# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2024, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
# https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/neuroscience-publications
Adapter that uses the traits module to generate interfaces for ... Analyzer.
.. moduleauthor:: Stuart A. Knock <Stuart@tvb.invalid>
.. moduleauthor:: Lia Domide <lia.domide@codemart.ro>
.. moduleauthor:: Paula Popa <paula.popa@codemart.ro>
import uuid
import numpy
from scipy.signal import correlate
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.db.graph import CorrelationCoefficientsIndex
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.db.temporal_correlations import CrossCorrelationIndex
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.db.time_series import TimeSeriesIndex, TimeSeriesEEGIndex, TimeSeriesMEGIndex, \
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.h5.temporal_correlations_h5 import CrossCorrelationH5
from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import Float
from tvb.basic.neotraits.info import narray_describe
from tvb.core.adapters.abcadapter import ABCAdapterForm, ABCAdapter
from tvb.core.adapters.exceptions import LaunchException
from tvb.core.entities.filters.chain import FilterChain
from tvb.core.neocom import h5
from tvb.core.neotraits.forms import FloatField, TraitDataTypeSelectField
from tvb.core.neotraits.view_model import ViewModel, DataTypeGidAttr
from tvb.datatypes.graph import CorrelationCoefficients
from tvb.datatypes.temporal_correlations import CrossCorrelation
from tvb.datatypes.time_series import TimeSeries
class CrossCorrelateAdapterModel(ViewModel):
time_series = DataTypeGidAttr(
label="Time Series",
doc="""The time-series for which the cross correlation sequences are calculated."""
class CrossCorrelateAdapter(ABCAdapter):
""" TVB adapter for calling the CrossCorrelate algorithm. """
_ui_name = "Cross-correlation of nodes"
_ui_description = "Cross-correlate two one-dimensional arrays."
_ui_subsection = "crosscorr"
def get_output(self):
return [CrossCorrelationIndex]
def get_required_memory_size(self, view_model):
# type: (CrossCorrelateAdapterModel) -> int
Returns the required memory to be able to run the adapter.
# Not all the data is loaded into memory at one time here.
used_shape = (self.input_shape[0], 1, self.input_shape[2], self.input_shape[3])
input_size = numpy.prod(used_shape) * 8.0
output_size = self._result_size(used_shape)
return input_size + output_size
def get_required_disk_size(self, view_model):
# type: (CrossCorrelateAdapterModel) -> int
Returns the required disk size to be able to run the adapter (in kB).
used_shape = (self.input_shape[0], 1, self.input_shape[2], self.input_shape[3])
return self.array_size2kb(self._result_size(used_shape))
def launch(self, view_model):
# type: (CrossCorrelateAdapterModel) -> [CrossCorrelationIndex]
Launch algorithm and build results.
Compute the node-pairwise cross-correlation of the source 4D TimeSeries represented by the index given as input.
Return a CrossCorrelationIndex. Create a CrossCorrelationH5 that contains the cross-correlation
sequences for all possible combinations of the nodes.
See: http://www.scipy.org/doc/api_docs/SciPy.signal.signaltools.html#correlate
:param view_model: the ViewModel keeping the algorithm inputs
:return: the cross correlation index for the given time series
:rtype: `CrossCorrelationIndex`
# --------- Prepare CrossCorrelationIndex and CrossCorrelationH5 objects for result ------------##
cross_corr_index = CrossCorrelationIndex()
cross_corr_h5_path = self.path_for(CrossCorrelationH5, cross_corr_index.gid)
cross_corr_h5 = CrossCorrelationH5(cross_corr_h5_path)
node_slice = [slice(self.input_shape[0]), None, slice(self.input_shape[2]), slice(self.input_shape[3])]
# ---------- Iterate over slices and compose final result ------------##
small_ts = TimeSeries()
with h5.h5_file_for_index(self.input_time_series_index) as ts_h5:
small_ts.sample_period = ts_h5.sample_period.load()
small_ts.sample_period_unit = ts_h5.sample_period_unit.load()
partial_cross_corr = None
for var in range(self.input_shape[1]):
node_slice[1] = slice(var, var + 1)
small_ts.data = ts_h5.read_data_slice(tuple(node_slice))
partial_cross_corr = self._compute_cross_correlation(small_ts, ts_h5)
partial_cross_corr.source.gid = view_model.time_series
partial_cross_corr.gid = uuid.UUID(cross_corr_index.gid)
self.fill_index_from_h5(cross_corr_index, cross_corr_h5)
cross_corr_h5.store(partial_cross_corr, scalars_only=True)
return cross_corr_index
def _compute_cross_correlation(self, small_ts, input_ts_h5):
Cross-correlate two one-dimensional arrays. Return a CrossCorrelation datatype with result.
# (tpts, nodes, nodes, state-variables, modes)
result_shape = self._result_shape(small_ts.data.shape)
self.log.info("result shape will be: %s" % str(result_shape))
result = numpy.zeros(result_shape)
# TODO: For region level, 4s, 2000Hz, this takes ~3hours...(which makes node_coherence seem positively speedy
# Probably best to add a keyword for offsets, so we just compute +- some "small" range...
# One inter-node correlation, across offsets, for each state-var & mode.
for mode in range(result_shape[4]):
for var in range(result_shape[3]):
data = input_ts_h5.data[:, var, :, mode]
data = data - data.mean(axis=0)[numpy.newaxis, :]
# TODO: Work out a way around the 4 level loop:
for n1 in range(result_shape[1]):
for n2 in range(result_shape[2]):
result[:, n1, n2, var, mode] = correlate(data[:, n1], data[:, n2], mode="same")
offset = (small_ts.sample_period *
numpy.arange(-numpy.floor(result_shape[0] / 2.0), numpy.ceil(result_shape[0] / 2.0)))
cross_corr = CrossCorrelation(source=small_ts, array_data=result, time=offset)
return cross_corr
def _result_shape(input_shape):
"""Returns the shape of the main result of ...."""
result_shape = (input_shape[0], input_shape[2], input_shape[2], input_shape[1], input_shape[3])
return result_shape
def _result_size(self, input_shape):
Returns the storage size in Bytes of the main result of .
result_size = numpy.sum(list(map(numpy.prod, self._result_shape(input_shape)))) * 8.0 # Bytes
return result_size
class PearsonCorrelationCoefficientAdapterModel(ViewModel):
time_series = DataTypeGidAttr(
label="Time Series",
doc="""The time-series for which the cross correlation matrices are calculated."""
t_start = Float(
doc="""Time start point (ms). By default it uses the default Monitor sample period.
The starting time point of a time series is not zero, but the monitor's sample period. """)
t_end = Float(
doc=""" End time point (ms) """)
class PearsonCorrelationCoefficientAdapter(ABCAdapter):
""" TVB adapter for calling the Pearson correlation coefficients algorithm. """
_ui_name = "Pearson correlation coefficients"
_ui_description = "Cross Correlation"
_ui_subsection = "ccpearson"
def get_output(self):
return [CorrelationCoefficientsIndex]
def get_required_memory_size(self, view_model):
# type: (PearsonCorrelationCoefficientAdapterModel) -> int
Returns the required memory to be able to run this adapter.
in_memory_input = [self.input_shape[0], 1, self.input_shape[2], 1]
input_size = numpy.prod(in_memory_input) * 8.0
output_size = self._result_size(self.input_shape)
return input_size + output_size
def get_required_disk_size(self, view_model):
# type: (PearsonCorrelationCoefficientAdapterModel) -> int
Returns the required disk size to be able to run the adapter (in kB).
output_size = self._result_size(self.input_shape)
return self.array_size2kb(output_size)
def launch(self, view_model):
# type: (PearsonCorrelationCoefficientAdapterModel) -> [CorrelationCoefficientsIndex]
Launch algorithm and build results.
Compute the node-pairwise pearson correlation coefficient of the given input 4D TimeSeries datatype.
The result will contain values between -1 and 1, inclusive.
:param view_model: the ViewModel keeping the algorithm inputs
:returns: the correlation coefficient for the given time series
with h5.h5_file_for_index(self.input_time_series_index) as ts_h5:
ts_labels_ordering = ts_h5.labels_ordering.load()
result = self._compute_correlation_coefficients(ts_h5, view_model.t_start, view_model.t_end)
if isinstance(self.input_time_series_index, TimeSeriesEEGIndex) \
or isinstance(self.input_time_series_index, TimeSeriesMEGIndex) \
or isinstance(self.input_time_series_index, TimeSeriesSEEGIndex):
labels_ordering = ["Sensor", "Sensor", "1", "1"]
labels_ordering = list(CorrelationCoefficients.labels_ordering.default)
labels_ordering[0] = ts_labels_ordering[2]
labels_ordering[1] = ts_labels_ordering[2]
corr_coef = CorrelationCoefficients()
corr_coef.array_data = result
corr_coef.source = TimeSeries(gid=view_model.time_series)
corr_coef.labels_ordering = labels_ordering
return self.store_complete(corr_coef)
def _compute_correlation_coefficients(self, ts_h5, t_start, t_end):
Compute the correlation coefficients of a 2D array (tpts x nodes).
Yields an array of size nodes x nodes x state-variables x modes.
The time interval over which the correlation coefficients are computed
is defined by t_start, t_end
See: http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.corrcoef.html
# (nodes, nodes, state-variables, modes)
input_shape = ts_h5.data.shape
result_shape = self._result_shape(input_shape)
self.log.info("result shape will be: %s" % str(result_shape))
result = numpy.zeros(result_shape)
t_lo = int(
(1. / self.input_time_series_index.sample_period) * (t_start - self.input_time_series_index.sample_period))
t_hi = int(
(1. / self.input_time_series_index.sample_period) * (t_end - self.input_time_series_index.sample_period))
t_lo = max(t_lo, 0)
t_hi = max(t_hi, input_shape[0])
# One correlation coeff matrix, for each state-var & mode.
for mode in range(result_shape[3]):
for var in range(result_shape[2]):
current_slice = tuple([slice(t_lo, t_hi + 1), slice(var, var + 1),
slice(input_shape[2]), slice(mode, mode + 1)])
data = ts_h5.data[current_slice].squeeze()
result[:, :, var, mode] = numpy.corrcoef(data.T)
return result
def _result_shape(input_shape):
"""Returns the shape of the main result of ...."""
result_shape = (input_shape[2], input_shape[2], input_shape[1], input_shape[3])
return result_shape
def _result_size(self, input_shape):
Returns the storage size in Bytes of the main result of .
result_size = numpy.sum(list(map(numpy.prod, self._result_shape(input_shape)))) * 8.0 # Bytes
return result_size