TheVirtualBrain Data Formats

The purpose of this chapter is to provide some details about the way TheVirtualBrain instance/installation can exchange data with other TheVirtualBrain instances, or with other applications available in the neuroscience community. Currently, there are several applications that can analyze and record brain activity in different formats, and one of the goals of TheVirtualBrain is to allow users from different backgrounds to have quick access to their recorded data.

To achieve this, we have implemented some mechanisms to IMPORT / EXPORT data at different levels and formats:

  • Project - As you may know, TheVirtualBrain data is organized in projects and one of the options is to transfer projects (with attached data) entirely between TheVirtualBrain installations. This mechanism can be used only between TheVirtualBrain applications, and no other external tools.

  • Simple Data - This feature allows you to transfer independent data (e.g. surface, connectivity, time series) between two TheVirtualBrain instances or between TheVirtualBrain and an external application. As you may note later, depending on the targeted application, data can be exchanged in a custom TheVirtualBrain format or a commonly used format used in the neuroscience community (e.g. H5, GIFTI, NIFTI …)


During export and import operations TheVirtualBrain does not apply any space transformation, so users have to ensure their data (especially in case of import) is generated/stored in the same space.

TheVirtualBrain’s default project contains data in a space where the nose is pointing in the direction of -y and the left ear in the direction of +x. The space is right handed: +z points up.

Before proceeding with more details about data exchange, it would be helpful to give you an idea how TheVirtualBrain stores its data. Basically there are two major storage areas:

  1. Database - where general information/metadata and relations between stored elements are stored (e.g. assignment of data to a project, data metadata - creation date, owner, etc…)

  2. Disk - here we store “the real” data in a HDF5 format ( This means that for each data type (e.g. surface, connectivity, time series) we store on the disk, we have a folder containing a HDF5 / H5 file which contains all data (e.g. vertices, triangles, etc.). This format has the following advantages which made it an optimal solution for our product:

    • can store huge pieces of data and can access it very fast (even random access)

    • can organize data in a tree structure (groups and leaves)

    • allows assignment of metadata on every level

    • is a format agreed upon by the community and can be used/opened with different tools/languages (Python, Matlab, java, C++ …)

An important aspect of TheVirtualBrain storage is that each data/datatype has a GUID, which makes it unique on every system where that data exists.

Exchange Projects

TheVirtualBrain product can be installed both on a server, to be used concurrently by multiple users, but also as a standalone application on a desktop/laptop for personal use. Specifically for the second scenario, there was an important request to allow people to exchange data. So, TheVirtualBrain has a mechanism to export and import an entire project to another system.

Export Project

Using TheVirtualBrain interface, any user can export their projects in a custom format that can be transferred to other users.

File Format

Export results are a ZIP file (named: date + project name), containing in a folder structure all the details about the project. More specifically, it contains:

  • A root level XML file with details about the project itself

  • Folders for each operation performed as part of the project

  • Operation folder contains a view model H5/HDF5 file with details of the operation and a set of H5/HDF5 files for each data type generated during that operation.


    each of the H5 files has a structure as described above in TheVirtualBrain Storage section.

Import Project

A project exported on one system can now be imported on another machine. In the projects area, TheVirtualBrain offers the possibility to import a project packed as ZIP file.

File Format

To import a project, the user has to provide a ZIP with the same structure like the one described above for ‘Export Project’.


The same project cannot be imported multiple times on the same machine, because each project/data has a unique identifier (GUID).

Export Data

Using TheVirtualBrain interface, users can view all data types associated with a project and choose to export individual pieces of data.

The Export Datatype operation can be done in two ways: with or without links.

Export in TVB Format (without links) results in a file with a format specific to TheVirtualBrain; it is not a standard format that can be used automatically by other software. This is basically HDF5/H5 format [] which, for each data type, contains both data and metadata. These files can be easily opened in Python / Matlab / Java / C++ for additional processing.

Export in TVB Format with links will export not only the chosen file, but all other files which are linked to this datatype as well (for example, if you export a region mapping, it will also export the linked connectivity and cortical surface). This second type of export will result in a ZIP file, which contains an HDF5/H5 file for each exported datatype.

In case you want to process HDF5 files with Matlab you can find API documentation here:


The HDF5 functionality referenced above was only introduced in Matlab 2011a.


In the future other data formats might be supported as export format from TVB, but for now, the HDF5 is the only format available at export time.

File Format

As a result of a Simulation or Analyze function, TheVirtualBrain can generate either a data type or a group of data types. Each of such structures can be exported as follows:

  1. if a simple data type is exported, the result is a single HDF5 file.

  2. if a data type group is exported, the result is a ZIP file containing:

    • a list of folders for each operation

    • each operation folder containing a list of HDF5 files, one for each data type included in the exported group. Each file has structure/details as described above in the case of simple data type export. This format applies to any |TVB| data type.

  3. if a simple data type is exported with links, the result is a ZIP file containing a HDF5 file for the exported datatype and a HDF5 file for each linked datatype.

Import Data

Probably this is the most important feature of data exchange, since it allows TheVirtualBrain to bring together data generated independently by other systems/applications and allows its users to perform different analyses on it and visualize them. Since there is an abundance of formats available for neuroimaging data, TheVirtualBrain tries to support as many as possible for an improved user experience.


In case the imported data includes/represents a surface, TheVirtualBrain does an extra check regarding the number of vertices of that surface. Basically you can not import into TheVirtualBrain a surface that has more vertices than a MAX value.

This MAX value is defined and can be changed in the Application Settings area, depending on the configuration/performance of your hardware.

Import Data in TheVirtualBrain Format

In correlation with export operations, TheVirtualBrain interface allows import of data in TheVirtualBrain format that has been exported from other systems. This format applies to any TheVirtualBrain data type. Depending on the uploaded file format, imported data can be as follows:

File Format

  1. If user uploads a ZIP file, the system has to decide if it represents a datatype with links or a datatype group. More specifically, if it finds folders inside the zip file, it will know it is a DatatypeGroup import, otherwise it is an import with links.

  2. If user uploads a simple HDF5/H5 file, the system assumes that a simple data type is imported and tries to process the file accordingly. Basically it reads the metadata stored in the root node group and determines the data type (e.g. connectivity, time series …). Based on the detected type of data, the rest of the details are filled and the object is stored in the database.

Import Volume Time Series from NIFTI-1 Format

NIFTI [ ] is a standard format maintained by “The Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI) and NIfTI Data Format Working Group” and allows the exchange of data with different meanings (imaging data, statistical values, etc.; stored as vectors, matrix, label set or mesh). NIFTI data can be stored in <.nii> or <.hdr+.img> files, or any of these in zipped format (<.gz> files).

For the moment, TheVirtualBrain accommodates import of Volume Time Series from NIFTI files.

File Format

For import, TheVirtualBrain users can upload either .nii or .gz files containing NIFTI data in the format specified by []

Import Sensors

TheVirtualBrain allows users to import data about sensors used for brain imaging. More specifically, TheVirtualBrain supports three types of sensors: EEG, MEG and INTERNAL. During the import process, the user has to select a file to import and the type of the imported sensors. Based on the selected type, the data from the uploaded file will be processed accordingly.

File Format

During import, the user might upload either a TXT file or a zipped TXT in bz2 format. This TXT file should contain data separated by spaces and grouped as follows:

  1. each line contains details of a sensor

  2. for each sensor there are four or seven columns

    • first column represents the name / label of the sensor

    • next three columns represents the position of sensor (x, y, z)

    • next three columns (if present) represents the orientation of sensor. These are required only for MEG sensors.

Import Connectivity from ZIP

This feature allows importing a connectivity from a ZIP file. The ZIP file should contain files with connectivity details as follows:

File Format

ZIP file should include files with the following naming schema and format:

  1. If any file name contains “weight”, it will be considered as the container for connectivity weights and the parse process expects the following format:

    • text file containing values separated by spaces / tabs

    • contains a matrix of weights

    • any value greater than zero is considered as a connection. You should not have negative values in your weights file.

  2. If any file name contains “centres” it will be considered as the container for connectivity centers and the parse process expects the following format:

    • text file containing values separated by spaces / tabs

    • each row represents coordinates data for a region center

    • each row should have at least 4 columns: region label and center position (x, y, z)

    • a region label is a short unique identifier, for example: ‘RM-TCpol_R’

    • each region centre is just a single point in space, corresponding to the centre of the region

    • the meaning of the (x,y,z) coordinates depends entirely on how the data was generated. It is possible to specify any coordinate system you want (“native”, “mni”, “talaraich”) depending on the processing you apply to your data. A region centre would be a single spatial location in 3D. This location is specified by three numbers (x,y,z), these numbers should ideally represent mm and must be relative to an origin (x=0, y=0, z=0).

  3. If any file name contains “tract” it will be considered as a container for connectivity tract lengths and the parse process expects the following format:

    • text file containing values separated by spaces / tabs

    • contains a matrix of tract lengths

    • any value greater than zero is considered as a connection. You should not have negative values in your tract file.

  4. If any file name contains “orientation” it will be considered as a container for connectivity center orientations and parse process expects the following format:

    • text file containing values separated by spaces / tabs

    • each row represents orientation for a region center

    • each row should have at least 3 columns for region center orientations (3 float values separated with spaces or tabs)

  5. If any file name contains “area” it will be considered as a container for connectivity areas and the parse process expects the following format:

    • text file containing one area on each line (as float value)

  6. If any file name contains “cortical” it will be considered as a container for connectivity cortical/non-cortical region flags, and the parse process expects the following format:

    • text file containing one boolean value on each line (as 0 or 1 value) being 1 when corresponding region is cortical.

  7. If any file name contains “hemisphere” it will be considered as a container for hemisphere inclusion flag for connectivity regions, and the parse process expects the following format:

    • text file containing one boolean value on each line (as 0 or 1 value) being 1 when corresponding region is in the right hemisphere and 0 when in left hemisphere.

Import Surface from ZIP

Using this option, users have the possibility to import a surface from a more human readable format into TVB. Basically users have to upload a zip file containing surface data and specify what type of surface they upload (Cortical Surface, Brain Skull, Skull Skin or Skin Air).

File Format

The uploaded ZIP file should contain files with a specified naming schema and format as follows:

  1. If any file name contains “vertices” it will be considered as a container for surface vertices and parse process expects the following format:

    • this is a space separated values file

    • each row represents position of a vertex

    • each row should have three columns (x, y, z as float values)

  2. If any file name contains “normals” it will be considered as a container for surface vertices normals and parse process expects the following format:

    • this is a space separated values file

    • each row represents a vertex normal

    • each row should have three columns (with float values)

  3. If any file name contains “triangles” it will be considered as a container for surface triangles and parse process expects the following format:

    • this is a space separated values file

    • each row represents a triangle

    • each row should have three columns (int values) - each value representing the index of a vertex from the vertices array. This indices could be ZERO based or not, depending on the source which generated the surface. The user is required to specify this at import time.

There are systems/applications that generate and store surface data in two parts: for left and right side. If this is the case, the imported ZIP file is expected to contain text files with the same naming and format, but the name should contain the letter “r” or “l” at the end of the suffix (e.g. <trianglesl.txt> and <trianglesr.txt>)

Import Surface from wavefront obj

OBJ is a generic 3d geometry format. Many 3d authoring tools can export geometry in this format.

File Format

An overview of the OBJ file format can be found on Wikipedia TVB supports only a subset of the specification, meaning that only geometry data is considered and accepted forms for faces attributes are: triangles or quads. We ignore at import time features such as texture coordinates, materials and groups.

Import Surface and TimeSeries from GIFTI

This is a geometry format ( under the Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI) that allows exchange of brain data (surface, time series, shapes, labels …). Basically format is XML based which stores both data and associated metadata in a single file, with .gii extension.

If an uploaded .gii file contains a surface (Cortical Surface or SkinAir) during import, then TheVirtualBrain stores the found vertices / triangles and computes normals for them.

In case a .gii file contains a TimeSeries, the user will be asked to specify what is the surface for which the TimeSeries is imported. Important to know: the number of vertices from imported time series must be the same as the one selected for the surface. Otherwise the import procedure will fail.

File Format

This is a standard format, supported by a large community so all details about it and samples can be found here:


At this moment TheVirtualBrain supports only import of data from a single .gii file. It does not handle cases when metadata is defines in .gii (XML) file and real data in external files.

Import Region Mapping

A Region Mapping in TheVirtualBrain is a vector, defining a mapping between a Cortical Surface and a Connectivity. At import time, you will need to have at least 2 entities in the TheVirtualBrain system: a Connectivity and a Cortical Surface. The two entities need to be spatially aligned (overlap correctly in 3D space).

File Format

For this upload we expect a text file (possibly compressed with bz2). The text file should have no headers, only numeric values separated with spaces.

The file is expected to hold a vector of length number of vertices in the Cortical Surface. The numeric values should be in the interval (0…n-1), where n is the number of regions in the connectivity.

Import Projection Matrix

A Projection Matrix is intended to define a mapping from a source object and a set of sensors. The source entity can be either a Cortical Surface or a Connectivity, in TheVirtualBrain. In order for this import to work, you will need to have previously imported in TheVirtualBrain: both the source and the sensors entities.

File Format

For this upload we expect a single text file, with numeric values, space and line separated. The numeric values in the uploaded file should hold a matrix of size (n, m). n is the number of sensors, and m is the number of nodes. When the projection matrix we want to import is a Surface Projection Matrix, m will be the number of vertices in the target Cortical Surface. When the projection matrix is a region-level one, m will be the number of regions in the Connectivity. Having headers in the text file is not accepted. An incorrect number of values (lines or rows) in the Projection Matrix will also raise an exception.