_id):
nan_id[inj_id] = []
return projmaps
def areas_volume_threshold(tvb_mcc, projmaps, vol_thresh, resolution):
the method includes in the parcellation only brain regions whose volume is greater than vol_thresh
threshold = vol_thresh / (resolution ** 3)
id_ok = []
for ID in projmaps:
mask, _ = tvb_mcc.get_structure_mask(ID)
tot_voxels = (np.count_nonzero(mask)) / 2 # mask contains both left and right hemisphere
if tot_voxels > threshold:
# Remove areas that are not in id_ok from the injection list
for checkid in list(projmaps):
if checkid not in id_ok:
projmaps.pop(checkid, None)
# Remove areas that are not in id_ok from target list (columns+matrix)
for inj_id in range(len(list(projmaps.values()))):
targ_id = -1
while len(list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['columns']) != (len(id_ok) * 3): # I have 3 hemispheres
targ_id += 1
if list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['columns'][targ_id]['structure_id'] not in id_ok:
del list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['columns'][targ_id]
list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['matrix'] = np.delete(list(projmaps.values())[inj_id]['matrix'],
targ_id, 1)
targ_id = -1
return projmaps
# the method includes in the dataset for creating the SC only the experiments whose fraction of infected pixels (in the injection site)
# is greater than inj_f_threshold
def infected_threshold(tvb_mcc, projmaps, inj_f_threshold):
id_ok = []
for ID in projmaps:
exp_not_accepted = []
for exp in projmaps[ID]['rows']:
inj_info = tvb_mcc.get_structure_unionizes([exp], is_injection=True, structure_ids=[ID],
include_descendants=True, hemisphere_ids=[2])
if len(inj_info) == 0:
inj_f = inj_info['sum_projection_pixels'][0] / inj_info['sum_pixels'][0]
if inj_f < inj_f_threshold:
if len(exp_not_accepted) < len(projmaps[ID]['rows']):
projmaps[ID]['rows'] = list(set(projmaps[ID]['rows']).difference(set(exp_not_accepted)))
for checkid in list(projmaps):
if checkid not in id_ok:
projmaps.pop(checkid, None)
# Remove areas that are not in id_ok from target list (columns+matrix)
for indexinj in range(len(list(projmaps.values()))):
indextarg = -1
while len(list(projmaps.values())[indexinj]['columns']) != (len(id_ok) * 3): # I have 3 hemispheres
indextarg += 1
if list(projmaps.values())[indexinj]['columns'][indextarg]['structure_id'] not in id_ok:
del list(projmaps.values())[indexinj]['columns'][indextarg]
list(projmaps.values())[indexinj]['matrix'] = np.delete(list(projmaps.values())[indexinj]['matrix'],
indextarg, 1)
indextarg = -1
return projmaps
def create_file_order(projmaps, structure_tree):
the method creates file order and keyord that will be the link between the structural conn
order and the id key in the Allen database
order = {}
for index in range(len(projmaps)):
target_id = list(projmaps.values())[0]['columns'][index]['structure_id']
order[structure_tree.get_structures_by_id([target_id])[0]['graph_order']] = [target_id]
key_ord = list(order)
return order, key_ord
# the method builds the Structural Connectivity (SC) matrix
def construct_structural_conn(projmaps, order, key_ord):
len_right = len(list(projmaps))
structural_conn = np.zeros((len_right, 2 * len_right), dtype=float)
row = -1
for graph_ord_inj in key_ord:
row += 1
inj_id = order[graph_ord_inj][0]
target = projmaps[inj_id]['columns']
matrix = projmaps[inj_id]['matrix']
# average on the experiments (NB: if there are NaN values not average!)
if np.isnan(np.sum(matrix)):
matrix_temp = np.zeros((matrix.shape[1], 1), dtype=float)
for i in range(matrix.shape[1]):
if np.isnan(sum(matrix[:, i])):
occ = 0
for jj in range(matrix.shape[0]):
if matrix[jj, i] == matrix[jj, i]: # since nan!=nan
occ += 1
matrix_temp[i, 0] = matrix_temp[i, 0] + matrix[jj, i]
matrix_temp[i, 0] = matrix_temp[i, 0] / occ
matrix_temp[i, 0] = sum(matrix[:, i]) / matrix.shape[0]
matrix = matrix_temp
matrix = (np.array([sum(matrix[:, i]) for i in range(matrix.shape[1])]) / (matrix.shape[0]))
# order the target
col = -1
for graph_ord_targ in key_ord:
col += 1
targ_id = order[graph_ord_targ][0]
for index in range(len(target)):
if target[index]['structure_id'] == targ_id:
if target[index]['hemisphere_id'] == 2:
structural_conn[row, col] = matrix[index]
if target[index]['hemisphere_id'] == 1:
structural_conn[row, col + len_right] = matrix[index]
# save the complete matrix (both left and right inj):
first_quarter = structural_conn[:, :(structural_conn.shape[1] // 2)]
second_quarter = structural_conn[:, (structural_conn.shape[1] // 2):]
sc_down = np.concatenate((second_quarter, first_quarter), axis=1)
structural_conn = np.concatenate((structural_conn, sc_down), axis=0)
structural_conn = structural_conn / (np.amax(structural_conn)) # normalize the matrix
return structural_conn.T # transpose because TVB convention requires SC[target, source]!
# the method returns the centres of the brain areas in the selected parcellation
def construct_centres(tvb_mcc, order, key_ord):
centres = np.zeros((len(key_ord) * 2, 3), dtype=float)
names = []
row = -1
for graph_ord_inj in key_ord:
node_id = order[graph_ord_inj][0]
coord = [0, 0, 0]
mask, _ = tvb_mcc.get_structure_mask(node_id)
mask = rotate_reference(mask)
mask_r = mask[:mask.shape[0] // 2, :, :]
xyz = np.where(mask_r)
if xyz[0].shape[0] > 0: # Check if the area is in the annotation volume
coord[0] = np.mean(xyz[0])
coord[1] = np.mean(xyz[1])
coord[2] = np.mean(xyz[2])
row += 1
centres[row, :] = coord
coord[0] = (mask.shape[0]) - coord[0]
centres[row + len(key_ord), :] = coord
n = order[graph_ord_inj][1]
right = 'Right '
right += n
right = str(right)
for graph_ord_inj in key_ord:
n = order[graph_ord_inj][1]
left = 'Left '
left += n
left = str(left)
return centres, names
# the method returns the tract lengths between the brain areas in the selected parcellation
def construct_tract_lengths(centres):
len_right = len(centres) // 2
tracts = np.zeros((len_right, len(centres)), dtype=float)
for inj in range(len_right):
center_inj = centres[inj]
for targ in range(len_right):
targ_r = centres[targ]
targ_l = centres[targ + len_right]
tracts[inj, targ] = np.sqrt(
(center_inj[0] - targ_r[0]) ** 2 + (center_inj[1] - targ_r[1]) ** 2 + (center_inj[2] - targ_r[2]) ** 2)
tracts[inj, targ + len_right] = np.sqrt(
(center_inj[0] - targ_l[0]) ** 2 + (center_inj[1] - targ_l[1]) ** 2 + (center_inj[2] - targ_l[2]) ** 2)
# Save the complete matrix (both left and right inj):
first_quarter = tracts[:, :(tracts.shape[1] // 2)]
second_quarter = tracts[:, (tracts.shape[1] // 2):]
tracts_down = np.concatenate((second_quarter, first_quarter), axis=1)
tracts = np.concatenate((tracts, tracts_down), axis=0)
return tracts.T # transpose because TVB convention requires SC[target, source]!
# the method associated the parent and the grandparents to the child in the selected parcellation with the biggest vol
# Since the parcellation is reduced some areas are in the annotation volume but not in the parcellation,
# so it is possible to plot also those areas with following trick:
# If an area that is not in the parcellation is brother of an area that is in the parcellation (same parent),
# the areas not in the parcellation will be plotted in the vol with the
# same vec_indexed of the area in the parcellation.
# In order to have an univocal relation, since some areas in the parcellation have some parent
# for each parent it will be link the child with the biggest volume in the parcellation
# the same is done for the grandparents
def parents_and_grandparents_finder(tvb_mcc, order, key_ord, structure_tree):
parents = [] # Here it will be the id of the parents of the areas in the parcellation
grandparents = [] # Here it will be the id of the grandparents of the areas in the parcellation
vol_areas = [] # Here it will be the volume of the areas in the parcellation
vec_index = [] # Here it will be the index of the vector of the areas in the parcellation
index = 0
for graph_ord_inj in key_ord:
node_id = order[graph_ord_inj][0]
index += 1
mask, _ = tvb_mcc.get_structure_mask(node_id)
tot_voxels = np.count_nonzero(mask)
# I will order parents, grandparents, vec_index according to the volume of the areas
parents = [parents for (vv, parents) in sorted(zip(vol_areas, parents))]
grandparents = [grandparents for (vv, grandparents) in sorted(zip(vol_areas, grandparents))]
vec_index = [iid for (vv, iid) in sorted(zip(vol_areas, vec_index))]
k = len(parents)
unique_parents = {} # Unique parents will be a dictionary with keys the parent id and as value the index vec
# of the region in parcellation which has that parent id
for p in reversed(parents):
k -= 1
if p not in list(unique_parents):
unique_parents[p] = vec_index[k]
k = len(grandparents)
unique_gradparents = {} # Unique parents will be a dictionary with keys the parent id and as value the index vec
# of the region in my parcellation that has that parent id
for p in reversed(grandparents):
k -= 1
if np.isnan(p) == 0:
if p not in list(unique_gradparents):
unique_gradparents[p] = vec_index[k]
return unique_parents, unique_gradparents
def mouse_brain_visualizer(vol, order, key_ord, unique_parents, unique_grandparents, structure_tree, projmaps):
the method returns a volume indexed between 0 and N-1, with N=tot brain areas in the parcellation.
-1=background and areas that are not in the parcellation
tot_areas = len(key_ord) * 2
indexed_vec = np.arange(tot_areas).reshape(tot_areas, )
# vec indexed between 0 and (N-1), with N=total number of area in the parcellation
indexed_vec = indexed_vec + 1 # vec indexed between 1 and N
indexed_vec = indexed_vec * (10 ** (-(1 + int(np.log10(tot_areas)))))
# vec indexed between 0 and 0,N (now all the entries of vec_indexed are < 1 in order to not create confusion
# with the entry of Vol (always greater than 1)
vol_r = vol[:, :, :(vol.shape[2] // 2)]
vol_r = vol_r.astype(np.float64)
vol_l = vol[:, :, (vol.shape[2] // 2):]
vol_l = vol_l.astype(np.float64)
index_vec = 0 # this is the index of the vector
left = len(indexed_vec) // 2
for graph_ord_inj in key_ord:
node_id = order[graph_ord_inj][0]
if node_id in vol_r: # check if the area is in the annotation volume
vol_r[vol_r == node_id] = indexed_vec[index_vec]
vol_l[vol_l == node_id] = indexed_vec[index_vec + left]
child = []
for ii in range(len(structure_tree.children([node_id])[0])):
while len(child) != 0:
if (child[0] in vol_r) and (child[0] not in list(projmaps)):
vol_r[vol_r == child[0]] = indexed_vec[index_vec]
vol_l[vol_l == child[0]] = indexed_vec[index_vec + left]
index_vec += 1 # index of vector
vol_parcel = np.concatenate((vol_r, vol_l), axis=2)
# Since the parcellation is reduced some areas are in the annotation volume but not in the parcellation,
# so it is possible to plot also those areas with trick explained in ParentsAndGrandPArentsFinder
# Parents:
bool_idx = (vol_parcel > np.amax(indexed_vec))
# Find the elements of vol_parcel that are yet not associated to a value of the indexed_vec in the parcellation
not_assigned = np.unique(vol_parcel[bool_idx])
vol_r = vol_parcel[:, :, :(vol.shape[2] // 2)]
vol_r = vol_r.astype(np.float64)
vol_l = vol_parcel[:, :, (vol.shape[2] // 2):]
vol_l = vol_l.astype(np.float64)
for node_id in not_assigned:
node_id = int(node_id)
if structure_tree.get_structures_by_id([node_id])[0] is not None:
ancestor = structure_tree.get_structures_by_id([node_id])[0]['structure_id_path']
ancestor = []
while len(ancestor) > 0:
pp = ancestor[-1]
if pp in list(unique_parents):
vol_r[vol_r == node_id] = indexed_vec[unique_parents[pp]]
vol_l[vol_l == node_id] = indexed_vec[unique_parents[pp] + left]
ancestor = []
vol_parcel = np.concatenate((vol_r, vol_l), axis=2)
# Grand parents:
bool_idx = (vol_parcel > np.amax(indexed_vec))
# Find the elements of vol_parcel that are yet not associated to a value of the indexed_vec in the parcellation
not_assigned = np.unique(vol_parcel[bool_idx])
vol_r = vol_parcel[:, :, :(vol.shape[2] // 2)]
vol_r = vol_r.astype(np.float64)
vol_l = vol_parcel[:, :, (vol.shape[2] // 2):]
vol_l = vol_l.astype(np.float64)
for node_id in not_assigned:
node_id = int(node_id)
if structure_tree.get_structures_by_id([node_id])[0] is not None:
ancestor = structure_tree.get_structures_by_id([node_id])[0]['structure_id_path']
ancestor = []
while len(ancestor) > 0:
pp = ancestor[-1]
if pp in list(unique_grandparents):
vol_r[vol_r == node_id] = indexed_vec[unique_grandparents[pp]]
vol_l[vol_l == node_id] = indexed_vec[unique_grandparents[pp] + left]
ancestor = []
vol_parcel = np.concatenate((vol_r, vol_l), axis=2)
vol_parcel[vol_parcel >= 1] = 0 # set all the areas not in the parcellation to 0 since the background is zero
vol_parcel = vol_parcel * (10 ** (1 + int(np.log10(tot_areas)))) # return to indexed between
# 1 and N (with N=tot number of areas in the parcellation)
vol_parcel = vol_parcel - 1 # with this operation background and areas not in parcellation will be -1
# and all the others with the indexed between 0 and N-1
vol_parcel = np.round(vol_parcel)
vol_parcel = rotate_reference(vol_parcel)
return vol_parcel
# the method rotate the Allen 3D (x1,y1,z1) reference in the TVB 3D reference (x2,y2,z2).
# the relation between the different reference system is: x1=z2, y1=x2, z1=y2
def rotate_reference(allen):
# first rotation in order to obtain: x1=x2, y1=z2, z1=y2
vol_trans = np.zeros((allen.shape[0], allen.shape[2], allen.shape[1]), dtype=int)
for x in range(allen.shape[0]):
vol_trans[x, :, :] = (allen[x, :, :][::-1]).transpose()
# second rotation in order to obtain: x1=z2, y1=x1, z1=y2
allen_rotate = np.zeros((allen.shape[2], allen.shape[0], allen.shape[1]), dtype=int)
for y in range(allen.shape[1]):
allen_rotate[:, :, y] = (vol_trans[:, :, y]).transpose()
return allen_rotate