.. toctree:: :hidden: tutorial_0_GettingStarted tutorial_1_BuildingYourOwnBrainNetworkModel tutorial_2_RestingStateNetworks tutorial_3_ModelingEpilepsy GUI tutorials ============= 0. :ref:`tutorial_0_GettingStarted` 1. :ref:`tutorial_1_BuildingYourOwnBrainNetworkModel` 2. :ref:`tutorial_2_RestingStateNetworks` (work in progress) 3. :ref:`tutorial_3_ModelingEpilepsy` Scripting tutorials =================== These tutorials are written as IPython Notebooks and they use the scripting interface of TVB. They can be run interactively if you have TVB’s scientific library and ipython installed. .. _Region simulation tutorial: https://nbviewer.thevirtualbrain.org/url/docs.thevirtualbrain.org/tutorials/tutorial_s1_region_simulation.ipynb .. _Surface simulation tutorial: https://nbviewer.thevirtualbrain.org/url/docs.thevirtualbrain.org/tutorials/tutorial_s2_surface_simulation.ipynb .. _Exploring a neural mass model: https://nbviewer.thevirtualbrain.org/url/docs.thevirtualbrain.org/tutorials/tutorial_s3_exploring_a_model.ipynb .. _Evoked Responses In The Visual Cortex: https://nbviewer.thevirtualbrain.org/url/docs.thevirtualbrain.org/tutorials/tutorial_s4_EvokedResponsesInTheVisualCortex.ipynb .. _Resting State Networks: https://nbviewer.thevirtualbrain.org/url/docs.thevirtualbrain.org/tutorials/tutorial_s5_ModelingRestingStateNetworks.ipynb .. _Modeling Epilepsy: https://nbviewer.thevirtualbrain.org/url/docs.thevirtualbrain.org/tutorials/tutorial_s6_ModelingEpilepsy.ipynb 1. `Region simulation tutorial`_ 2. `Surface simulation tutorial`_ 3. `Exploring a neural mass model`_ 4. `Evoked Responses In The Visual Cortex`_ 5. `Resting State Networks`_ 6. `Modeling Epilepsy`_ Video tutorials =============== The *TVB EduPack* on the **TVB main website** contains `dozens of video lectures `_ explaining TVB's GUI and scripting interfaces. Some lectures help you reproduce the research done for a peer-reviewed neuroscience publication: * *Basics:* `My first simulation with The Virtual Brain `_, lecture by Paul Triebkorn * *Basics:* `Population Models in The Virtual Brain (TVB) and the Phase Plane `_, lecture by Dr. Michael Schirner * *Epilepsy:* `Modelling Epilepsy with The Virtual Brain `_, lecture by Julie Courtiol * *Epilepsy:* `The Bayesian Virtual Epileptic Patient (BVEP) `_, lecture by Meysam Hashemi * *Stimulation:* `Brain stimulation in The Virtual Brain `_, lecture by Andreas Spiegler * *Stimulation:* `Surface-based simulations and deep brain stimulations `_, lecture by Jil Meier * *Stroke:* `TVB Clinical Applications - Stroke Recovery & Dementia `_, lecture by Randy McIntosh * *Stroke:* `Hands-On: Modeling stroke brain `_, lecture by Paul Triebkorn * *Model construction:* `Import Virtual Brain ready data into TVB and create a brain model `_, lecture by Patrik Bey * *Model construction:* `Integrated workflows: Image processing pipeline `_, lecture by Dr. Michael Schirner * *Special applications:* `Modeling brain dynamics in brain tumor patients using The Virtual Brain `_ * *Special applications:* `Simulating The Virtual Mouse Brain (TVMB) `_, lecture by Patrik Bey * *Advanced simulation:* `Human Brain Project (HBP) TVB-NEST co-simulation `_ * *Advanced simulation:* `TVB to NEST multi-scale simulation `_, lecture by Dionysios Perdikis